News - How Armory Unlocks Work Warzone 2i


If you are a good solo player, you would think the better you are at the game the more the odds are stacked in your favor that you're going to end up with a win at the end of the game cuz you're better you've been working on your skills and that should influence whether or not you win or lose the game, but with the way the matchmaking and team balancing works that's not the case, and that just seems really counterintuitive, to me and it feels like I kind of have to play in a party if I want to efficiently grind toward my standard base unlocks in the game either that or play free-for-all which I'm not really a big fan of free-for-all but that's probably going to be one of the best ways to unlock these because not only are they generally quick matches.

But also, just getting into the top three will count as a win in free-for-all, so you don't have to win the entire game; you just have to get into the top three. In either case, there is another potential issue that I think is going to arise with this being based on wins. And this is something we saw back in the day with Clan Wars, where you needed wins in a certain game mode.

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I think once more people reach these armory unlocks and start to understand the system, we're going to see more players backing out of games than ever before. Looking back to those clan war weekends. It's in your best interest to back out of the game and find a game that you can potentially win, so there we go.


There are just a handful of cons that come with this system, including the fact that you need wins in order to get these unlocks. But on top of this, another thing I wanted to point out is that the grind for this is going to be very long, unless things end up changing over time. Here, I'm just doing some quick math.

If I were to complete all my daily challenges for 30 days in a row and then combine those with wins, how long would it take me to unlock every class item in the game that I would normally unlock just by reaching level 55? Well, assuming I can get about five wins in an hour, I think that's a reasonable number.

You could probably do a little bit better, but other people will do worse than that. I'd say that's a reasonable average. If during a 30-day period I complete all of my daily challenges every single day and then I combine that with wins, that's going to take me a total of 33 hours of gameplay time just to unlock all of the basic class items, and I do think that's quite a daunting grind for the average player out there.


For me, it's probably not going to be that big of a deal. I'm going to get at least all of the items I really want in the first week or two of gameplay time, most likely, and then the rest I probably won't be using too much anyway, but I'll work toward unlocking them over time. But I basically just wanted to point out here that I think there are some positives to the armory unlock system, and I like that they're trying something new.

I'm not feeling entirely pessimistic about this; I at least have some concerns about it, and it may not be tuned and balanced 100% flawlessly.

How it could improve

How it could improve

In its current state, ideally, it would be nice to see additional methods of earning these armory unlocks that don't rely so heavily on your teammates. Like perhaps create tiers of daily challenges where there's still three challenges total, but then each of those challenges has different tiers, and as long as you complete three, then you start working on your bonuses so your wins, but then you can also move on to the next tier of that daily challenge, so tier one could be get 10 operator kills with lmgs, for instance, and then tier two of that challenge is get 50 operator kills with lmgs, and then tier three is 100 operator kills with lmgs, so you could really grind that hard and have those extra opportunities to get these armory unlocks.

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Even if you don't end up winning your games, that's just me spitballing at this point.

Wrap up

I'll talk to you guys next

Modern Warfare III has introduced a brand new method of unlocking many of the class items including certain perks, streaks, equipment, weapons, and more and this is called Armory Unlocks. Today, I wanted to explain exactly how this works as well as my initial thoughts on this system.
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