News - Getting The Better Dark Aether Loot Warzone 2 Zombies Solo Guide


I did eventually end up going down during this ACV. Contract once but believe it or not I actually knew it was going to happen before I even did it I was standing on top of the ACV, during its very last stop and I'm sure you guys know how many zombies appear at this very last stop unfortunately, after looking through all ways of the crowd I was like you know what we're just going to have to jump straight into this thing and we're most likely going to be going down which we did we're going to be all right cuz we brought in a few self- revives and I got a little trick for this end part doing this ACV, we're going to end up taking this zipline, that's up on the wall of the Fortress here and we're going to stand on top of the wall and all of the zombies that are around this thing are going to be just focused on the ACV.

Trying to destroy it, if you guys remember from our previous article, we ended up using this vr11. As practically a sniper rifle, we were able to turn zombies from just like 100 meters away, so you should be okay and in the clear to stand on top of this wall and just constantly keep repairing the ACV.


It's a contract done. Just jump down and grab your stuff. We ended up getting not only that dog bone schematic, but we also got the Ether blade. We ended up getting another elder sigil, plus we got a refined crystal and another self-revive. All right, this loot was a little bit crazy. We may be coming back in here, but I am not going to lie, guys.

That contract was really stressful, and the entire time I was looking at my screen like I was the Chick-fil-A girl, like, what in the hell? I can definitely tell you guys one thing: next time you plan on doing this contract, come in here prepared because that was stressful. So now we're going to head on over and grab our ether extractor bunny, which is going to be on top of the building that we grabbed our ammo in.


If you guys still want to know anything about this elder dark ether, I'm going to throw a map up on the screen right here. Big shout out to Mwz, Hub. They put together all of these awesome interactive maps that'll tell you almost anything you need to know about Modern Warfare Zombies. They have maps for both dark ethers and the big map, and I'm sure that they will continue.

Keep going with the new ones that we get as well. Go check them out at this building, which is also where our bunny is going to be. There's a lot of crystals that are growing all over this building, so I figured we'd rock around and just shoot these things a bunch until we find some sort of decoy that we can use for these E3 extractors.


This game I don't know why usually I can find decoys in these things but it just absolutely, refused, to give me a decoy grenade I was able to finally get two Kashmir grenades so we could get these done my plan is from this point since we have two cashmir grenades we can use one on the first one on the second one and then we should be able to use our ether shroud on the last one well that's how things would went in my perfect little world but that's not how things went we were able to get the first ether extractor, done with no problem but when I went to go run over to the second one that's when we started to have some issues usually when we're done with this first ether extractor we'll run up to the top pillar here and then jump over to the center of the Fortress.

There ended up being a damn hellhound in my way, and I froze him with the Wonder W, and he wouldn't move, so I decided to run around. It was probably a bad judgment call on my part; I think I probably could have just waited it out and then ran through the flames. But here we are now; eventually we decided to go up again, and I had to pop that ether shroud, so now I'm sitting here thinking.


What am I going to do for this last ether extractor of course when we did the second one we did that one with no problem and then I ran up to the top of the Fortress to jump over towards our third ether extractor and when I looked I'm like man we got a Mangler, we got a few dogs usually I would say this would probably be my demise and I do not recommend you guys doing this but I just decided to say screw it and I decided to try it I think I got really lucky cuz we only took two smacks by dogs when we got this done you guys are going to see right here man I was absolutely sweating and luckily when we get these contract, done in here there's not a shitload of zombies still swarming us you're going to have a few and you might want to just shoot them but at least you're not dealing like there is in the new dark ether like that's just crazy sometimes it's harder to get your damn rewards out of the contract than it is actually doing the mission itself.

Ridiculous i mean, hell, even just give us a way to actually increase. The other idea I had was, What if it was like a containment-level thing where your stash limit was actually somewhat tied to the containment level of your operator? Now, this would basically be breaking up the stash in between your selected operators so you wouldn't have like one main stash and each operator would have their own stash.


Let's say your operators all started with only a stash slot of five, but you could eventually get them up to like 50. I don't know personally, but for me, I think that would be the best way they would go. But I kind of have a feeling that the majority of the content that is already going to be coming to this game has already been pre-planned, out and made, and everything, and it's all pretty much already set in stone with what's going to be coming with this game.


Who knows, man, we can always hope for better quality of life improvements. I've been kind of hearing some rumors down the grapevine that Treyarch might be using this mode as like their outbreak mode, which would honestly completely make sense. Being our new main map with a bunch of new dark ether portals and stuff like that I think that would be pretty cool with Treyarch being the absolute, lead rooll Dev on this project instead of just being the side helper devs man I could totally see them going all out with it this year cuz if you guys really think about it throughout the last quite a few Call of Duties we've had cold war with outbreak, and then we had the different weird mutated version the zombies was in Vanguard, and now we have Modern Warfare 3 zombies it's like throughout the entire time they've been kind of molding the zombie mode and trying to perfect this more open World style of zombies and I think there definitely is a place for it least I know definitely on my channel whenever I've done content on outbreak and Modern Warfare 3 zombies, open world zombies has always done the best on my channel followed up just by zombies in general like zombies has always done good on my channel for some reason my audience seems to really like the open World stuff but I absolutely, can't not wait for Treyarch's.


Next game—I mean, this next Black Ops game is just going to be huge. Not only are we getting round-base zombies, and we're going to be doing guides on those Easter egg guides, we're going to be doing like round, 100 guides on top of that, and we're most likely still going to have all of this open world stuff, and we don't know like what type of contracts or if we're getting new bosses or anything.

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