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mw3 2023

Be sure to subscribe for more Kod Update articles like this, and I want to give a quick shout to a bunch of the developers who actually lost their jobs today at a bunch of the studios, which is kind of crazy and a super sad unfortunate situation. And so hopefully they get their jobs back in different areas in the same industry, but as a side note, this may impact Call of Duty, especially Sledgehammer, because I feel like Sledgehammer got hit the hardest, so are we going to see less content from MW3 than we originally expected?

Because of these layoffs, potentially, I'm not so sure I can't confirm that, but from the looks of it, it doesn't look too good here, so I don't know what's happening here. Maybe I'll talk about it in a future article. Obviously, the most important thing is the people that got laid off finding. Their jobs are getting the same job at a different, you know, studio, in a different industry.

mw3 beta

I'll be sure to potentially talk about it in a future article again. I want to talk a lot about the future of this mood and how that's going to bring us into Try Zombie Kod 2024. My second channel as well matters more than what I'll be doing over there, so a lot of stuff is happening over the next couple of days and weeks, with season 2 coming up as well, so we're still in for some decent call times here, but still, it's been a pretty rough day for Call of Duty fans and especially developers that lost their jobs there.

So, really sad stuff, but we'll talk more about that again in future articles. But that's it for this article. Peace out,

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