News - Floatys Revenge 8. 0 Setup Guide. Cronus Zen Best Warzone 2 Script Tutorials

0 recoil

In today's article, we'll be talking about how to set up the brand new floaties from Revenge 8.0. If you guys don't know what the script is, watch these two articles: You can see the gameplay and the values all right now. Once you do that, head over to the public Discord. We've got 3 000 members in here, and it's a very active Discord.

Man, I'm always in here. All you're going to do is message Floaty, and he'll send you floors. Revenge 7.0 all right now Flirt 7.0 is just as good a man. I'm telling you right now. The 8.0 just has a couple of different mods, but the 7.0 doesn't; we were just using the 7.0 last week, all right, so we were just using the 700 last week, so it's not like it just fell off; it's not like it's garbage; it's very good.

All right now. Once you've downloaded the software, you're going to obviously make sure you're up-to-date. Zen studio If you don't know how to do that already, I'll add a tutorial. How to update your Chrome is in, so you guys can watch that now. What you're going to do, guys, is obviously download the script.

aim assist

Once you download it, you're going to click this right here; it's going to be over in your downloads. Okay, see what my mouse is; it's going to be in your downloads. Mine is in insane scripts because these are the insane scripts we've got so far, so we're going to click and drag it into the compiler, man.

You can see over here, Floaters in the Revenge War Zone Once it's set up here, Click programmer, then you're going to click on these four or five lines right over where it says GPC scripts. I'm going to delete slot number one, and I'm going to put in Employee's Adventure 8.0 over here now. I know a lot of people are saying that aim assist doesn't work if this is happening.

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Okay, let's actually program our first device now. This happens a lot of the time, man, when you have a lot of scripts on your Zen. Sometimes the scripts don't work as well as a good man should notice that. Okay, you have to realize this is kind of like a little computer. Computers can lag and glitch, and this isn't a perfect program like Aimbot.


I'll keep that in mind now. Let's get into the controller setup before we start. Floyd's Revenge Predator. Aim for the Apex War Zone Game Pack that I'm making, and with these scripts come the extreme values, so this is definitely the best one now. If you want a custom script because, as you guys know, I made the custom entry for Recon custom aim assist for your own settings and custom scripts for you, it's very limited.

There will only be one to two spots open maybe per week or even maybe per two or three weeks because it does take a little bit of time and because it's more of a limited thing. I'm kind of just testing it out. cheval scripts custom aim assist scripts, and you have lifetime access to maps with a one-time payment.

You can ask me any questions you want. Don't feel worried about it; we have over a thousand members in here, and we're very active on Discord as well, so yeah, make sure you guys check it out. Take care, all right, guys, as you can see. Matt floaties Revenge man Hopefully it's not bad quality and you guys can see it.


You can press Alton Options to enter the menu now. From here, guys, you're simply going to press down on the d-pad to go through the mods. It's a little bit it's a little bit blurry, but yeah, hopefully I can just follow along, guys, to turn on any Modi investor with the right d-pad all right. So let's get this clear from the start, and I'll put the text on the screen as well as turn on any Modi with the right d-pad all right.

Scroll through the mod menu with the down d-pad. Okay, so if you want hair triggers on you, press the right d-pad. Okay, you go down if your control rumbles to the right. Turn around now; the first aim assist is what we will see on mod number three. Now this is Zen Tracker, okay? Zen Tracker is a sort of tracking app for aim assist, and all it really does is boost the aim assist.

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Okay, it's a very small boost; it's very subtle; you probably won't even feel it, so you can never even use it alone. You can turn it on with the right D-pad. I use it on all the time, and then when you press a down d-pad, you'll see drop shot. If you want to use it, you can just turn it on by pressing the right d-pad.


There, you can see "hold breath," and then you'll see "bottom." The bond nail is definitely the most important part of the setup, which is mod number six. And to simply change your button's light, you press the right d-pad. Okay, until you find whatever your bug mode is now. I play on default, so we just go with default, and I go to the down d-pad, Sticky, you know, sticky guys, if you want to use sticky aim, you can't use Advanced or TV Core.

Stick, it definitely works with the script, but in my opinion, it works much better with it off. Okay, so I always have mine off now. To turn it on, you press the right d-pad, and now we're going to go into adjusting the first set of values, all right? So sticky aim is the first set of valves you can adjust.

cronus zen

tracker assist There are no adjustable values all right now; as they are, you click X and you'll see Amos's time. When you press the down d-pad, you'll see the size. So, I like to leave it like this; however, if you want to adjust it, you can hold L2 and press the right or left d-pad to increase by one, and the up or down d-pad to increase by 10 okay.

That's all you have to do to make sure you're holding L2 the whole time, though that's very important. All right, once you do your value, you press Circle, and it's on. Now I'll turn it off by pressing the left d-pad to turn it off, Is. It's very important that you click X over here now, guys. I'm going to put you on some sauce right now, and you guys would definitely want to use an antibiotic vertically.

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Around 28 to 32, and pretty much all the guns will have very low recoil all right because the Amos is so snappy you don't ever need to use Advanced Hand if you're cool with the script all right, so I like to leave it like this man, you press it down, deposit horizontally, up DPS vertically also, with the ground loot.

cronus zen ps5

That's very important that you understand, Beginners All right, as you guys know, we're making a beginner's spreadsheet and an intermediate and advanced spreadsheet. Okay, the beginner's spreadsheet will only be adjustable for ground load, so you only want to adjust one value because if you go into two profiles, you're going to get confused.

When you keep it on one profile, you're guaranteed at least a 75 percent reduction in recoil. All right, now you press Circle, and we can keep going down. You see, auto slide is the old mod that we just didn't remove because we didn't have time, and I didn't really need to take it off, but auto slide kept it off.

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