News - Get The Rarest Acquisitions Warzone 2 Zombies Easy Solo Guide


Today I'm going to be showing you guys the easiest and best way for you to be farming the red tier zone as a solo player. In this match alone, we were able to complete 10 Red Zone contracts completely, solo, and then we went into the dark ether and completed some contracts there. We're also going to be revisiting my favorite weapons to use here in Modern Warfare zombies, and I think these things personally kill the mega-abominations.

I wanted to bring in a bunch of really good stuff because I wanted to see exactly how many Red Zone contracts I completed in this one match. In order to do this, you guys are going to need a scorcher case, and there are many ways for you guys to get this. You can get one from the Legacy Fortress boss, or you can get one from inside the dark ether by using the keys.

You can also get one from defeating the red worm, and that's also how you're going to get the schematic for this thing, so I wanted to make my way out here into the Red Zone absolutely. As fast as POS possible, I did bring in a regular Crystal just to throw on the scorcher; that way, I would jump a little bit higher, and it brought that ammo count from 10 up to 20.


Also, you're going to notice that the only perk that I brought in with me is the only one that I kind of felt was essential, and that's going to be Believe It or Not death perception, so I can end up seeing those ether crates and stuff through walls. I'm definitely glad that we stopped at this one, because I ended up getting one of those turret mods, and that's going to make doing one of these bounties really easy and quick.

Make our way down here to grab this bounty contract. Now we ended up getting a HVT on a mang, and of course these guys are kind of bullet sponges, especially with these things only a Pap two, but I got a little bit of help from a stranger, and he tried to join my squad, but I'm sorry guys. I do run solo nine times out of 10, especially when I'm trying to get content for YouTube.

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Sometimes I'll end up joining up with some random squads if they need help with something, but for the most part. I run solo, but we finally ended up getting this guy done, and man, not the greatest of loops, but that's all right. We can easily take our scorcher and just boost the hell up out of here and head on to our next contract.


Another little tip for you guys, besides keeping an eye out for things like the crates on the roofs and stuff like that, is that if you know where a lot of these little stash spots are, these caches that are in the ground are known for having things like three-plate vests, sometimes wonder weapons, and just good stuff inside of them.

There's nothing but a little bit of essence for me, but that's all right. If you guys want to know where any of these things are, I'm going to throw up a little map on the screen right here, and a big shout out to MWZ, Hub. They're the ones who put together all of these interactive maps. Please go check those out.


They do phenomenal work for the community. Next, we ended up getting an hvt on a mega Abomination, and since he's down here right next to this turret, I figured it'd be a good time to use that turret mod that we found earlier. Doing this is probably the fastest way to kill these things. You got the Juggernaut method, but that thing does take a little bit longer, and plus, right now there is a glitch where it's going to strip your Rarity once the timer runs out, so be wary of that, but pretty soon here you're going to see once I get these swarms pack-a-punched, up to level three man, we're going to be taking care of these Mega Abominations.

The mobility is good, the mag size is absolutely huge, and the power behind these things is insane. All right, let's get this one done, and man, I swear my luck for the loot on this run was just not there. That's all right; we're going to make up for it when we go into the dark ether. Next, we ended up getting another HVT on another mega-abomination.

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But this one we're just going to handle with our swarms. We finally got these things, packed up to level three if you find yourself close to one of these eye-catching Lev buildings. With the megas, these are the best to stand on because they're going to charge up to the building, and then after that, they'll try to beam you a bunch with the lasers.


That's going to be your time to shine, man. These swarms are just going to devastate these things, and I also like to do a little trick to where I reload, one about halfway through, so that way I can just keep them held down and continuously. We finally got this one done, and a sigil is the best thing that we got.

Right next, we got another hvt on one of these bullet sponge manglers. Now, if this was just a regular one of these that's walking around the red tier zone, these things would have just deleted it in seconds, but for some reason, these HVT manglers got to be bullet sponges; these two dropped me a self-revive.

I have a blue ether tool and a damn large backpack, but I've been getting a lot of, like, three play vests and backpacks. If I were regaining a character, this would be helpful, but we got another hvt on another Mega Abomination, and watch how fast I take this thing out. I'm going to be using that method where I'm constantly shooting at this thing, so it's just non-stop, taking damage.


Now I feel you probably could kill these Mega Abominations a little bit faster with the tears or possibly with the Lockwood, but I feel like you have to get lucky enough and they got to be hitting you with their beams right at the right times. These things you can just be constantly firing until it just pops off all three heads, and what do you know?

As soon as I got done fighting this Mega Abomination, we had another one of those Outlast contracts spawning down here, so let's go ahead and do that one as well, really quick. Another large backpack, man I don't know what's with these backpacks, but we got another signature. Moving on, we got another hvt on a Mega Abomination, and this one was deleted just like the other ones, and man, the loot in this match is not with me.

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I got a regular crystal and another sigil. What have we had like four sigils now so far for my next Bounty? I did get another Mega abomination, and this one was a little bit crazy because he was up on the hill and I had to come back because I had to go get some ammo, but this one was honestly the Saving Grace; he ended up dropping me a legendary ether tool.


Now it just kind of goes to show. I think as long as you're out here farming, there's a good chance that you could find one of these in almost every match. I'm not saying that I do find one in every match, but it's pretty damn close. I do believe this was our last contract that we completed in this run, at least while we're out here on the main map, and we got another HVT on another Mega Abomination.

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