News - Does This Raal Mg Loadout Have Potential Warzone 2

raal mg class warzone 2

Maybe a few times, maybe a handful of times. We all know now that these guns are absolutely meta; they dominate; they're just completely disgusting; the TTK is unbelievable. I get my loadouts from Warzone ranked; there are many other websites you can get yours from; this is not a sponsor, and they rank their weapons as I think others do by Tears, so the RPK, the Fennec, and all these guns are in the S tier, but what about the 80 guns?

What about the guns that are maybe the sleeping giants of Warzone 2 that we haven't used yet, so that's why I'm going for this now that I've been killed by one of these so many times? This is the Royal M, and this thing is ridiculous, chunky, okay, the one thing I say about this gun is that it seems very, very chunky, but I'm going to try and get a win.

I don't know whether it's any good; we're going to have to see. I do quite like this skin, though the attachments are there if you want to know, so I'm using the nil sound 90 muzzle, so that's tuned like this: minus 63 on the left, plus 42 on the right. I got the 26.5-inch, demo-field Pro Barrel; this is all the way up on the left to 0.32, and then on the left down here minus 0.17, then you've got the aim of the V4 Classic at this point all the way down to name down sight speed all the way across for as far as it's getting quite usual these days under barrel.

raal mg loadout

I've got the SA side grip; this is down minus 0.62 and this is a cross plus 0.27, and then we got the 0.338 mag. High Velocity This puppy's looking pretty nice; I mean, this is plus 0.45 here on the left and then plus 5.81 towards bullet velocity on the right, so that's what it is. I mean, in general, it looks and feels pretty nice.

I mean, it's very hard to say anything against these bots because obviously they have like no HP. In general, it packs a punch; it seems fairly steady; it seems pretty easy to control; it almost has no recoil, so I don't know how powerful it's going to be. I don't know if the power is going to be affected by the fact that it has no recoil, but in general.

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It feels very nice. I don't know what to tell you all, right? You guys know the deal. For those of you who somehow might be new to my channel or maybe still don't know about this, this is a great place to land in our Master City. So you land here; it's got cash registers, and in there you always get a decent amount of money, and you can kind of have choices depending on where the buy station is.

raal mg mw2 loadout

Both of them are low, so what I'd recommend is that you loot this until you get like five or six K, and then you hit this, which has some like cash registers registers, in it some duffels in it, to get a three-plate, and then hit this and then throw it straight back and then get there. You should get there first every single time.

The only other way you might lose is if someone lands on this building and goes for the kind of $50,000 opportunity, for the $20,000 on that building, which does happen sometimes, and they might get there first, but you just kind of have to go for the highest percentage option. You can always go here, and then of course you're approaching it this way, so if someone is here on the buy station, it's likely you'll see them because you can do this pretty fast.

raal mg setup

It's nice to be making exclusive YouTube content as well as talking to you, the viewer. As I've said before, it's nice making YouTube content offline, where I kind of just give it a whirl. I'm really happy with the channel, and people seem to be responding really well to my kind of content. I just love making it, and I'm grateful for all the nice words.

All right, let's get it. So yeah, as I said, cash registers are the absolute go-to here. You just focus on money as quickly as you can. If you can find a smoke grenade as you're looting, that's also really, really nice because you can get yourself nice and set up for that buy station. But, as I said, cash registers sometimes check these shelves, or some of them; this is the absolute priority when you come here this is what you want if you want to get that roll in your hands, which I know you probably do, and you want to make sure you get as much money from this place as you possibly can.

raal mg setup warzone 2

You don't really care about a three-plate meal; you just want to get looted as quickly as you possibly can. I just dropped the smoke. I got a three-plate meal anyway, so that's kind of nice. Sometimes I like to go this way because you can check if there's a chest there; sometimes there is, as there is this time, and you might get something.

For example, if I didn't have a three-plate lunch, we would get one there. UAV, pop, we can just kind of ignore that for now. It's so early in the game that 200 is brutal, so we've got 4000 here. There is an audible you can call when you have 4000, which I'd recommend, so 4500 is maybe not quite enough to get the remaining requirements.

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I'd recommend hitting this building before you hit the buy button, I'd recommend hitting this building. This building is really nice because it always has money in it and always has a little bit extra of some things that you find useful. Don't spend too much time here, Look medium backpack These are all really nice things that are going to help you in the final analysis.

raal mg warzone

You also might be able to get them yourself, but not this time, so we've now got six and a half grams, which is the kind of thing where you're definitely going to get enough money from, and these cash register bits over here to get. Okay, it's already been looted; that's not good, so the guys probably popped the UAV on the buy station; we know that now, so we need to again call an audible.

There's another option here, so if that's happened, which, to be honest with you, has never happened whenever I do this because it's very rare that anyone is on that building, we can go this way, so this over here is like wildlife called duffels. Town Well jack Frags called it "double time" when we were playing together, but essentially, it's "duffel town." Okay, because there are so many duffels for three plates, but there are also cash registers, so, as you can see here.

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I've got $7500, and I've got loads of money, and I've got a loadout. I have done this relatively slowly. Someone's just popped a loadout; it sounds like it's on the right hand side or a smoke grenade. Yeah, it's Loadout going down, so now that I know that Loadout's gone, it's probably going to be this one on the left to buy the loadout, and also.

raal mg warzone 2

UAV has been popped, so I'm going to approach it in the LTV just because I can dip if I need to and because I can always get the roll in the hands in the second circle. This is the best way to play the opening strap if you want to definitely get Loadout on your hands, as it stands currently. I think with all the changes that are coming in season two, that of course will change you.

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