News - Does Tac Mask Need A Buff Warzone 2. Full Breakdown

Your heads-up display will be scrambled for a total of 5 seconds when you put the Tac mask on, unfortunately. It doesn't do anything against the storm Ender; it's the exact same effect. Your heads-up display will be scrambled for 5 seconds, so it appears that part's a bit of an oversight since the description says that you should be immune to the EMP effects, and that's clearly not the case with the Storm Ender.

Tac mask vs emp

Tac mask vs emp

But I did want to test one last thing, and this is the EMP kill streak, because again, according to the TAC mask description, you should be immune to the EMP effect, and unfortunately, once again, the Tac mask does nothing against an EMP, so the effects of an EMP streak are no heads-up display for a total of 45 seconds, and this is literally no heads-up display whatsoever.

You can't even see name tags above teammates or enemies heads; you get no indicators whatsoever, and any electronics you have won't work while you're being empd. And like I said, unfortunately, this is the same case with or without a Tac mask equipped. So I do believe this is just an oversight. I believe Tac Mask is meant to be completely countering the EMP effects, whether that's from the Storm Ender launcher or the EMP streak, but at the moment it's doing nothing against these.

My thoughts (does it need a buff?)

modern warfare iii

And there we go. That's going to wrap it up for the breakdown of the TAC mask perk. I think against most of the things that the Tac mask is meant to counter, like stun grenades, snapshots, shock sticks, and tear gas, for instance. For all of those. I think the Tac mask is working just fine, and I'm perfectly happy with where it's at right now in saying that, though I wouldn't be opposed to a bit of a buff with the Tac mask against flash grenades since, like I said, you're not seeing nearly as much improvement against flashbangs compared to stun grenades.


And then, on top of that, obviously. I would like to see the Tac mask working the way it's described, and I would like to see that immunity to emps, whether that's from the Storm Ender launcher or the EMP kill streak. I think if you're using a Tac mask, you should be completely immune to the effects of those, just like the description states, and again. I don't think this is an intentional thing; I think this was just a bit of an oversight on their end, and I suspect if we get this into the eyes of the developers, this is something they should be able to take care of and fix for us.

Wrap up

Wrap up

I'll talk to you guys

Also read:
A common piece of feedback I've seen for Modern Warfare III is Tac Mask feels too weak and could use a buff to its effectiveness.
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