News - Does It Suck. Honest Modern Warfare 3 Launch Impressions (warzone 2i Full Multiplayer)

It's been great as someone who really loves all the OG Modern Warfare 2 maps, and as somebody who played a lot back in the day, it's been a lot of fun playing on them once again. I will say, however, that the maps are not completely faithful; there are lots of random geometry changes here, like the cockpit on Terminal, which is just weird; it's hard to even stand in there for some reason; there's different windows in certain places; there's doors; of course nobody really likes those, so they're not completely faithful to the original designs, but they're pretty damn close.

modern warfare iii multiplayer

And that's been my favorite part so far of Modern Warfare 3 aside from having like the new guns to level up and new guns to try out and trying to figure out the new cre class system and stuff like the big thing for me is like where you play the game like you know you can talk about your guns and all that all you want but the environment, in which you play the game in which you engage with everything in the game that environment has to be good I mean Modern Warfare 2019 that's part of the reason why I stopped playing that game I hated the maps I hated the safe space map design like the guns could have been incredible the perks could have been awesome like everything about that game could have been fantastic but if the maps suck, then the game is not going to be good as a result but here in Modern Warfare 3 the maps are pretty damn good I'm really enjoying taking that trip down memory lane again the maps are pretty faithful and for old school Call of Duty fans it's great to have them back especially knowing, that original maps are going to be coming out in season 1 and all the seasons that follow.

mw3 gameplay

Now, when it comes to progression here in this game, I feel like the challenges for weapon camos are way better than what we had back during Modern Warfare 2. However, the weekly challenges and the overall challenges are bugged; that's probably just a launch issue, but after you hit Level 25, you can no longer see your overall challenges.

mw3 honest review

Behind Armory Unlocks, which is a system where you have to complete daily challenges. To unlock all these different things we're talking about weapons we're talking about perks kill streaks pieces of equipment everything, here right and if you want to play the game in a certain way you have to engage with the Armory unlock system which is kind of like an artificial way of slowing you down like if you want to get the covert sneakers or the ghost perk they're locked behind Armory unlocks if you want the tropy system the Sim Tech certain kill streaks certain attachments they're all locked, behind the Armory unlock system which means have to be doing your daily challenges every single day and then once you finish your daily challenges, you have to get wins and every win you get counts as another daily challenge for you to eventually unlock your items via the Armory unlock system it just it's convoluted.

I like it, and I dislike it. You know what I mean. I like it in the sense that it's a new progression path, and it also encourages people to try to win because currently the only people on my team trying to win are me and my ACS field upgrade, which kind of counts as another person. You know, normally people don't try to win in COD; that's just always been a thing, and I think this system is a way for them to encourage people to play The Objective.

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But if you're encouraging people to win and you're requiring them to win to unlock items in a game with skill-based matchmaking where the game is fundamentally against you if you try to win too much, check out my skill-based matchmaking article I posted if you guys haven't seen it. You know, if that is the case, then it's really a grindy system that is more akin to a free-to-play game as compared to a $70.

mw3 impressions

Or maybe their Juggernaut kill streak or whatever the case may be, so it's an interesting system I could really take or leave it, but currently there's actually a bug in the game where your daily challenges aren't tracking and aren't resetting for certain people. For example, my friend Tate for example, he has that problem, and as a result, he can unlock anything with the Armory unlock system; therefore, he cannot get his sneaky sneakers; he can't get his ghost perk; he can't get the Simex; you know, he can't get the trophy system for game modes like hardpoint.

None of that; it's all locked for him, but again, it's a bug; they're aware of it; they're trying to fix it; it's a launch window; it's kind of to be expected, but at the same time, when your game makes billions of dollars every year, you would hope that this stuff would not end up being in the full launch of the game, but alas, it is there, and you guys have it now.

mw3 launch honest review

Speaking of the full launch of the game, I'm going to be going over some more random, more niche things. Here, I will say that the HUD has improved, not the UI. There is a difference, but the overall UI in the game is still pretty terrible. But the HUD that you have when you're actually playing the game like we can just pause and take a screenshot, here, like when you do something you go on five kill streak you call in the UAV you capture a flag or whatever you know up there in the top right you see the person's calling card that's nice gives people a reason to want to show off their calling cards it actually tracks your kills now if you're going on a kill streak like a 10 kill streak or whatever it'll tell you what kill you are on I enjoy that as well the kill feed is clean the mini map working again is fantastic, and overall the game play, in general just has been a nice change of pace compared to what we had back during Modern Warfare 2 if you're the kind of person that's like you know is the game that much different feeling than a game like Modern Warfare 2 it absolutely is.

mw3 multiplayer

You know, having the working mini map, being able to have dead silence, and being able to have the movement that we have currently, the game does fundamentally feel a lot better, but there's still so many issues, lots of random things, right like the spawn system. Every year we always get to talk about the freaking spawn system, like, it just doesn't make sense a lot of time here in Modern Warfare 3.

I have a great example here on Highrise. I'm facing what appeared to be a full party on the other team; they're running through me and my Merry bunch of randoms. And it seemed like every time I died, I spawned on a different part of Highrise. If you remember OG Modern Warfare 2, the spawns used to be pretty sticky.

Here are my first impressions of Modern Warfare 3's multiplayer, now that the full game is out and everything is available.
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