News - Defeating The Red Worm Solo Warzone 2 Zombies For Rare Schematics


All have like a 3-day, cooldown, timer the legendary ether tool is only 24 hours so it's not that bad on farming these things up if you absolutely wanted to there's actually been quite a few days where I wasn't even planning on playing any Modern Warfare Zombies for the day and I just hop on turn on the game for 2 minutes craft my legendary, ether tool throw it in my backpack and hop off you know just go do whatever else that I was going to do for the day and just keep stacking these things up and the Epic and rare ether tools are really not that bad either guys so if you want to just use these things while you save your legendary, ether tools you can do that too coming up here you guys are going to see what ended up putting me down for the first time and after watching this thing back I kind of see, what I did wrong while I was training for the majority of this run counterclockwise.

I all of a sudden decided to go the other way, and I started going clockwise. So not only did I end up throwing off the direction of the zombies, but the red worm did an immediate 180. Which is just the biggest, bummer? But me and the boys are definitely really excited to hop back into rebirth. Now.

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I'm sure there's a lot of you that probably know I used to make a bunch of War Zone content for this channel as well, but I've kind of shifted over to doing mainly just zombie content over here because I've noticed that's more than what the audience wants. Don't get me wrong, guys. Left, and these whis and all these zombies are starting to be a pain in my ass now.


Usually, it would be nice if we had a regular gun that shoots regular bullets. To get rid of these whis. I can usually deal without one, because if they're just hitting you with them, you can usually survive that with no problem, but if you're being hit by a bunch of whis at the same time and then get beamed by this red worm, yeah.


I found myself in a dire situation, so here we are—no self-revive. Left I'm just absolutely fighting for my life I'm not going to lie guys I might have had to change my pants cuz not only did he end up hitting us again with another slam he just wasn't able to get us with a second one but then he also grazed us with that beam which hurt us quite a bit when he did hit me with that Beam for the very last time literally had zero Health left guys like I would have just been so, devastated, if I would have went down and lost this like right at the very end with him having zero Health but there it is guys there is our final shot which ends up putting this red worm in the grave I think that while yes this redworm fight solo, is definitely hard I think some people make it out to be a little bit more difficult than it is say as long as you guys have the confidence and you have the right stuff to get the job done while it may not be incredibly.

Easy it's definitely far from imposs now this red worm ended up dropping us a couple self- revives which we're definitely going to need and then once I checked the rift we ended up getting those scorcher, case schematics, and then we got another gas mask which is definitely going to come in handy cuz now boys we're going to be going into the dark ether and I don't have a scorcher, so this is going to be a little bit of a journey to get down there first of all we're going to want to hit this ammo crate before we leave this site just so we can fill up this gas mask and then we're going to pull up our map and look for the other closest, ammo crate found a Big Bertha to hop in and then we're going to be going into the OG, dark ether not only because that was the dark ether that I planned on going into for this article, originally.


But the new dark ether is just too far away, and I think we would have run out of time before we got there. Not only were we running down on time in the match,. But I'm also running out of time for these gas masks, and since I knew this was the last ammo crate on my way over to the dark ether I was starting to sweat a little bit we got back in our truck and headed over there and then once we got there I started to remember I'm like yeah I'm going to have to search around for where to put this thing so when we arrived there I swam across to the little island, and that's when the Panic started to set in just a little bit cuz I only had two bars left on this golden gas mask and I saw where to put the sigil for a second and it disappeared, so I'm strafing, to side to side just trying to figure out where the hell to put this thing and eventually I noticed that my gold gas mask is just about to break so I switched it out for the regular one that I had stashed in my backpack.


Thank God this isn't like a war zone where the gas masks are going to break while they're in your backpack with the one that you're wearing, and at this point there were a bunch of lightning bolts that were going around me, and all it would take was one of these things to hit me, put me down, and it would just be all over after fumbling.

After what felt like a good minute. I was finally able to find the hole, and I was like, damn. I've been here before with our successful solo red worm run, and now we came over here to the Elder Dark Eternity, and it was a pretty stressful journey just to get over here as well. What's about to happen inside this Elder Dark Eternity will actually shock you guys.

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Be sure to check out the next article; it's going to be going up in just a couple of hours. I hope you guys have a wonderful day, and I will catch you in the next.

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Today we go in and take on the red worm solo then head on into the dark aether. I appreciate all the support everyone! - Ghost. Membership Link.
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