News - Das Haus Vanguard Vs Warzone 2. More Small Map Talk

I think they've been doing a great job with a lot of their post-launch support. Not saying this game's perfect and without issues; it definitely still has its issues that need to be worked on, but in general, it seems like they're taking a good community-oriented approach with a lot of the decisions they've been making this year.

Day time shipment??

Day time shipment??

Speaking of that, there's one last thing I wanted to point out after looking at these comparisons.

With the original D house and Vanguard versus the new one and the fact that the original was dark, foggy, rainy, and just kind of gross, whereas the new one is so bright and vibrant and looks like a place I want to be. I would love for them to create an update for shipment. I think that could go a long way if they took literally the exact same shipment map that we've currently got and didn't change any assets on it whatsoever, but just changed it to a sunny daytime version of that same map.


I mean, right now we're playing literally the exact same shipment we played last year, and it seems many people haven't been huge fans of that dark, rainy, depressing version of the shipment. And yet that's kind of what we're stuck with, and I can't imagine it would be extremely resource intensive or extremely difficult to just create a daytime version of the shipment again without even changing any of the assets on the map; literally, just change it to daytime, and I think that could go a long way in the eyes of the community at least, since shipment is still probably the most popular map in the game now.

Wrap up

Do you like the fact that this new one is a lot more bright and sunny without all that rubble and stuff all over the place? Also, how would you guys feel about some more Vanguard maps returning in future seasons as remade versions? I'll talk to you guys

Also read:
Das Haus from CoD Vanguard returns tomorrow in Modern Warfare III but with a complete visual overhaul so today I wanted to share a direct comparison of the 2 versions as well as some talk about how I feel about how they've been handling small maps in MWIII so far.
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