News - Change Your Settings "immediately" After Update Warzone 2. Warzone 2 Best Settings Ps5/xbox/pc


The season 4 reloaded update is here, and I completely changed up the game, so I gave you all the best settings to add credibility to my name. I am iridescent, and then my overall KD on this game is going to be 4.18. And it's basically my job to be good at the game and just make content for the game, so you know I kind of need to have the best settings.

I do play with an Xbox Elite V2 controller; all of these buttons are bound to the back paddles. If you don't have a fancy controller, you can play Claw. Basically, you have your pointer finger on here, which allows you to jump shot and drop shot while still having very good aim. What you can also do is actually go over to the edit button layout, and then you can swap this to Tactical.

Now, if you want to get to max movement speed, you only need to move it from 0 to 65, so from one end to the other end, it only takes 65. I don't have to go to like 100, so you can basically move around a little bit faster to get up to that Max movement speed faster. I know some players do like to have it on 45, try 45, try 55, and try 65.

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And then yeah around there is probably the best right stick Max I have mine on five even if my controller has zero stick drift I still have it on five this just makes it so I don't like overcompensate, on my recoil control I just noticed myself always having better aim if you have to go past five to like stop the stick D you might need a new controller I think I actually have to increase mine to like eight to stop it I just you know I think it's perfectly fine it doesn't really affect me too much right stick Max 99, left trigger right trigger make sure that's on zero it's going to make it so right when you hit the bumper or the trigger it's going to fire the weapon that's going to wrap it up for the controller side of things let's go over to the aiming there's a reason why all the pro players play on something between four and four and 7 s so like they use the ones in here majority of the pros I would say like 90%, of them play with 66.

You don't really want it to be a high sense because you want to be able to have a very good center and that white down the center of your screen. You need to make sure that could be where an enemy is, so all you have to do is add ads in fire. You don't want to have to like ads and drag them over.

When you have a lower sense, you can consistently center better. The aim doesn't matter. You can literally get great results in 2020. The aiming is easy; you get used to the fact that you have an aiming system if you're on a controller, so it doesn't really matter. This is all for your centering sensitivity and multiplier.

I like 0.9. The best way to find out the best one is to just go into a game. If you have multiplayer, you can go into a private match, go against some private match bots, shoot them around, and just keep on playing till you find one that you're pretty consistent with. Just don't overthink it, because you can literally get used to any sensitivity.

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You're just finding one that you prefer now, sensitivity multiplayer. I just keep mine on default on there, same with the vertical aim axis tactical stance sensitivity. Dynamic is definitely the best one if there's two targets in front of you; it's going to make it easier to snap on one and then snap on to the other target.

I see some people leaving comments saying, Oh, you're hacking because you're snapping on. You should be able to snap on targets. You have to aim to assist. You have a built-in aim button on your controller, and you hit the first shot if you have good center, and you hit the first shot typically because that helps you control recoil because aim assist is pulling down on the recoil.

The keyboard and mouse players hearing this article I watching this article hate that so. Target a is IST on aist type default some pros play with Black Ops one of my buddies who's really good top 250 player he likes Black Ops a lot of top 250 players like default, again go in the private match and just play.

Just use the one that you get used to and the one that you like more: motion sense behavior, off-motion sense advanced settings. This stuff doesn't really matter to the game playay settings, so in War Zone, I see a lot of people with automatic tactical sprint. I like automatic sprint because if you're coming across the corner and the enemy is tack sprinting and you're just regular sprinting, you're going to be able to bring up the gun and get that first shot off faster than the enemy, but if you're both tack sprinting, then you have an equal chance, so I like to have automatic sprint so I can control.

When I tax Sprint, it's a little bit weird at first, but I'm so used to it now that it really doesn't matter if I maintain Sprint. You need this on if you don't have it on; the game feels horrible night and day difference Sprint SL tactical Sprint Behavior toggle aut to move forward off single tap run grounded mantle.

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Airborne mantle and the ground mantel SL hang have all these on off. It's going to make it so you don't accidentally mantle things. You can just move around the map a little bit more freely, and with more, you have more choice in the game. My nose is so itchy. SL Dive Behavior, slide only, or hybrid are going to be the best ones; you don't want to use the other ones.

Basically, the game is wondering if you're going to slide or not, so it's wondering if you're going to hold it or not, like if you hold it, you're going to Dolphin Knife. If you tap it, you're going to slide, but if you have it on slide only, it knows that you can only slide, so your slide will actually be a little bit faster.

If you have it on, like the default one, it's going to be a little bit of a delay between the slides, so this is a game changer. hybrid, though still allowed. Buttons, again, this stuff doesn't really matter too much, and now on to the graphic settings, so I play with full screen borderless just because I'm streaming, and things full screen exclusive are going to be the best ones if you are on console.

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