News - Change Your Settings "immediately" After Update Warzone 2. Warzone 2 Best Settings Ps5/xbox/pc

Some of these things will look different, but just follow along and you'll see the things that line up on your console, and then over here, yeah, just copy all of this stuff, efficiency. Vsync menus have 100% custom frame limits. Yeah so 60 in the menu so my PC doesn't work harder than when it doesn't need to and then ingame 250 and the mixture you know your monitor actually can support all that some people will they'll like their PC can go up to 200 FPS but their monitor only picks up like, 44 so make sure you know your monitor can actually see those things Maxim Mo on here pause game rendering off focus mode zero High dynamic range off doesn't really matter too much now for the actual settings over here render resolution some Call of Duties you would want 105, some of them you would want 95 this one just 100 the visibility in this game is really bad and it doesn't really get better if you increase that to 100 this is what makes the game you know very visible you need this on Fidelity I like to Max it on 100 try out 50 try out 60 70 use the one that you like most players do like 100 path tracing plus Ray reconstruction.

Off, vram, vram. Scale target; keep it at 90. I'm streaming, so I have other things open and stuff like that, so I have it on 80 and then variable rate shading. This sometimes will make people's PC crash if it's on off, and so then they'll have to have an on. For me, I like it off because I get more frame texture resolution.

High typically you know You' want it lower so you get more FPS but the visibility in this game is horrible to where I see so many more enemies with the high but if you have very low FPS like in the 80s and stuff you might want to turn that down to normal texture filter anatrophic low, depth of field low I don't even know why this is in the game a lot of people will be like why does my gun not shoot like yours or why do you have less recoil this is one of the reasons it just makes the game feel and look so much better when this is on off same with the motion blur type things detail, quality level you guys can see if we have it on low you actually see less of this bush but then when you have it on high you see more Bush so you actually can see enemies hiding in the plants a little bit easier doesn't affect it too much but you know every little bit helps partical resolution.

Very low bullet impacts I like to see, when I'm like making class sets of articles I want to see the path of my Recoil pattern so then I'll have mine on off but you will get more FPS if it's on off I have mine on I cannot speak today holy persistent effects off Shader quality on high you guys can see if you have it on high you actually can see, more lights if it's on low you see more darkness so you'll be able to see the enemies a little bit easier on demand texture streaming off local texture streaming quality low Shader quality very low screen space Shadows if you want your camos to look good make sure this is on high and inclusion Off screen space reflection, same as the screen space shadows, keep it on high if you want your camos to look good static reflection quality low tessellation, off volumetric quality low deferred physics quality off weather grid volumes off water quality off.

You guys can see we're lowering everything, so you have a little bit more visibility. And you have more FPS this is actually a big thing the water quality I guess not too much because you're not swimming that much but if you have it on like low you can see more of the ladder rather than if it's on high so you don't really want to look too realistic, now for the view field of views a big thing I have it on 109 because I like to play war zone and multiplayer make articles on both games, if I only played multiplayer I have it on like 105, or 100 because on those on multiplayer maps you're not like looking at a massive map so you don't really need to see as much and the higher the fov, the smaller the targets are and the Aus actually gets a little like it gets messed up around like 110.

I believe, or maybe it's even 105, you get a little bit less aim assist; it gets a little bit buggy, but it doesn't affect you too much in War Zone multiplayer. It does a lot which is why you see all the professional players playing on like 105, and 100 war zone you can get away with 120 keyboard and mouse you can get away with 120 as well since you have pretty good aim ads field of view affected weapon field of view wide third person field of view 90 vehicle field of view wide world motion blurry and weapon motion blur by default these should be on off I don't know why they're on so make sure that's on off film grain zero same thing here I don't even know how this is realistic, like IRL I do not see film grain if I did I would go get some glasses or something I don't know why that's in the game it just makes the game look horrible now first person camera movement lease third person ads game perspective, inverted flashbang, this is just going to make it so instead of your screen flashing white it's going to flash black sometimes you might think your monitor turned off if you're not used to it though now for the audio settings a lot of this is like actually like PC, like built into there or your headset or your MixAmp.

But this is going to be the best if you want to maximize your footsteps. I guess some people do like the base boost or the home theater. I hear way more footsteps on the headphones' speaker slide. Yeah, this is all default, and things like this stereo are on there. Some people like the Windows default.

This is kind of a thing you have to test for yourself because there's so many amps and different things that go on. Just for me, I hear way more footsteps on the stereo and headphones during Master Game Volume 80 gameplay. Music Volume Zero: I don't really want to hear music as I'm playing; that's when I first played the game.

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I didn't even realize this was a setting. I was like, Why is there music in the game? I cannot hear anything at the moment. Effects Volume: You want to be able to hear the footsteps as best as possible, so we have it on 100, and then the rest stuff doesn't really matter too much, which TR is on.

And you guys can copy all of this if you want. There we go, all these things personal preference completely. Now for the next settings, this is going to be interface. Some people skip this part of the article. This is very important. People don't realize how important this is for visibility reasons: subtitles, default subtitle size, default menu size, and color customization.

Is everything I will go back to that in a second for the HUD balance make sure these are in towards the center as much as possible makes it so when you look at the mini map and things like that you don't really need to turn your head or your eyes as much mini map shape Square you can see a little bit more compared to that Circle mini map rotation on horizontal Compass off I don't think that really helps you whatsoever Crosshair, static if you don't have it on static it's very wonky you have way better aim with static hit marker visuals I like it on you can turn the on off if you don't want that damage based hit markers is on for me player names abbreviated, you don't want the full name you don't want to see the clan tag the name and everything you just want to be able to see if it's the enemy or not name tag does give you a little bit more visibility, in game text chat on vehicle HUD prompts fade after 10 seconds doesn't really matter too much you guys can copy all this stuff if you do want now for the color customization.

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