News - Top 5 "meta" Classes After Warzone 2 Update. Warzone 2 Best Class Setups


The season 3 Reloaded update just dropped and there were many Buffs and Nerfs and so I'm here today to show you what's meta and what goes in the bin with the first weapon being an honorable mention we got the bow 27, this is from Advanced Warfare one of my favorite guns and in this game it seems very good I haven't rocked it too much but for my testing I did figure out very good class basically, this thing starts with a slower fire rate then as you hold the trigger the fire rate is going to increase and so it will kill quicker but you know you got to shoot a lot of shots overall it does feel very good head shot don't do anything at all it's always going to kill in a five shot, and then another big con of it is that it doesn't have that fast of a Sprint to fire speed it's pretty slow in that category which is why we got the dr6.

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Six are on there to increase the overall mobility. Still going to be a little bit slow, but you know it's not going to be as slow, and then for the barrel to increase that damage range, allowing us to kill a little bit quicker, we got the crown H3. Barrel, we get mobility. As well we are going to be losing a little bit more of our Sprint fire speed but we do get a lot of damage and so kind of is a must for the muzzle this one is going to be the attachment that you can swap out for something else if you want for me I got the comp flash Hyder on here I found that it reduced The Recoil the most although if we go over to these stocks another pretty good one is going to be the ardan, tack stock you guys can see it adds a lot of recoil gun kick control and things like that but we are losing a little bit of our Sprint to fire speed so that's why I'm running a muzzle instead, and then I do have the 60r, mag on here since you know you only have about 30 bullets and This Gun starts to fire pretty quick and so you do blow through the ammo and so I do recommend the 60 if you don't really care about that obviously you can go over here and add the AR then you'll have absolutely no recoil you can run an optic but you know you got the classic aw.

B 27, iron sights, and so I definitely would not run an optic. Another good option is going to be the Razor Hawk laser light. You can run this on like any gun. It's going to increase the sprint of fire speed with each sun. You guys can see that's still pretty bad, but it's not going to be nearly as bad without any attachments.

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I think it's like 230, which is insane. And then that's another reason why, for the rear grip, we got the hammer grip, which is just going to specialize in that handling and a little bit of our mobility. Yes, we lose recoil control, but those pros outweigh those cons, and if you guys do want to screenshot the class there, you guys go.

This thing's insane. Now, for the first gun, it's going to be the MCW. Actually, I got another nerf; I can't believe they nerfed it again. They didn't nerf the damage or anything, but they nerfed the overall hit-fire spread, making it not as good up close. But it's still a very good weapon. You just kind of have to run it with the Jack Raven kit.

If you don't have the Jack Raven kit on here, it's one of the slowest killing guns in the game, so definitely do not rock it unless you get the Jack Raven kit. As you guys can see, it does turn it into something like an SMG—a super fun gun to use with. It's honestly like my favorite gun in the game, but I think I'll like the bow a little bit more.

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Then, for the muzzle, we got the comve flash tier on there to reduce the overall bounce, and then for the laser, we are going to be adding the razor and hawk again. You can swap this out for something else, but this is going to increase that friend's fire speed so much, allowing you to actually use this gun like an SMG.

And that's kind of where it shines in the game but you could take off the laser go over to the barrel add the cyclon long barrel it's going to make the gun feel a little bit more responsive, since you get more ball velocity it's going to feel like you're playing on a better ping could add the high grain rounds but at that point I just add the cycl, you can add an optic stock a rear grip the only rear grip I honestly would add though probably the rapid strike or the RB, claw, and for me though I just like the laser for the under for the same reasons we got the dr6 hand stop there really isn't any cons of this underbill, but it really makes the weapon so much lighter and I honestly use that on like almost every single gun in the game and then we got the 40 round mag on here just because with the Jack Raven kit does increase that fire rate so you're going to be blowing through ammo this going to allow you to actually get a couple more kills within that same fight and then if you guys do want the screenshot there you go this next weapon is going to be the amr9.

It actually got a damage range buff it's still not going to be like, that good of an SMG but it's a lot better than it was before and you're probably going to be seeing a lot of people in rank play rocking it like this thing is honestly super fun to use now so again for the most we got the comate flash hider on there this thing does bounce around a little bit that's one reason why a lot of people don't like this gun this is going to really reduce that recoil, and you can honestly use it like an AR I'm not going to be running a Barrel laser or anything like that I do blow through ammo all the time with it so I'm going to be running the fifth mag if I weren't to run the fifth mag I would definitely add the dr6 hand stops since this gun does have a slow Sprint of fire speed that's one thing that makes it a little bit worse compared to the other SMGs, in the game and then for the optic we got the MK3 reflector on here we all know the AMR and the iron sights are absolutely.

Horrible obviously, if you like the iron sights, you can make the gun a little bit better, and then you could add the DR6 hand stuff you can go over to the barrel. One barrel I really like is the enforcer, which adds a lot of damage, damage range, and other things. Yes, it hurts the melee, but you get so much damage range that it honestly does help the weapon a lot.

It's just that I just found myself doing better with this class, and I just really, really like this class, and again, since that sprint of fire speed on the AR9 is so slow, we got the Phantom grip, which specializes in ad speed and sprint to fire speed, bringing that up to 113. Milliseconds, still pretty slow for an SMG, but it's not going to be as slow, and then for the stock, we got the Wolf Hound Carbine stock on there for the gun kick control and recoil control.

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