News - Call Of Duty Warzone 2: Top 10 Best Weapons

I will go ahead and show you what the best way to build this one is. The M13 is interesting because it's very similar to the M4 in almost every other statistic and just performance, but the M13 is just going to be better at longer ranges. So, for example, if you're playing 6v6 on a bit smaller maps, I think the M4 still does a little bit better than the M13, but on anything relatively bigger, Bigger.

modern warfare 2 2022

Map size, ground wars, and even warzones suggest that the M13 might be the better play now. I am going to strongly recommend an optic or some kind of red dot for this gun because the iron sights I'm not a big fan of and they're very obtrusive, and especially if you're playing this with the purpose of being you know particularly strong at range, you kind of need an optic or a scope for that anyways, so there's no problem running a red dot on this weapon, and I get a lot of success and a lot of consistency out of it too, because despite it being you know cut out for long range, it's also pretty solid up close otherwise. This build doesn't have many fatal flaws to speak of, and I think you're going to like it a lot.



A bit of a different story, but for my particular taste and my playstyle, the defendant build that I'm going to go with is going to look a bit something like this: If you're just starting to use this weapon, the biggest problem you're going to notice immediately is that there are just simply not enough bullets to engage in multiple gun fights, and especially when you consider how quickly this thing dumps out ammo, it's kind of a non-starter, so I think without a doubt no matter what you need to have extra bullets on this magazine is a requirement.

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The biggest reason to use the fennec is, of course, the absurd time to kill it; it is an up-close monster. I don't really think that there are many other guns that can compete with just the raw time to kill in most up-close scenarios and the way that the maps are built in Modern Warfare 2 in the average distance of engagements you're going to likely find yourself in.

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I don't think there are really any other guns that are cut out better than the Fennec right now; this one probably underwent the most experimentation. For me, and I've, as you know, settled on a few different builds, I believe this is the particular build I like the most and that I get the most consistent results.



Now coming at the number five spot is another very tricky one, but this is the M4 build, and as I've been playing it, it was like the first gun I ever used, and I noticed that.

There are so many different viable ways to play the M4 that there's not one that I can necessarily say is the most optimal, but it's extremely palatable, and that's a good thing. There's really no way to make a bad M4 build. What I'm going to say are the biggest differences: If you don't like the iron sights, please use a red dot, but if you don't mind the visual recoil and bounce that the M4 has, then you can take off the scope and also take off the muzzle if you want a complete laser that doesn't move but maybe the advertised speed isn't.

mw2 2022 best weapons

If it's really anything to write home about. I would go with the build that you're seeing on screen right now, and the biggest difference is going to be the muzzle attachment that basically kills all recoil, but it definitely hurts those aggressive ads. Speed that you might otherwise get: Like I said, there's really no bad way to build the M4, but just keep in mind that the rule of thumb is that if you're less aggressive, play with the muzzle attachment that I recommend and a red dot or some kind of optic. However, if you're, you know, a bit more of an in-your-face aggressive player, lose the muzzle attachment and the optic, and then maybe put on a grip or a stock that's going to help your walking speed or something to that effect, so you can actually go in four situations and push up, you know, just faster, In general, there's one more thing I'll say about the M4.



Think about it this way: it's not like the best gun in the game; it's not really the best at anything, but it's not really bad at anything either, again, king of consistency. Hands down, now coming in at the number four spot is a great weapon and what might possibly be the best gun in the game according to a lot of people: the cast-off 74U or the AK-74U.

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This gun is absolutely sinister, I'm not gonna lie, and kind of similar to the M4, where there aren't really many bad ways you can, you know, put it together, but it's a bit less consistent there. There are ways to make it less viable, but by the same token, there are ways to make it absolutely broken as well.

The thing this gun has going for it right away is just the absurd damage output, and you don't need that many bullets to kill. Its other biggest strength is its ridiculously fast aim-down sight speed, but the recoil can be slightly unpredictable. So this build is mostly to compensate for the recoil smoothness and all that kind of thing.

mw2 best weapon builds

I would say the biggest attributes that you could change are mostly in your hands. Don't put on an optic. The irons are, as you know, super easy to use, either with the shark fin grip or the pineapple grip. The pineapple is going to give you a bit more recoil control, but the shark fin grip is going to give you some more speed and will be more friendly for aggressive kinds of play.

But that is about the biggest decision you need to make for the 74U. This is by far the most well-rounded. SMG, in the sense that maybe it isn't just like the best at one particular thing; it's not the most specialized, but it is basically the best SMG in the game at the moment unless you're using a very specific build, which we're going to get to in a second with, one particular gun that I do think is a little bit better and maybe slightly more competitive, but again, there's not really too many bad ways to build the 70 for you.

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Pretty much anything you put on it is going to be, you know, at least viable, and there are ways to optimize this one, of course.

Vasnav 9k

Vasnav 9k

But coming in at the number three spot is what I believe to be the best SMG in the game: the 74U. It's great, and I think that's my other go-to, but if I'm going to pick one, it's going to be the Vasnav 9K, which is great on its own when you play this gun without attachments. It's pretty good, but the thing is, you can really unlock its full potential with this very specific build.

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I think this is the gun that I probably play with the most in terms of just the SMG class, and it certainly is the one that I gravitate towards the most. Again, it is very similar to the other weapons in that you kind of need a magazine, very much like the fennec. I would absolutely recommend the 45-round magazines hands down no matter what you're playing, but this build is specifically catered towards one thing, and that is just really fast, in-your-face aggressive play.

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