News - Call Of Duty Warzone 2 The Game That Plays You. Angry Rant


At least that's the motto that's on the Activision wall in order to actually do good within war zone you're going to have to be able to play the multiplayer, inside of the actual paid game so then you can level up your guns for your Loadout drop otherwise you will not make an even a dent inside of the war zone game mode, but there's more what if you wanted to play Zombies that's a good game mode and it's separate from multiplayer and the free tolay war zone mode well you're going to often get forgotten about by the Call of Duty Dev team because they don't really actually care about zombies and zombies hasn't been good since Black Ops 2 maybe Black Ops 3 I'd give you that one too but other than that it's basically DMZ, which was another mode that they removed from Modern Warfare 3 to be keeping Modern Warfare 2 but then they give you Zombies Modern Warfare 3.

DMZ crazy, here's the thing: I'm just being brutally honest about this game. The framework is good, the bare bones of Duty are fine, from the movement mechanics to the way the guns play and sound, and the sound design is well done. It's the footstep thing, but it's the actual company behind the game that's absolutely brutal.

loadouts in cod

Here's the thing: the dev team behind Call of Duty is constantly doing things that hinder each other, rather than both development studios working together to make a great game. They both battle each other to make the most incomprehensible. They get to have an invisibility cloak the entire time, like they're playing Hogwarts Legacy, which is a game that sold more copies than actual Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3.

Now, out of every word work, there comes this community that comes out, and they're like, if you don't like the game, then go play something else. I would love to know what you would recommend that I go play that's on the same level as Call of Duty, because Battlefield 2042 is not the answer. There's just about no other game on the market that gives you the same feeling as Call of Duty, so once again.

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I challenge you to give me a game that has the same number of players, the same kind of game modes, and also gives you the same feeling as a Call of Duty game. When you can do that, I'll listen to your comment about how I should go play something else, and then shut the hell up because the game has no competition.

meta guns

That's why they get away with doing skill-based matchmaking. The manipulative storefront, where everything costs half the value of the actual digital game, through the casino feeling of getting two bad lobbies in a row and then getting a really good lobbie, where you actually get the feeling like you're actually doing something within the game, is super manipulative.

min max guns

Because there's nothing on the market to actually challenge it there's nothing extra fight's going to come out shorty, it sure will and you know what's going to happen the same little cry babies that were in this game are going to go over that game ruin that game and then that game's going to completely dissolve itself in 2 months look at splitgate was a great game upon launch and then it fell apart because of the absolutely crybaby Community they can't handle it if they have to go against any adversity in the entire world if it gets too hard they just cry until they get their way, yet anybody who stands up and says hey this isn't okay gets told that they need to shut up because the game needs to be that way to protect those same little in innocent little babies in the corner.

If you are looking to buy Call of Duty for anybody at Christmas time or you're going to open up Call of Duty tomorrow on Christmas day, you need to understand one thing and one thing only: this is not a article game that you get to play; this is a article game that gets to play you. There are so many math equations and things happening in the background and different analytics and stuff that they get to do that you just become a statistic.

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God forbid if there was a good player in a lobby that actually got the standout for once. God forbid, if there's somebody in the lobby doing super cool trick shots, that means somebody did something good, which means somebody else got upset. We can't have that in our war games. It's just not allowed.

modern warfare

The war's about peace and love. We really hope, and we're putting a lot of our eggs in one basket, that Microsoft will pull this back. I'm not expecting a lot in the next Call of Duty, but I'm thinking the Call of Duty after that is going to be the one where everybody's going to be. And as always, leave a comment, man.

I talk to you guys down there the entire time, try to reply to most of the comments, and I'm not even just saying that if you go look. I at least make sure I pay attention to every single comment down there and reply to most because this is a community that works. Back in Forth, I'm not Activision, man.

I actually listen to you guys, and I actually do try to make changes based on what you guys suggest.

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 is the only game that you don't play but the game in fact plays you! From SBMM and EOMM and pay to win skins you are never really in control of your experience in Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 3. Music. Artist - Lucjo.
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