News - Best Smgs For Rebirth Island Warzone Season 3 Reloaded



Ladies and gentlemen, welcome aboard. I'm TCAP X, and today we're going to be covering the top five SMGs, or top five close-range guns, after the season 3 Reloaded update. Because there were a ton of changes to multiple weapons in this update, in the first part of the article we're going to be discussing the different strengths and weaknesses of these guns because just because I say it's number one doesn't mean it's necessarily the best for you depending on the situation, how you play, or your skill level, and then we're going to be using our website.

Explaining the close range meta

Explaining the close range meta

Wp9 striker, the wp Stingers now this one I think might be getting rated a little bit too high it does have an insane time to kill but this is the akimbo build so it's almost you have to treat it like a shotgun in a sense Ram 9 is actually ranking, pretty well still the renetti aftermarket pistol MC W amp kit then the hogre 556 amp kit is actually sneaking in as meta as well you are going to see that the HRM 9 is now ranking only a b tier after it was heavily nerfed in this update now one thing I wanted to point out really quick is a really cool feature that we're going to have coming soon which is going to be where you can score your own build so this is not out yet this will be for our premium iridescent, members but you'll be able to select whatever build you want, so we can do I don't know the Chimera you'd put all your attachments in.

best loadout 3

That's good stuff. It'll give you all of the statistics for it. You would select: is this a long range or a close range? How would you characterize this build? Then you can go into the firing range and shoot the different dummies and get your average accuracy, which will give you your own custom recoil score for that build.

best loadouts 3

You would then hit analyze, for example. I did this brewing a few days ago, and I ranked it at 9.58. And it gives you all the different stats on this and things like that so pretty cool feature we coming soon that should hopefully be rolling out in the next few days, so I've already selected, a few of these builds as you're going to see if you hit the drop down arrow it'll give you multiple different builds to select from so if we scroll down here and we're going to look at our time to kill chart so the first thing you're going to see on the ttk chart is the HRM 9 in the red line here, is way behind everything else and that's because the HRM 9 got nerfed, very hard in the season 3 reload update and it's just not worth using anymore, after that we've got three different guns that are like neck and neck for a close-range time to kill you got the MCW, the wp9 and the bp50, are all within like aund hundreds of a second or so Striker 9 in blue is just slightly behind it's only 300, of a second slower close-range time to kill but you'll see has very good mid-range time to kills as well and then the striker 45.

The regular striker in the purple line has not as good close range time to kill, but it did get a buff for its long range time to kill, so using this as like a sniper support is now an even better option because this gun also has very recoil. Now, one thing I want to mention is that if we switch this to the expected time to kill, what this will do is factor in the accuracies and also things like open bolt delay, which the WP9 has.

meta 3

And the yellow line here now drops back a bunch because it has a 50-millisecond open bolt delay, which just means when you first pull that trigger, it takes 50 milliseconds until that first bullet starts to come out. Sometimes this matters, and sometimes it doesn't matter in your fights; it just kind of depends on the situation.

If we switch over to the DPM chart or damage for mag, how much damage can you put in before you have to reload? You're going to see that the striker in purple and the wp9 in yellow are topnotch, and the cool thing is the wp9. This build I have here is only with the 40-round mag; you could put the 50 on, and it would be even higher up here, so the big advantage of the WP9 is that guns like the MCW, although they have an amazing time to kill, struggle with that damage per mag department.

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Striker 9 and then the BP50 are kind of in the middle, though now there's a bunch more stats we could go through. We have the waited-for expected time to kills, which is like a fancy stat that compiles all the data into one number, like what's the best ttk you can get. MCW, which actually ranks the highest, then the BP50.

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Striker 9, and so on. On weighted damage. Alpha is how many downs you can expect to get you can expect to get before you have to reload, which factors in things like accuracies, so you're going to see the striker in the WC9. Are on top there, whereas everything else is kind of the same in round three.

We then have expected accuracies, which is the expected accuracy you can get in most situations, which is basically saying how good the recoil control on this MCW is. It actually ranks very high. I think we might need to investigate this a little bit. I think it might be ranking a tad too high, but next you're going to see the striker is the next highest.

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Again, the striker is just super low recoil and great for new to kind of average players, and if we continue to scroll down here, you're going to see even more stats. We've got the builds here we've got the builds here and just a ton of different data. I'm not going to just go through every number and bore you guys to death. What I want to do is just give you a quick summary of what a gun is like: what are the strengths and weaknesses?.

Characterizing the top smgs

Characterizing the top smgs

So the striker 9 is probably the best all-around SMG; it does it all; it has a good time to kill; low recoil; good mobility; good handling; it checks all of the boxes; it's good in everything but not great at anything.

The BP50 is probably hands down the best mobility gun right now; it has insane movement speeds, and if you rely on movement to help win gunfights, the BP50 is great, and it also has great TTKs. The only downside really is its recoil, in that if you don't hit high-damage areas, you can get a slower time to kill Striker 45.

Call of Duty Warzone 3 Season 3 Reloaded is HERE and TCaptainX has the Top 5 META SMG's you NEED TO RE USING on Rebirth Island. Using this Warzone gameplay and data from GGs. ai you can see the BEST SMG class loadouts with the highest TTK, fastest movement speed, and overall best META to give you those close range high-kill games in Warzone. Become a YouTube Member to receive exclusive perks.
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