News - Top 5 "meta" Assault Rifle Loadouts Warzone 2. Warzone Best Loadouts



YouTube In today's article, I'm showcasing my top five assault rifle loadouts and Warzone 2 season 1 reloaded, because you guys didn't see that I just recently posted my top five SMGs. I want to give a huge shout-out to Tayson and Peyton. I have you guys with the top five ARS in the game right now, so after the dot top, go directly into loading gun number one, and loadout number one is the TAC 56 assault rifle.

Harbinger d20

175 tundra pro barrel

17.5 tundra pro barrel

I'm going to go with the F-tack grouper 56, just like normal, giving you that Auto stability, recoil, stabilization, and hip-fire accuracy are again some of the big reasons why this Tac 56 really does not move at all, and then for the next attachment. I have the 60-round mag on for the build. The 40 does get slightly better mobility, but you're going to see that the 60 just feels way better, and then for the last attachment on the build, in my opinion the cleanest scope in the entire game, but again, another attachment that I tell you guys is all preference; you can run any scope you feel most comfortable with, but like I said, the amount of V4 is just super clean; it has very little visual recoil; and then hopping directly into the tuning for the muzzle.

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I'm going to fully max out recall smoothness. I'm going to fully max out bull velocity. I'm going to fully max out recoil steadiness, making it more of a beam, and I'm also going to max out my damage range on the F-Tech. Grouper 56 I'm going to keep the bottom bar completely even at zero zero, and on the left bar I'm going to completely max out recoil stabilization again, and then for the last attachment that has tuning I'm going to completely zoom it in for close, and I'm also going to max out my ads speed, making it a little bit quicker, but overall there's my full build for the attack 56, the assault rifle in Warzone, season one reloaded, and I'm telling you guys by far the best assault rifle in the entire game and in my opinion probably the easiest weapon to use in the game.

Number two and gun number two on the list is the M4 assault rifle, another very good and underrated weapon, and also another very easy to use weapon, just like the TAC 56, but hopping directly into the build for the muzzle; the same thing on this, but I have the Harbinger. D20 muzzle with the exact same pros and cons as attack 56, but if you don't want to use the Harbinger.

Hightower 20 barrel

Hightower 20 barrel

Build to my attack group 56. I feel like a lot of the attachments are the same across these builds, but the attack group 56 is giving you the exact same pros and cons, making you an absolute beam with the M4 as well, and then of course for the M4. I also have the 60-round mag again like I said for the attack group 56.

You can run the 60 or the 45 if you want, but the 60 just feels better, and then for the last attachment on the build, you can go so many different ways with this. You can go with a laser or a rear grip to make you more controllable or even quicker, because the M4 does kind of lack speed. You could also go with high-velocity ammunition.

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but, of course, for me. I'm going to go with the mod V4 optic, because, like I was saying, this is by far, in my opinion, the cleanest scope in the game, and it makes the gun very controllable, and then hop directly into the tuning for the muzzle. I'm going to redo smoothness and bull velocity again, and for the barrel.

I'm going to go fully maxed out on recoil steadiness, and I'm also maxing out my damage range on the F-tech. Grouper 56 I'm going to do the exact same tuning on it as I do for the TAC 56, and then, for the amount V4 in our last attachment, with tuning. I'm going to fully max out my ads' speed. I'm going to zoom it in close again, but overall, that's my full build for the M4 Soul rifle in the game right now.

I know a lot of people like to use it, but a lot of people don't give it credit for how good it actually is, and it's also super easy to use as well, so if you guys have not already, you should. Another gun I actually uploaded recently is super easy to use and hits really, really hard. Shop directly for the muzzle.

Zlr talon 5

Zlr talon 5

We have the ZLR, Talon, 5 muzzle, which is very similar to the Harbinger, D20, and even has the exact same pros and cons. Of course, this ELR Town 5 isn't super easy to unlock. Tom 5, or the polar fire s, you have the kas10, 584. barrel, giving you even more damage range, bull velocity, recoil control, and hip fire accuracy.

Of course, most barrels give you the exact same pros and cons, making you hit harder, getting you closer to hitting scan, and just making you way more controllable, and then, of course, for the underbarrel. I have the F-taker. 56 For the third build in a row, like I was saying before, these attachments do swap from build to build, and I kind of feel bad for just repeating the same attachments, but they are by far the best, and this with the aiming Auto stability, recoil stabilization, and hip fire accuracy are just making you 10 times more controllable, and then of course something very self-explanatory.

best 2 loadout

You have the 40-round magazine; in this case, you can't really run the 20-round magazine; you don't really want to; you can run nomag for a 30-round magazine, but I feel like the 40-round magazine is by far the best option for the build, and then for the last attachment on the build. I actually don't like the mod V4 on the chassis of the 762.

I don't know why, but it feels really bouncy and jumpy, so for me. I'm going to run the SZ Sigma, 4 optic, a very clean and easy-to-use Little Red Dot, and it makes the gun feel so incredibly controllable, and then for the tuning on the muzzle. I fully max out cool smoothness and I also max out my bulb velocity on the barrel, which is the exact same thing as the last few barrels.

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I'm going to fully max out recoil steadiness and my damage range on the F-Tech Grouper 56. We have the exact same tuning that we did the last two times we went fully Max our recoil stabilization and we leave the bottom bar completely, even at zero zero, and then for the last attachment on the Sigma 4 optic, we're going to go fully maxed out on the ads speed again, and I'm also going to zoom it in all the way to close, but overall, that's my full cast off 762.

Best Warzone Loadout Best Assault Rifle Class Setup in Warzone. TOP 5 META ASSAULT RIFLE LOADOUTS in WARZONE 2! Warzone Best Loadouts.
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