News - Change These Settings For Your Controller Warzone 2. 0



so guys, Warzone has officially dropped, and today I'm going to be going through all of the best settings that you guys want to change. This article is going to be focusing on the console side of things, so controller and console-related stuff is not going to be too much PC-related stuff in here; some of this will apply to PCs as well, so just keep that in mind; for the most part, this is more for the PS5 and Xbox players out there, focusing mostly on those consoles as well as the actual controller and settings too, so without wasting any time, let's get stuck right into it.

I'm going to move my webcam out of the way here, and as you can see over on the left, I'm going to be going through all of these settings here. Most of the settings we're going to be going through are going to be in these two settings right here, the controller and the graphic settings, but I will go through all of them.

Then I'll also show you the Quick Settings, which are actually really handy to set up. It's pretty basic, but it is worthwhile as well. Is this exact setting—once you change it, you will never go back to it—the best you can ever change? The reason for that is that all of your movement is now in your sticks; you don't have to take your thumb off the stick to actually crouch.

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If you want to slide into cover, you don't have to take your finger off the stick to stop aiming; to actually do that, it's going to feel weird. I have to explain that it's going to feel very weird when you first do this. You're probably going to die a few times because you're going to press the wrong button.

Trust me, stick with it for a week or so, and I guarantee you will never go back. This is the number one setting that you should always change in any shooter that you ever play, and I can literally guarantee it once. To change this one, it is definitely very important. Now moving down, I think.



This one has mostly to do with the PS5, rather than the Xbox, because they obviously have PS5 controllers. I've actually turned off the haptics, which makes it feel a little bit weird when you actually pull the trigger. It kind of has a bit of a resistance to it; I personally don't like that; if you do, that's fine; for me, it's a little bit annoying and a bit distracting, so I just have turned it off obviously.

is always a touchy one; this is just a completely personal preference. I actually play pretty low by default; is four, I play on fire, but there's obviously -- what is there bloody? Okay, 20; I didn't even know that was 20, so I'm on five out of 20. Like, that's actually pretty low, but I know some people who play on Max, you know, sensitivity, on a lot of games, and it can go well, so they each have their pros and cons.

The slower you set your sensitivity, the better that will be at range. You're going to have more control at range, but then obviously if someone's behind you, it's going to take longer to turn around, and vice versa, if you're playing on 20, you will probably struggle to hit shots at long range, but up close, if someone's behind you, you're going to snap onto them straight away.

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So this one's completely personal preference, the defaults, and I personally would recommend trying to go up a little bit if you're normally a 4 to a 5. I'm usually a 4, and I actually upped it to 5 just because of that. Added quickness can really help once you get the hang of it, but obviously if you're a four, don't go to 20, because that's just going to be ridiculous. Now, the next one you want to be going to is , interact, and reload.

Interact reload

Interact reload

Behavior: This is a very important one for Warzone; it doesn't really matter as much for Modern Warfare itself, but the default setting is just tap to reload. What this means is that at all times you have to tap Square X on Xbox to reload your gun or hold the button to interact, so to open doors, open a chest, or whatever the case may be, you always have to hold the button to do that, and that's going to take a lot of time.

Think about all the things you pick up; that includes things like picking up armor off the ground. Reload This used to be contextual, "Tap in" or "Zone One," but they've slightly—they've essentially—added an extra option. But prioritize and reload are going to make that interaction possible. And reloading involves tapping the button, so if I'm running around looting, I just have to tap X or Square to pick up the item; I don't have to hold the button.

And when I'm running around shooting and I need to reload. I can just hold that button instead. So this is essentially just prioritizing the reload over the interaction, or doing it the other way around. It's really just personal preference for me; I don't want to run around and try to be reloading and I accidentally open a door and then I get killed because of that, so I've gone prioritize and reload.

I do personally think that's the best one, but honestly, both of these are definitely better than these two, so definitely change this one. This is going to save you a lot of time looting, and obviously, once you get used to it, you will never go back. now that the armor plate Behavior: This is an interesting one.



I actually have a scuff controller, as you guys can see. I'm still aiming, and I can still run around at essentially full speed; they have nerfed the speed, unfortunately, but I can still sprint around while armoring up, and that's really handy, but if you don't have a scarf controller, you can actually change this to apply to all.

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This can get you into a little trouble, but I am pretty sure if you, you know, switch to your weapon, I think it does cancel the animation. So this is one of those things that are personal preferences; if you don't have a scarf controller, this can be really handy because it means that you have a bit more mobility and can still aim around rather than having to take your right thumb off the stick, you actually hold the triangle.

Or wire you, and you can keep your thumb on the stick once you're, you know, once you put that first armor plate in, so this is a handy one to have, but then if you do have a scuff controller, it's just easier to apply one because then you have essentially complete control over it.

Aim assist

Now move into the advanced settings.

With the aim assist, you want to set this to Black Ops, but apparently this actually did get slightly nerfed in the season one update, but essentially. There should not be options or aim assistance; there should just be universal aim assistance. I'm not sure why, but apparently this one's the best. Now the last setting that you want to change in the advanced settings is the automatic parachute; if I can find it there, it is parachute.



You want to turn that off because it can sometimes happen if you're not paying attention, which is a little bit annoying but gives you a bit more freedom.

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