News - 1 "best" Controller Settings Warzone 2. Sensitivity. Deadzone

best 2 controller settings

We might shit around this; we shit killed that kid; there are two of them; he knocked me in; there are two of them. Get off this foot. Connor's in the corner too. You shite i'm right i know; I just want to make sure you saw that kid. How do I kill all those kids and have one plate, bro? I can't see a name tag on him; there is a kid over there.

Yeah, you're right. I don't have vsync on I don't have any of this vsync, or any of this for the custom frame rate limit, on 140 just because my monitor is 144. This is really important for War Zone 2. It can drastically increase your performance with my quality settings, so make sure you guys rock these if you want the most frames you could possibly get with your system.

We're going to rock a 100-percent render resolution always, and we're going to use Rock Fidelity Cast for the image sharpening. You're going to want to put this at 100 for the anti-a-listing. You want SMAA-2x with normal quality. You're going to want to set the article memory scale to 90 and then text your resolutions and details, which are going to be mostly low except for some things that don't affect your FPS at all.

best 2 settings

You can put this on high because it does not affect your frames. Shader: Most of the things are going to be off or low, except for the things that have no effect on frames. Quality You want this to be medium terrain, memory I put this on Max's "normal" streaming quality. Shadow map resolution is what you want, and again, guys, feel free to pause my article and screenshot any of these that you guys need.

I'm just going to scroll over really quickly for the film grid. I put this on 0.25 to make the image look just a little bit sharper, and then for my view settings, we're going to rock a 110 FOV instead of a 120, because in this game when you rock a 120 FOV on the controller, you do lose aim assist, so I rock a 110 AD, or field of view.

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You always want this to be unaffected, so that your aim assist and your field of view are the same. Next, we're going to rock a wide weapon field of view. Make sure you have the weapon filter set to wide. This is going to make your weapon look smaller on your screen, so you're going to have better accuracy, and you're going to be able to see more when you're holding your gun in your hands.

best 2 settings controller

Weapon field of view and third-person field of view I don't change any of these because I don't play in third person, really first person camera movement. I believe, is set to default. We're going to rock 50 just because I don't want my game to be super, super loud. The music volume is zero, and I don't want to hear any of the music dialogue.

So for my button layout. layout preset IROC's default controller vibration is on for my horizontal and vertical stake sensitivity, IROC 1414, and for my ad sensitivity multiplier, IROC 0.75. For the sensitivity multiplier setting, I haven't changed anything for the vertical A access. I haven't changed anything here either; this is all still standard for my aim on the downside.

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Behavior: I rock the hold; I change Zoom shared input. The reasoning for that is going to be in the next slide of settings. Me You want automatic Sprint equipment behavior. I have a hold weapon. Mount activation is double-tap advertising. I'm going to explain mount activation in a minute, as well as my interact and reload behaviors.

best 2 settings ps4

Sure, you have this under prioritize, interact, and you see here that you can use tap to reload, tap to interact, or prioritize reload. Play behavior; apply all if you remember this setting from Warzone one. I have all of this off, and I don't want any of that gyro aiming stuff or the aim response curve type; I'm going to rock dynamic.

The sensitivity multiplier is set to one for me; sensitivity, transition timing, and instant custom sensitivity per zoom are off. I never use this in a war zone either. I just feel like having a different sensitivity forever hurts your aim, and you're going to be used to none of the sensitivities, so that's why I would recommend you guys just pick one universal sensitivity to get used to and have custom sensitivity per zoom off for.

best controller settings 2

Input Dead Zone I put my left stick Dead Zone down to zero because, as you guys know, the left stick is the movement stick, so when you put it down to zero, you have a lot faster response time with your movement. Well. I don't have any stick drift at the moment, so I rock a zero-zero right stick, which I put at 0.08 because the right stick is your aiming stick, and you don't want it to be too sensitive, but you also want it to be accurate to what it feels like you're actually doing, so I put that at 0.08 for the left and right sticks.

Max is 0.95; left and right triggers are zero because I want my triggers to fire as fast as possible, so I put them on zero tactical. Sprint Behavior toggle Auto move forward off tactical, sprint behavior, single tap run This is another important setting. Printing and the other setting make it so that when you push forward, your guy will just run, and what this does is help you save your sprint for when you actually need it.

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Mantle on all of these settings. I have ads stick swap off and backpack alternate control on. This is probably the most important setting in Warzone 2 right now, backpack.

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