News - Best Controller Settings For Warzone 2. Stronger Aim Assist

Now, right here, you can flip your triggers with your bumpers if you want to. I know some pro players like to do this because it feels a little more responsive to use your bumpers to aim and shoot with, but personally, I prefer using the triggers to shoot. Your stick layout preset and controller, er, vibration—I mean, that's kind of a personal preference.

controller settings

I recommend trying the controller's vibration, and personally, I feel like it's a lot better to have it turned off because I've found controller vibration to be very distracting. Then. I mean, your sensitivity is a personal preference, but if you're struggling to find a good setting. I highly recommend trying something anywhere between four and eight; that's generally where most of the pro players are playing, and then for the ads' sensitive activity multiplier.

I like to lower this down to 0.85. So my sensitivity is just slightly slower when I'm in my 80s. Your sensitivity multiplier is now here. I wouldn't mess with any of this personally; I just leave it at default. But, you know, if you want your sensitivity to be higher when you're in a vehicle or something like that, go for it and then under automatic.

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Sprint, this is just going to help your movement a lot in game, and it's going to save you a lot of money on buying controllers because you're not matching, using that left stick all the time, and interacting with slash reload. Interact: What this does is make it a lot easier to loot because you can just tap your square button instead of having to hold that button down to loot.


It just makes looting a lot easier, and then what you do is you hold the button in order to reload, but if there's nothing to loot around you, you can just tap the button to reload. So it's a very, very nice feature, and I highly recommend you change it to the setting here and then armor plate behavior, which we want to make sure is set to apply.

All this is just very helpful in the war zone; you just press your plate button once, and all your armor is put on. Here's the web peace.

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