News - Are Headshots Useless Warzone 2. Best Guns For Headshots

cod mwiii

I see a lot of people claiming that head shots are useless in this game and don't bother going for them, and that's clearly not true, at least for every gun.

Why are people claiming headshots suck?

Why are people claiming headshots suck?

Well, this originally came from some of the early marketing for the game, where they were talking about essentially the increase in time to kill. They mentioned there's a base multiplayer health increase, lower headshot multipliers, and a longer time to kill, so I think many people took this statement and just ran with it and decided that this means that headshots are literally useless in the game when that's obviously not the case.

In saying that, though for many of the guns in the game, head shots are completely useless or they're just not worth going for because it requires too many head shots mixed in with body shots in order to ever cut down the number of shots to kill, and that's why I feel a article like this could be quite important just so you guys have a really quick reference as to whether or not you should bother going for head shots.

Which guns are best for headshots?

I'm going to be going through category by category and sharing the best guns in the game to be actively going for head shots , and with this, these are all going to be guns that only require one single head shot mixed in with upper torso or torso shots, basically that bonus damage zone to the body. In order to reduce the number of shots to kill within the maximum damage range because that's generally going to be the most effective range for that gun, just to be clear, these are the ones that are most effective for head shots, but that's not saying that head shots are completely useless for every single other gun in the game; it's just that it's going to require multiple head shots mixed in with body shots for other guns in order to cut that down, and that's often not going to be worth going for because that will often yield more miss shots due to Flinch or just recoil with your gun.

Assault rifles

Assault rifles

And Diving right in, let's start this off with the assault rifle category and the Modern Warfare 3 assault rifles. There are actually only two guns that will benefit from one single head shot mixed in with body shots in that maximum damage range, and these are the MCW and the Ram 7, and with both of these guns, if you just go for body shots, they've got a below-average time to kill for Modern Warfare 3 assault rifles.

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However, the moment you mix in that one head shot with body shots, now with both of these guns, you have an incredible time to kill potential that's going to be significantly better than all of the other assault rifles in the game, so these two are the ones you really want to focus on in the assault rifle category for Modern Warfare 3 guns.

However, there's also a couple Modern Warfare 2 assault rifles that do really well with head shots, and these are the Lochman 556. As well as the Chimera, and once again, you can see our time to kill potentials is very good by just mixing in that one single head shot, so it's definitely worth trying to make that happen, and quite surprisingly, that's it. There's only four assault rifles out of all of the assault rifles, including Modern Warfare 2 assault rifles, that benefit from one single head shot in that maximum damage range.



After that, let's move into the SMG category, and there's actually only one Modern Warfare 3 SMG that benefits from a single head shot up close, and this is the striker 9.

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In fact, the striker 9 currently kind of stinks. If you don't get a head shot, your time to kill potential is extremely slow for an SMG up close at 350 milliseconds. Whereas if you mix that one head shot mixed in with those body shots in that maximum damage range, now you can kill in 280 milliseconds, which is honestly not even amazing; it's just a little bit better than average for SMGs.

So I would actually say the striker relies quite heavily on getting that head shot up close. Then, for Modern Warfare 2, SMGs headshots are incredibly effective with the mx9 as well as the FSS hurricane. And once again, we see a similar story: without a head shot, they've got a pretty bad time to kill potential, but with a head shot, now it's suddenly a very solid time to kill.

Battle rifles

modern warfare 3

As for battle rifles, this is where things get a little bit interesting, at least for the Modern Warfare 2 battle rifles, but let's first cover the Modern Warfare 3 ones since they aren't that interesting; they work exactly as you'd expect here, and with these in full auto mode, the only Modern Warfare 3 battle rifle that benefits from a head shot is the MTZ 762, so you want to try to mix that headshot in there to get a really, really fast time to kill, whereas in semi-auto mode.

The Sidewinder is the only Modern Warfare 3 battle rifle that benefits from a single head shot, and this will actually cut your time to kill potential in half if you land that single head shot. So if you are using the Sidewinder, which I find to be a terrible gun in full auto. I would recommend using it in semi-auto, and then I definitely make sure you're trying to mix that headshot in, because if you don't, you're not going to be killing that effectively.

modern warfare iii

Now, like I said, the Modern Warfare 2 battle rifles are a bit interesting, technically speaking. Several of them can benefit from a single head shot mixed in with the best bonus zone possible to the body, but they tend to have weird bonus zones where it only applies to the upper torso and not the arms like you would see with most of the Modern Warfare 3 guns, and more importantly, there's a weird bug, or at least I think it's a bug cuz multipliers have never worked like this, but typically in Call of Duty, if you have a bonus zone to the upper torso, you deal more damage to the upper torso compared to the arms or the hand.

If you were to shoot a player through their hand and into the upper torso, you would end up dealing upper torso damage, not hand damage, whereas with the Modern Warfare 2 battle rifles specifically. It doesn't work this way if you shoot them in the hand even if their upper torso is right behind their hand you're not going to be dealing hand damage and as a result you're often going to be hitting their arms or hands just cuz that often covers the upper torso Zone and this just leads to a ton of inconsistency, with these Modern Warfare 2 battle rifles and therefore even though there are a few that would benefit from one head shot mixed in with upper torso shots you're not going to be able to hit those upper torso shots consistently and therefore I just wouldn't bother with them at.

One big change with Modern Warfare III has been a general reduction to Headshot damage and I've seen many claiming that headshots are useless as a result of this. Today, I wanted to share a list of every gun in the game that benefits from a single headshot mixed in with body shots within its maximum damage range.
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