News - All Upcoming Season 2 Operator Bundles Warzone 2 Showcase. New Mastercrafts, Ultra Skins & More

Of course, if you use the michon operator, you'll get more XP towards that Walking Dead MW3. The event comes with the Michael Operator 2; we blueprint other cosmetics as well, actually a Kadachi blueprint as well, so technically, three weapon blueprints, but cool stuff. There are some cool tracers as well as a decent bundle there now.

I definitely preferred Rick Grimes being on the battle pass. It would have been cool if Michonne was in the battle pass as well, but it is what it is. next one here This one looks like fire. honestly, the zombies ether worm bundle comes with a Scorch operator skin. This is just insane, so we have a zombie active duty slot as well as two weapon blueprints with a pretty cool dark ether and black camo-style zombie acquisition.

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And some other cosmetics there, so first off, a fire operator skin definitely would love to see more operator skins that are themed around zombies, even past TR zombie, bosses, characters, and stuff like that. That's so cool, so hopefully we get a lot of those in you know tr's kod this year, of course, and we have the Nova Pro Pack 6 here, which we have a look at.

The operator looks pretty old. A cool Hazmat, yellow, and black type of guy. Here we have a biorobotic operator pack. I don't have a look at the bundle, but the operator looks interesting. We have a Cupid's arrow. Tracer pack bundle, don't have a look at it, but the operator is just kind of basic there, you know, not too bad, though next is a station suit operator bundle, interesting stuff there, another cryp Tides.

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Nessie bundle. Cool stuff There again we have a carnival weapon blueprint bundle here, a war zone combat pack 2 decomposition, a pack that operator actually looks really, really sick, and then finally a tracer pack trash and talk. Mastercraft. It's kind of funny how they don't release more mastercrafts.

I feel like the mastercrafts would sell a lot more if they had more of them and also cooler mastercrafts, because this one looks kind of cool.

Also read:
ALL UPCOMING Season 2 Operator Bundles in MW3 SHOWCASE! New Mastercrafts, Ultra Skins More.
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