News - All Possible Meat Wallbang Spots ( Penetration Kills ) Warzone 2. Challanges - Tips And Tricks



While others are only one-sided, from what I've learned on this map so far, if you were to cut this map in half right here, this map is honest. One-sided right, there's more wall bank spots on this side of the map compared to this one right here, so if you're ever playing this map and you get killed a bunch of times through this side of the map compared to this one, just sow means he doesn't suck. It's just the way this map has been laid out; there's a lot of cheese in it, so first and foremost, we're going to focus on this spawn right here.

First spawn / wallbang breakdown

First spawn / wallbang breakdown

So quick brief break down, spawns are back here, but they didn't Nerf this spawn and move these spawns into this crate. This crate is in fact bulletproof; you cannot chew through it no matter how hard you try unless you have actual cheats, but let's all face it: if you're cheating like that on the game, you got a big forehead like me all right, so the spawns are back here in this back room right over here and right here, and from what I learned, you can use these doors as a wall penetration spot.

10 penetration kills mw3

Some of the doors on this map are, in fact, bulletproof, just so you know. Right these doors are bulletproof compared to this door right here which most likely probably isn't but it is so the blue doors are bulletproof, these doors that are, on this other side of the map just showing you real fast these are not bulletproof but I don't think it'll count as a wall penetration kill the reason why is there's no particles when you shoot through it just something you know right so like I said we're going to focus on this side of the map you can shoot through this right here, you could stand in this corner line your yourself up right and if you need to which I would recommend you mark there to where you know where you're going to be aiming but of course you're looking at your mini map one piece of advice I can give for lining yourself up on your mini map is using a toothpick, a piece of string and some Scotch tape you just put on your monitor of course.

15 penetration kills mw3

Try not to use no duct tape CU you'd probably screw your monitor up but Scotch tape honestly would be fine it's not going to hurt anything it's very weak tape the adhesive on it ain't really going to do anything crazy, unless you like put some super glue on it then that's your own problem right so, you can find you can press pause or something or pull up this mini map right here well I don't think it'll work right there but for your top left corner, just to line yourself up perfectly, to where wherever you aim on the map on your mini map it's going to be lined up and you'll be able to, snap on people with your mini map honestly I did this in Vanguard and I got called a cheater a lot of times for it but honestly once you do it a lot you don't really need to use that thing you were training with cuz there's times when I'm playing the game and I got a UAV or Advanced UAV up I'm just staring at my mini map I know that I'm centered in my screen, and I'm just staring at my mini map.

And just lining up and shooting people, like right now I'm staring at my mini map. I know I'm centered on this right here. You just shoot through, and you can see I'm getting hit markers; it's that easy, right? So you can shoot through that. You can shoot through this wall right here. This right here is bulletproof.

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You cannot shoot through this sign for the life of yourself. You cannot do it. You can go up here. You can climb on top of this vehicle right here and you could shoot through it, and get wall penetration kills. In the hallway, I don't know why it says okay. Never mind, you could shoot through this hallway right here to get a guide to it.

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Of course, if you want to go for penetration kills, you can just mark that right. There, of course, should be able to shoot through that right when it comes to the spawn point right here you can place a Deployable cover right here use a piece of equipment jump up line yourself up with the center of this brick right here and you'd be able to shoot them in their spawn right here, all like that you can shoot through this wall right here but just know this wall is basically one-sided I'm going to explain so place that right there we won't be able to hit it, right but because there's bulletproof class right here you can stand on the semi, and you could shoot through that right you could shoot through this wall right. Here, where it spawns down here, and you know people behind this wall, and vice versa, you can shoot through this wall to hit people all the way down there.

Mid map spawn / wallbang breakdown

Mid map spawn / wallbang breakdown

Right all right, so now that that's done, we're going to go into mid-map. Now, mid-map actually has a lot to offer, and honestly, you probably don't even have to leave mid-map when it comes to probably getting your very first MGB in this game.

Let me explain right away: first off, coming from this side spawn, you don't even have to run in the mid-map. You can post up here, you can aim right, and of course you want to be centered, so one thing you can use to center is the bottom of this sticky note right here; shoot left. You can hit them when they come around that head glitch, and you can shoot them from the right side.

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You can hit them when they come around that head glitch, and if you turn right, you can shoot them from the right side. Let me show you just so that you know where I'm not talking just to say something. That's right side, and right here is going to be left side, right pretty busted, in my opinion, right-left side right here.

bullet penetration kills mw3

Hit him on both sides. You don't even have to run in the middle, stupid, right? Then, let's say they're spawning on the other side of this door over here, where there is a spawn point right here. They're spawning back here. You can shoot them when they come around this corner from the mid-map, which is insane, right?

Just like that, you can do it crouched, and I think you can do it prone. Yeah, you can, so you got that right there, right? This ain't even just it. You can see this door right here. You can shoot through this door, right? I don't think you can. Shoot this way because the meat right here is in the way, and I think the meat is bulletproof, which makes sense, but you can shoot through this door going this way, so look, there's a spawn point right here in this back room.

easy penetration kills

As you can see, you see the door right there. You place the pable cover down so I can prove it to you guys. You're going to run right here. Hey, look at that. Look at that. You do it prone too, so you can hit that spawn point, right? So you just can't hit this spawn point. You can hit that spawn point as well, but trust me, it gets crazier, right?

Thanks for watching hope you enjoy ALL POSSIBLE WALLBANGS Penetration Kills in MW3! Challanges - Tips and Tricks Vid.
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