News - How To Get Penetration Kills With All Lmg's For Camo Challenges Warzone 2

modern warfare 3

Back at it with a brand new Modern Warfare 3 article here guys, and in this article is how to get penetration kills with all of your lmgs. When getting penetration kills, just know they call them wall bangs. It's not called a penetration kill, but the wall bang is a penetration kill for the challenge.

Guys, I'm going to show you a bunch of things on how to get these penetration kills, but first off, I'm going to show you what maps to be playing on to get these penetration kills. Make sure that, guys, you play on Rust Mint; make sure you only play on meat; and make sure you only play on shipment.

You could get it on Rust, but it's much easier on meat and shipment. Guys, make sure you also only go into hardcore. For hardcore, it's the easiest way to get these wall banks. For the core, it's extremely hard, guys. It's like the walls aren't really even trying to help you get the wall bang, but in hardcore, guys, it's like you're just slapping everything through the walls and getting these kills that you're going to want to shoot through to get these wall bangs, which are penetration kills.

modern warfare 3 camo challenges

You're going to want to shoot through the crates right near a base, so as you know, they're always on the flag, and stuff like that shoots right through that crate and shipment right through a base and also on cide. Shoot right through that crate on where you could hide behind the crates you could shoot there too, that'll be the fastest way to get these wall bangs and also shooting through objects so like little tins, little head glitches stuff like that guys you shoot through that and you'll also get the wall ban from that for the penetration kills and meat guys all you're going to want to do guys is shoot down the long hallway you can utilize the door close the door and shoot right through the door or shoot right through the wall guys down the lane, or you could go in the middle base where be is and then shoot through the meat guys or shoot through this one door that I'll show you Within These Clips But overall.

modern warfare 3 lmg penetration kills

I'm going to show you a series of clips, guys, on what position and also how to get these kills for your penetration kills. In the end, I'll show you the exact classes that I use to get these penetration kills. Guys, make sure you have your ammunition, that you have penetration, kills, and also vehicle damage.

If you have both of those options, you're going to need them. I hope you enjoy them. Yours So guys, that's pretty much the easiest and fastest way to get your penetration kills, which are wall bangs, shipment, and also meat, but right here, guys. I'm going to show you the best classes to use to get your penetration kills, so the first class you're going to want to use, guys, is pretty much this tack.

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Eradicator, and remember guys, for the ammunition at the bottom put on the armor piercing, that's really good for the penetration kills, as you could see it's bullet penetration and vehicle damage, which is perfect for this challenge. The second class that we got here, guys, is the Bru MK9, and also remember the armor piercing for this gun too, as well as you can see the bullet penetration and vehicle damage also added on for the polyot 762.

modern warfare 3 penetration kills

Guys, this is a class that you're going to want to use; it sprays right through the walls; it's perfect, and you could put on the 4 MMR mono as the ammunition that's for the penetration. Next, we got the dg58, LSW, and this is a shredder. I promise you, it'll be easy with this one too, with those 100 rounds on it, and it also has mono as the ammunition for penetrations.

And the last lmg that you can use right here is the holder 26 guys. You can use this class; it's perfect for getting these wall bangs, and remember, it has armor piercing as the ammunition. This is how to get penetrations for all your LMG camo challenges. It's extremely easy to do it, guys. Make sure you go to hardcore and make sure you have on your ammunition the armor piercing or the 4mm mono, and once you have that on guys, you'll be slaying and getting these wall bangs like no tomorrow.

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Make sure you play those maps that I also told you to play. Make sure you're in the same positions as you saw me in. Within those clips, we'll be breaking down every single thing in Modern Warfare 3.

This Video Is On How To Get Penetration Kills With All LMG'S For Camo Challenges In MW3, I Provided You A Bunch Of Classes To Use To Get Your Wall Bangs And The Fastest Way To Complete All Your LMG Penetration Kill Challenges Just Listen Up Closely To This Video You Should Have No Problem Completing These Challenges. Hope You Enjoy This Video.
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