News - All 37 Warzone 2i Weapons, Attachment Tuning, Detailed Stats, More

cod mwiii

I think I'll cover those in tomorrow's article; it's just too much to pack into one single article today, but diving right in, when it comes to Unique Modern Warfare 3 weapons, we're not talking about the Modern Warfare 2 guns that are also carrying over into the game, but just for Modern Warfare 3 weapons, there are going to be 37 of these weapons as well as six aftermarket parts, and those aftermarket parts are essentially conversion kits that turn a gun into basically a totally different type of gun.

Assault rifles

Assault rifles

And let's just start going straight through the list. Here, we'll kick it off with assault rifles. In the beta, we had access to the MTZ 556, the MCW, and the SBAA 45. On top of this, we're going to have access to the Hoger 556, the DG58, and the F556, and that's interesting because those are two three-round burst guns.

Both the F556 and the D-G58 will be three-round bursts, and I actually did run into the D-G58 in the campaign, but I didn't see any F556 laying around.


Next for SMGs, we have six Modern Warfare 3 SMGs. In the beta, we have the Rival 9 Striker and the Amr 9, whereas at launch, we'll also have the WSP 9, which is the uzi, the WSP Swarm, which is based on the uzi Pro, and the Striker 9, which is a 9mm version of the Striker.

Battle rifles

After that, we have battle rifles, and in the beta, we have the MTZ 762 and the Bass B.


At launch, we're also going to have The Sidewinder, which was available in the campaign; for the lmg category, we have the pumat 762 and the hogar 26 from the beta; whereas at launch, we're also going to have access to the TAC Eradicator, the dg58. LSW, and the bruan mark.

Marksman rifles

Marksman rifles

Then, for marksman rifles, we only had two in the beta: the MTZ Interceptor and the MCW 6.8. At launch, we will also have the DM 56 and the KVD enforcer. Both of these can be found in the campaign.


Then, with shock guns, all of these were technically available in the beta.

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We had the Riveter, the Locked 680, and the Haymaker, which you could access if you got the Juggernaut Recon.

Sniper rifles

And then finally, for primary weapons, in the game for sniper rifles, we had the Longbow and the KV inhibitor in the beta, and at launch we will also have access to the cat AMR, so that brings us to a total of 30 brand new primary weapons coming to Modern Warfare 3.

This doesn't include any of the Modern Warfare 2 guns that are also going to be added.


However, let's also have a look at our secondaries. When it comes to the handguns, we had access to the WSP Stinger, the Renetti, and the Core 45 in the beta. Although the Core 45 was showing up as locked, there was a way that you could use it in the beta, and then on top of this, they're adding the tier (I think it's pronounced), which is a brand new revolver that they're adding in, and that just leaves us with launchers, and there's only one unique launcher, which is the RG80, which was found several times throughout the campaign. This honestly isn't too surprising though because we're getting all of the Modern Warfare 2 launchers added to the game, and all of those already kind of cover the bases that you need covered for launchers, so that actually makes sense to me that there's only one brand new launcher that they're adding here, and then there's also two melee weapons, the gutter knife as well as the camit, which brings us to a total of 37 weapons.

Weapon count compared to older cods

Weapon count compared to older cods

And I was personally curious to see how this stacks up against previous Call of Duty releases. Is this a low weapon count, and are they relying on those Modern Warfare 2 weapons to really pad those numbers up? Well, it turns out I already had a spreadsheet made up from previous years just looking at the primary weapon count at launch from all the way back to Cod 4, and when we look at the chart right here.

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Modern Warfare 3 on its own, not even considering the Modern Warfare 2 Guns, is sitting at a very respectable primary weapon count there that's better than most other Call of Duty releases. Now, is it better than Modern Warfare 2? no but Modern Warfare 2 was kind of an anomaly when it comes to the primary weapon count at launch we had an insane number at 40 weapons but that doesn't take away from the fact that Modern Warfare 3 is actually doing pretty great on its own when it comes to primary weapon count, now one thing I do want to mention here is a lot of the weapon models they're using in Modern Warfare 3 they're kind of reusing them in multiple ways to go along with the platform system so they'll take one weapon model just change it up a little bit and call it a brand new gun which in the case of creating a new version of the gun in a different category of weapons I think that makes sense like having the hogar as an assault rifle an lmg and a marksman rifle I personally think that's great, however.

I can definitely see more of an argument when we're talking about changing up the weapon model. A little bit and leaving it in the same class of weapons so in the case of like the Striker versus the Striker 9, for instance. It's basically the same weapon model; they've done very little to change things, and I could definitely see an argument for that being sort of like lazy design.

Aftermarket parts at launch

Aftermarket parts at launch

Conversion Barrel that's a mouthful for the core 45, which may or may not have been available in the beta I didn't really level that gun up enough because I didn't figure out the way to use it until later on, but with this one, it says it introduces binary fire, which effectively doubles the rate of fire.

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Then they have the Broodmother 45 kit for the WSP 9, so you can turn that into a 4/5, the Jack heretic carbine kit for the MTZ 762, which is a battle rifle, and then finally, for our first weekly challenge to unlock these aftermarket parts, we're going to have the Jack Raven kit for the MCW. And it looks like this is just converting it to 300; I assume 300 Blackout, and they didn't really provide too many details aside from that, so there we go. Those are all of the unique Modern Warfare 3 weapons as well as the aftermarket parts that are going to be coming within the launch window of the game at least.

Mwii weapons completely rebalanced

Mwii weapons completely rebalanced

Now, once they move on to some of the other things they talked about, specifically weapons and weapon balancing, the first thing they mentioned here is that they are going to be doing a complete rebalance of the Modern Warfare 2 weapons, which I am happy to see.

I have been looking at this in the past, like hypothetically, if they didn't change things, what would that look like? Well, it does appear they're going to be making changes to damage ranges, damage values, damage location multipliers, attachment value magnitudes, as well as attachment pros and cons for the Modern Warfare 2 weapons, so there are a lot of changes there, and I'm very happy to see that.

Today we got a ton of information regarding the weapons and class items we can expect to see with the launch of Modern Warfare III next week! In today's video I'm going to be sharing a list of every one of the 37 MWIII weapons we get at launch as well as aftermarket parts, detailed stats, tuning, and more.
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