News - 9. Reasons Warzone 2i Zombies Could Be Amazing, But Also Some Huge Issues

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You can say you know what I'm going to take this item in, and then as soon as you take it in, you can craft another one, and it'll essentially be on cool down. At that point, you can lower the cooldown by X filling successfully. And those types of things in the beginning you can see right here it says that the schematics, you can craft up to 21 available and you only have three Acquisitions available and you can either find those through looting maybe you get a rare one and you're going to be like I'm saving this one until we're doing the main boss Mission or whatever the case is or you can just make sure you're crafting them up so you'll have the opportunity there and then you're going to have ethereum, returns obviously these were used in Cold War as well as well as The Ether tools which were used to upgrade your Rarity these were pretty rare to find though but you'll be able to get those specific items so these will allow you to Pack-A-Punch your weapon to one and two so they kind of repurpose, them and then this will probably be incredibly rare you could stock up and have a an inventory of them and know all right cool next time I in I'm going to get a pack a punch tier three or triple packed weapon right off the bat and I'll be able to head into the hard part of the map.

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Right from the beginning, I don't have to wait until I get enough Essence to upgrade; you're going to be able to jump right into it, which I think is a huge plus. All the perks are basically coming back; they've been kind of reworked, and some of them aren't as powerful or overpowered as they were in Cold War once you got to Tier 5 and fully kitted them, but maybe they'll add those types of upgrades in the future, so stamina up will give you other bonuses on top of what it already gives, like Quick Revive Will or Deadshot Dairy Will.

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Or other means to upgrade it because Cold War came out with some good stuff and then they continued to add on it in terms of the permanent progression, so you kind of got all those that you're really used to. And then you even got the ammo mods which brain rot was cool and that's probably going to be a very meta one because in round base zombies you got to hold the last zombie you don't really use that one and in outbreak you would because it doesn't matter it doesn't flip the around shatter blast is great for tanky ones there might be other uses for different things depending on if you need to do something specific, and you're not going to necessarily have Choice all the time unless you're buying it in game you might be able to load in and say hey you know what I'm going to spawn with this ammo mod and you're going to be good to go they're also bringing back the Wonder Weapons which would be nice maybe there'll be certain Easter eggs to unlock those aren't necessarily Mainline Easter eggs but those could be steps to guarantee you get a ray gun and those can also be schematic.


The ax and tear rewards—those are all going to be similar to DMZ. I think that's where they took most of their inspiration for DMZ. It's this specific progression system with the AXS, the tiers, and the missions that will eventually give you a story mission, which we kind of saw within DMZ, and then the various rewards could be schematics or acquisitions so you can start another match with other stuff, so there's item permanence, so it's not like you start round one with nothing, like a round-based zombie, so obviously there's trade-offs with that.

Maybe people don't want that because it's too easy; they want to be a little bit hardcore. And you have the option to load in with nothing too, so you still have that option. It'll just be one of those things, and you kind of go through that. And then uncover the mysteries of the storyline continuation in season one, so like I said earlier, they'll be able to continue this storyline there's buy stations.

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