News - 5 Tips To Play Like A Crimson Player On Rebirth Island. Win More Games Warzone Ranked

Paparazzi is down towards T right now; it's making free beams for Scythe, right? Once again, the sniper is doing work. I will say that in a situation like this, if he happens to get a kill, that would be fantastic, but since they're so far away, the probability of getting a finished hero, especially with the cover of the AC and throwing down the smoke, and the ability to reshape all their teammates, it's going to be more of a difficult fight, but sometimes you never know shooting.

Shooting across the map like that can sometimes get you some free kills. The bottom showers—bottom lockers, or. I should say, washrooms. Okay huge plays are coming out once again, guys, like how I mentioned switching between the weapons and also being totally, okay, with not having to plate up in order to get that fight cleaned up, so switching between weapons using movement, breaking line of sight, going inside the restrooms, as well as being able to get a bunch of kills, but the biggest thing there for sure, guys, is that he didn't see these players and then say I had to run away instead he took his chances, and this is how you level up as a player, this is how you practice.

If you look at any high-level or top-level players, they are never running for their lives as a constant; they know when they're in a bad position, whether they don't have the plates to fight, they don't have a meta weapon, they don't have smokes, they happen to be on low ground, whatever the situation might be, but if it's an even playing field.

There are multiple players; this is where our movement comes into play; this is where our trust in our gun skill comes into play; and if you're someone who maybe doesn't have the best gun skill, then by all means you should be practicing this type of stuff. The number one way to get better is to take on these riskier situations and try to make them the standard of your gameplay.

This is how people get hype moments, or highlights, or whatever you want to call it, because they're taking on these engagements and they're actually coming out successful. If you've noticed, we now have a good handful of crazy situations happening to Scythe. He's been successful in most of them, but right here he's actually separated from his team, so he's going to have to be a little bit careful here.

Top prison, also top prison I want to point out something that's very important as well, so if you are fighting top prison you'll notice that it is divided up into multiple Lanes from these triangular, window, pieces of cover along the top of prison so if we're going if we're going to try and push along top prison here we want to try and clear it out every single Lane and be careful cuz there's somebody sitting at the end on a head glitch we can get destroyed if we're in no man's land in between these Lanes so you notice that scy kind of zigzagged across the top of hold up getting sniped from bottom showers here, as I was saying he got he was zigzagging, across the top of the roof to ensure that he was able to clear his left his right not get caught sprinting down the middle that's one mistake I see a lot of players not being aware of their cover.

You want to try and keep yourself safe, so if someone does happen to pop up, you are absolutely able to fry them versus getting fried because you have the opportunity to slide behind cover and then take the fight on even footing in this position. Here, we're actually in a pretty good spot, sitting top prison, and the circle's going to collapse on us, and we don't have to jump right away at this point.

Scythe should be looking to try and get a couple of picks before jumping down, because if you were to jump down into the middle of the courtyard, this is going to be destruction, an absolute disaster, so we're probably not going to opt to do that. We're going to take advantage of our height; we see players flying in, and they're also going to be getting eliminated by each other, so this is one thing for sure too.

This is super important as well if you're trying to take fights to get more kills, like I mentioned at the very beginning. Take it easy. Take the fights where you are able to get first shots where you have high ground or you have an escape route if you have no way of escaping, because, let's say, jump down into the bottom courtyard here and everybody looks at you at the same time.

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Yes, you had opportunities to shoot at multiple players, but the probability of shooting six players at once and not going down is basically impossible, so a smart play is to slow things down here a little bit, especially with Resurgence being disabled, trying to get your picks before jumping and clearing out a lane, but when I say clearing out a lane, that means, for example, if we get it down right here, see what happens.

So here, I'm looking at the kill feed. If we happen to get it down, I think Caz is going to push us instead of bringing the fight to this enemy. Scyth gets shot out of the air. This is the dangerous situation I was talking about. He might actually die right here. F barely getting that off there's like one tick left before that was the end of Scythe right there but I was going to say, so the lane that was cleared was Cass he jumped over took out this enemy and now they have a place to land as I say that we now have enemies all around us pushing up on a still.

Even with more enemies coming up as well, I think Carnage is now dipped away for a second here. Scythe going down in the gas but he does have a gold gas mask so no reason to panic we also have a buy station right to our left as well too a ton of money so, hold on as carage goes down like that as I had mentioned the bu station this another huge I'll say crimson level play to do as well is staying composed end game being I not I'm not worried right here we have my gold gas mask I have money to buy back my teammate and I also bought another gas mask as well so I'm not going to say we're chilling cuz this is kind of insane but we're absolutely okay cuz our whole team is alive at the very, least so as things are winding down here towards the end guys let's just listen in to see what the what kind of craziness is going on I'm just going to get out of here let you guys watch the rest of this game let's listen in keep pick me up keep pick me up I have a flare.

I have a flare. He's on the ground. I got stuck. I got him. I got him. Just die carage i have a flare. okay, I'm dying. I'm dying i'm dying i'm giving up. I'm giving up. I'm dead last two last two one more one more on me one more nice last guy's Landing in last guy's Landing in right now, right now, where the [__]] [__].

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That was maybe some of the that was one of the most hectic games of rebirth I think I've ever played in my life, so guys, an insane, insane ending.

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