News - 3 Tips To Dominate Warzone Ranked Resurgence. Warzone 3. 0 Ranked Guide
There is a last tip I'm going to talk about here, and it's the idea of trade position, but I really need to hammer home that rank, and everything is just going to be better with a squad and a set squad, or at least you know four to five people that you consistently play with so you have an idea of what your guys's goal is.
One thing people really struggle with is that this is what people call holding hands, but it's really just called a trade position. And you want to play close to your teammates; if your teammates are getting shot, you want to be able to trade with them. What this means is that if they fight someone and they get them weak, you should be able to instantly come around and shoot that guy, but better yet, you should make it a 2v one if you know your teammate's about to fight someone.
If you're playing in a good enough position, you can shoot that same guy, and not one person on this planet is going to kill two people shooting at them unless the two people are just absolutely terrible and miss all their shots. So by learning to play the proper trade position, you're going to save your teammates lives.
Your teammates are going to save your life, and you're going to get way more kills. The way Sr works is if you even do one bit of damage to any person. Whether they're down or alive, you're going to get the same amount of points as the person who got the kill, so naturally, if you're playing a good trade position and you're helping your teammates tag opponents, you're helping your teammates win gunfights against your opponents because you're just there saving their lives and they're saving your lives, and yada yada, well, you're going to get way more points, and you're going to win way more gunfights.
Your squad's going to win way more, and it's going to be a way better time, but as I said, guys. I think the biggest issue is that a lot of people just don't have three people that are dedicated to playing ranked like that; they don't have three people that actually care that much about Call of Duty to discuss things like trade position and whatnot, and I fully get that.
I understand that this content is meant for a very small percentage of the total Cod player base, and that's okay. I'm not chasing 100, 000+ views. I'm trying to make content that genuinely helps you guys get better, so you might have to realize that in your squad, you might have to be the guy that pushes things like playing trade position and playing a little smarter to get the win, and some of the things I'm talking about in this article anyways, guys.
It's been R. I hope you have a good day.