News - 3 Tips To Boost Your Kd Ratio. Warzone 3. 0 Season 2 Guide

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Ryan Here in today's article. I have three tips that I instantly think are going to help give you a better KD ratio and help you become a better player, so let's get into it, and with my very first tip. I want to talk about how it all comes down to winning your 1 V ones. I'm not kidding, guys; this is the whole high KD thing.

This is the one skill you need to learn. You need to learn how to win your 1V ones. You need to learn how to isolate 1V-ons. You need to learn how to cut out deaths where you weren't even actually in a 1v1; you just got shot in the back or something. So let's begin with the first one on how to win 1 vs.

The three skills that usually allow someone to win a 1v1 are their mental preparation, their aim, and lastly, their movement. Now, the order of those is in no particular order, but they are all extremely important, and this is what I mean: it is extremely rare that I am going into an area without expecting someone to be there; it is extremely rare that I am not mentally prepared for someone to be there; and when I am in a gunfight.

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I am ready to get the kill, which means my center is on point, which means I'm going to put a big focus on being properly pre-aimed, and then on top of that. I'm going to make sure that my positioning is going to allow me to get to cover and play it up if need be, so once you have the mental side of it and you're actually prepared to even be in a 1V one and not just get caught out running around like a headless chicken, now you need to hit your shots and have the movement to beat your opponent, because there's two parts of this guys you need to hit your shots and you need to make your opponent Miss some shots, there's never really going to be a time where it's like an old western drool, where it's going to be first one the fire wins you know you're not going to take your five steps and turn around and bang whoever shoots wins, no Guys these gunfights take about half a second to a full second to actually complete there's going to be a lot of Miss shots there's going to be a lot of chances where if you had proper movement you could have made your opponent Miss and this is really what a high KD comes down to guys if you were in a 1 V one a 100 times how many of those 100 1 V ons would you actually win and if the answer is over 50%.

how to get a better warzone kd

Well, you're probably going to have a pretty good KD, but if the enters around 30–40% of those 100 1V1s, well, you're going to struggle guys because the more 1V1s you can win, well, that just means you're going to get a higher KD, and this is why earlier in the article I was talking about learning to isolate your 1V1s because yeah, it's cool that you can run around winning 1V1s with good aim and movement, but if you're consistently putting yourself in a spot where you're getting shot by three or four people, it just simply doesn't matter, guys, this is what I mean.

season 2 warzone

Yeah, you need to have the ability to win a 1V one, but then you need to learn to isolate 1V ones, and you're probably saying, Ryan, how do you do that realistically? That topic deserves a whole other article, but I'm going to give a quick, brief breakdown right now. You want to focus on manipulating cover, breaking lines of sight, and understanding when a squad you're facing might be too sweaty to allow you to isolate 1V ones, and it's at that point where you probably need to make the decision to disengage entirely.

The right thing to do often times is to play your life, so if you're in a game and you kill that first guy and you see three red dots pushing you, and you're pretty sure I am screwed if I don't run well, run guys, but if you see those three red dots and you can look at the space, you think to yourself.

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I can isolate all these 1V ones. Do so, because that's how you're going to start murdering people. Once you have those fundamentals down to win your 1 V ones reliably, you need to start adopting the skills necessary to isolate 1 V ones, and this is something that takes a lot of time. A lot of it is super situational, which is why it deserves an entire article.

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I'm only going to talk about it so much, but it's pretty much the reality, guys. Anyone you know who has a high KD Anyone you know who's probably struggling to get a high KD probably knows the whole riddle will be answered in this 1 V1 conundrum. Just think of this hypothetical if you had 100 1V1s.

What percentage of those would you win because if it's a high number, you're going to have a good KD, but if it's a low number, and you've got to be realistic with yourself, don't you know, say I'd win 60% when you know you wouldn't, but the reality is that is really what separates someone's KD because what happens after that once you get to this 2kd area?

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That's when your macrogaml, the teammates you play with, the servers you play on, and the mode you play start to really come into play, and I'm going to get into that later, but this is going to take me into my second tip, your KD ratio. It really doesn't matter, guys. Now let me explain what I mean by this because, did you hear those things I was just talking about?


What game mode do you play? Do you play with what servers? Do you play on Yada Yada? The list goes on, and for guys, you can have someone who has 3 KDs. But what if they average three kills a game? Do you think that means they're better than someone who has a 2.5. KD but averages eight kills a game?

Because in my opinion, the person who averages eight kills a game with a 2.5 KD has probably a lot more skill, and they're probably going to often times win a 1 V one a lot more because what you can do is, if you really want to, you can play like a little scum. Lord, for your KD ratio, if you really want, I wouldn't recommend doing it.

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You really shouldn't do it because that's not how to actually play. You shouldn't think like that. You should focus on getting better and not be stressed about these arbitrary stats. But the truth is, I could sit into battle royale games, I could snipe three to four people, make sure that I don't die until the game ends so that if I do die, I'm only going to die once.

warzone 3

What this is going to do is, as long as I get three four kills. I'm going to have a 34 KD ratio, and if I sprinkle in some games with like six or seven kills, now we're talking about me having like a four, 5 KD ratio, guys, and that's why the stat to me is so dumb because it's never really a true representation of skill.

I've seen people have a 2.8kd, but they're capable of dropping 40 kill games; they're capable of dropping 50 kill games; and are you going to tell me that someone who has a 3.5kd and has never had a 30 kill game in their life is better than him? No, I'm sorry; that's where you have to learn these numbers.

Hey, guys, if you want to boost your KD Ratio and get better at Warzone, then this is the video for you! I'm going to talk about how to play smart, how to play aggresive and how to master your overall ability to get kills and get better. I hope you guys are enjoying season 2 of Warzone and I hope you guys enjoy the video.
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