News - How To Master Advanced Movement On Warzone 3. Best Settings



It's KI today I'm going to be bringing yall a movement tutorial for MW3 and War Zone 3, and hopefully by the end of the article, y'all can implement these movement techniques into your game playay.

Controller settings

So to start off on the controller settings, there's going to be a couple of them that I'm going to be talking about.

The first setting would be your Buton layout. Now, the only reason I play on default is because I play claw, which benefits me, and if you're most players that play this game, you're most likely not playing claw or you don't care about playing claw, so for you. I would either recommend tactical flipped or bumper jumper tactical, which both help with movement a lot.


So the next setting I'm going to be talking about is the dead zone. All this is basically how much control you're going to have over your two joysticks; the lower you go, the more control you're going to have, and the higher you go, the less control you're going to have. The only reason I use seven is because I find it to be a good balance for me, but if I were you, I would experiment with this setting and see what's better for you.

Another setting that's also important is sensitivity, and it really depends on you. I know people who play on 66 2020.133, but one thing I do not recommend is playing below at least 55 now. The next setting you're going to want to have enabled is autox Sprint. I can't stress this enough you need this setting set to this because of how fast you move around the map with it and how it also makes it to where you are putting less strain on your left joystick, and also one thing, don't forget to put your tactic Sprint Behavior to single tap Sprint which also helps you with snaking, the last important setting is going to be the slide SL dive Behavior setting, there's a rumor going around about how having dive and slid en a causes delay which is bad for your movement, so I do not recommend turning these other settings on besides slide only , all right so for the first movement attack I'm going to be showing you is slide cancelling, in order to slide cancel in Modern Warfare 2019 you needed to press circle X which looks like this.

Slide cancelling

Slide cancelling

He's, now I don't know if there's going to be a fix at the attack Sprint so there's a reset to it, but the reason why you would want to abuse slid cancelling so much is mainly for a faster movement and better preparation for gunfights.

Stim movement

Stim movement

Now for the next movement, Tech, I'm going to be showing y'all how to use movement with stems.

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Stems can be used in many ways, such as for breaking your enemies, cameras, or getting in the way in so many situations. Most of the time, when you're coming across enemies, you're going to want to have stems because of how often they can save your life, or if you just want to be a flashy movement player going for clips.

The only downside of using the stems in this game now is that there's an actual second delay when pre-popping your stem before it actually gets to work, but in all. I still prefer it if you want to become a better moving player. The main reason why stem movement is so useful is because of its easy ability to break other people's cameras or to make it to where the aim is thrown off, which then makes it easy for you to kill them.



The next important movement What I'm going to be showing you is snaking. Also, don't forget to set this setting to single-tap Sprint to help us sing. What you want to do is crawl all the way down behind some sort of cover, click your left joystick for single-tab Sprint to be enabled, and then crawl all the way back down again.

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When done correctly, it should look like this at a rapid. Motion—it's going to be hard at first, so keep practicing. Now, with the recent Nerf to Snaking in MW3, it's not as broken as it was in MW2, but when done correctly in this game, it can still throw your enemies off, which is the main reason why you want to use this movement.

Tech is to mainly get information on your surroundings and to come up to kill the enemy when you spot them. You can also add in a side-to-side movement to throw your enemies off even more.


right So the next tag I'm going to be talking about is centering. Centering is another important tech to have in this game.

Centering is mainly about where your cross is placed on your screen at all times when moving around a map. For the most part, if you have bad centering, none of these movement techniques are going to help you at all. Some examples of bad centering could look like this: moving around the map with your cross, looking at the floor, or entering a slide control while looking at the ground, so the correct way to send it across here is to always have it at chest level of your enemy; this makes it to where you're prepared for every gun fight to come to you.

Strafing/crouch spam

Strafing/crouch spam

Player , The Next Movement The tech I'm going to be talking about is strafing, or crop spam. Strafing is simply when you're moving left to right repeatedly, trying to throw the enemy's aim off to make it even harder for the enemy to hit you. You can even add in crowd spam with those left-to-right strafes.

Also read:

Strafing in this game is not as important as the other movement techniques, but it can still make a difference in your gameplay if used.

Zipline movement

Correctly All right So for the next movement, the tech I'm going to be talking about is zipline movement, so to start, if you're an ordinary player, this is probably what you look like going up a zipline.

Now, the reason you don't want to do this is because once you get to the top of the zip line, it sort of puts you into this animation where you're stuck, and if someone is camping in this ZIP, you're going to die 100% of the time. What you want to do instead is, before you even try to go onto the zip, you want to jump and press square if you're on PlayStation and x for Xbox, and as soon as you're in the middle of the zip, you want to spam your jump button multiple times.

For example, this makes it so that you are not stuck in the zip animation and can move freely because it plunges you upward with the momentum. Now, when it comes to the longer zips, you can even add some combos. You basically want to do the same thing, but once you jump off the zip, you want to now spam your square button to interact with the zip and rinse and repeat.

Sometimes you might need to melee in order for it to work, but most of the time you don't need to. To all rights So for the next movement attch.



I'm positive everybody knows what it is, which is be hopping, so I'm not really going to go into death about it, but in order to be hop, all you need to do is basically be a full tag sprint in order to gain some momentum, and all you want to do is jump and jump again after your feet hit the ground.

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