News - 3 Tips To Dominate Warzone Ranked Resurgence. Warzone 3. 0 Ranked Guide
With that being said, we're going to jump right into it, and the very first thing we're going to talk about is that you need to master your landing spot. So what I'm going to recommend is all over the map. Hopefully, you pick three different spots. They're going to allow you to play different circles, and you're going to land at these three spots pretty much every single game.
For me, I have a winery on the east side of the island. I have this thing in the center of the island, and on the west side of this island, I have the library. And for me, this allows me to choose where I want to land based on the circle, but this gives me a pattern and a place where I know where to land, how to loot, where I can find loot, how to play gunfights, and where to rotate.
And this is going to give me a structure for my entire game plan. By having a place where you're familiar, you're going to have the natural advantage in gunfights; you're going to have the natural advantage in finding guns getting looted and being more looted up than your opponents; and you're just going to be comfortable with where you're playing.
And the other big part of this is that it is going to help you transition into the midgame because, in the midgame, you do need to pick up a lot of kills. You don't need to pick up a lot of kills, but you want to get at least a couple different squad wipes. You want at least three to eight kills in almost every rank game if you want to consistently climb, and what you'll notice is that if you are comfortable with where you land, you know how to loot quickly, your teammates know how to loot quickly, you know how to get a load out quickly, and then you start pushing people.
Well, you're going to notice that you're going to have the advantage over the people you're pushing because they're not going to have loadouts, you're going to have things like UAVs, your loadout guns, you're going to have Perks, and you're just going to have the outright advantage over all of your opponents, and this is a key thing in rank guys, and that's going to lead me directly to my second point, which is to play off of advantages and run off of disadvantages.
The important thing to remember in ranked versus normal casual play is that you're not trying to win the battle; you're trying to win the war, and sacrificing your entire game for a couple kills that may potentially get you squadwiped yourself is a horrible idea. If you're in a fight and you notice one of your teammates just died, your second teammate's down, and you have a chance to disengage.
You need to do so immediately. Any waste of time or standing around trying to pick up random kills for no reason is going to get you killed. On the flip side, there may be a time where you realize that you can't disengage, that your options to run away are blocked off, that they're too close, they're pushing you, and what you might realize is that if you can get one kill and one finish before they kill you, that's going to knock the Resurgence timer down just enough to get your teammates back because the worst thing that you can do in rebirth, especially in ranked play overall, is get squadwiped.
You need to avoid that squad wipe at all costs. Cost, and especially, as you get later and later into the game, the longer the game goes on, the harder it is to regroup, the harder it is to get your loot, and so just keeping one person alive who probably is going to have money and who's going to at least have some guns and plates is going to be crucial in giving you guys a chance to potentially regain and pull come back off, and this has a lot to do with my third point I want to touch on, and this is the end game is lethal, guys, so I know you guys know this, but this map in particular with how small the circle gets with how many people are usually alive towards the end.
At around 60–75% of the way through your game, guys, you need to find a building, you need to post up, and you need to play your life at almost all costs. The later you go on, the fewer squads there are, the better kills will register for your points, and it's going to really add up and make a difference if you can get kills, but this is also the point of the game where if you die when you're around that fourth and fifth circle, it's going to be extremely.
Difficult for you to come back and land and find loot and land safely because of the way this map is. Very consequential, to your ability to get a win and you need to start playing earlier than the other squads in your game start identifying where you think that end circle is going to be start playing and rotating towards power positions and start understanding how to hold those power positions, and be aware guys that if you're in a Prime power position in one of the end circles, you're going to have to hold the gates guys people are going to want that building they're going to fight you for it and you got to know how to hold it you know how to play safely you don't just cow in a corner you play to get Intel you pick people off get the kills when you can, but if you're just out there running around skirting the edges of the circle then nine out of 10 times that team I'm talking about who's posted up in the power positions they're just going to beam you and take you out when you're trying to get to the circle and no one wants to be in that position.
So moving on to the fourth point I want to talk about in this article, and this is going to be balancing, killing, and winning, because there's a little bit of misguidedness. I think in this game that you should just play only for the win, and yes, you do primarily want to play for the win, but you do want kills.
Kills are going to have a big impact on your ability to climb, but the other part of it is just the momentum. If you have someone who's on a 12-kill rank game and they've been getting into gunfights consistently throughout the whole game, they're feeling spicy, and they're feeling good. Who do you think is going to have the advantage?
That guy in a 12-kill game or the person who has one kill and hasn't shot their gun in the last 5 minutes because they're just camping in the building in the center of the circle. N9 of 10 times, the guy with 12 kills is going to go on to win the game because when it comes down to 1 vs. 1, you can be the second-to-last squad alive all you want, but if you fundamentally do not have the ability to get kills at a good rate, well, you're going to struggle to climb, and positioning is only going to do so much.
Especially as you get higher and higher up in the ranks and you start incurring a bigger Sr fee for every time you queue into a game, that's when you especially need to get kills, and what you'll find is that by getting those early kills and getting the midgame kills, you're going to feel a lot more confident and a lot better going into the late game, and this is something I cannot stress enough.