News - Stop Holding Your Controller Wrong. Warzone 3. 0 Controller Tips And Tricks

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because that's what I'm explaining in this article, and I'm going to show you exactly what I mean, and I promise it's going to help you. We're going to begin by talking about the quote-unquote, perfect thumb position, so ignore the janky, low-quality article I took on my phone, but let's look at this.

As you can see, this is what a lot of people do, and they hold their thumb at a 90° angle. This is wrong, and do not do this. What you want to do is you want to put your thumb like you're seeing it in the background, so this means your thumb is going to rest on the corner of your joystick and not in the middle.

This is going to feel weird at first, but I promise it's going to give you a higher range of motion and much more control. If you don't believe me, stick out your thumb, put it at a 90° angle like I showed in the beginning, and try and wiggle it around. Your thumb's going to feel locked in. It's going to feel slow and difficult to move, but this is going to lead me into my second Point, guys, and this is where you actually put your thumb on your controller and your joystick because this is the key part, and for me, it's always going to be the bottom right corner.

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Do not put your thumb in the center of the joystick unless you're running a domed joystick. And the odds are you are not, and this is another key. Point guys, you really want to be running either a raised joystick through Scuff or Battle Beaver, or you want to be using Control Freaks, and that's the attachment you saw on my controller.

But I do just want to recap and talk about why all this is so important. Once again, guys, it's about range of motion, and it doesn't matter if you're talking about actual athletics. Real Sports: It doesn't matter if you're talking about weightlifting or playing Call of Duty; whatever you might not believe, the actual biomechanics.

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Moving your body has a role in the success of what you do; it can be a basketball shot, a tennis serve, or a Call of Duty aim thing, but your biomechanics, the actual mechanics in which you aim, will play a part in your aiming. That's why all this is so important, and this is going to lead me into the third topic, and this is a really weird one, but you are aiming with the wrong part of your joystick, and I know what you're like.

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Well yeah ryan, isn't that what you just said with the whole blah no listen? When you aim, your joystick is almost always being pulled down when you are shooting a gun like the Ram 7 or a striker. Whatever Whenever it has recoil, you're pulling your joystick down to compensate for that recoil on the controller, so what this means is that you have to get used to aiming with your joystick at that angle, and this is something most people don't do.

By the way, if you're watching the background footage and you're like Ryan, those are some bots. That's what I was just saying to my friend in the game playay. These are what happens when you play like 1: in the morning at midnight East Coast time, the lobbies turn super weird, and you face super sweats and super bots in the same lobbie, and it's crazy all right regardless.

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Back to the point, but you need to practice aiming with your joystick at the bottom because this is something most people don't do, and what this means is when you don't have your thumb put on the bottom right of your joystick, like I tried to point out in the beginning of this article, and you have it locked at that weird 90° angle.

This is so much harder to do. I mean, just try it. Put your joystick at the bottom of your controller. Put your thumb in the middle with that 90°-angle lock position and try and aim; it feels terrible. I know 99% of you guys have never even thought about the way you hold your controller, the way your thumb sits on your controller, and all of this, but I have, and part of the reason why is because I coach high school football, or I didn't this year, but I've been coaching for the past couple years, and I played sports a lot growing up.

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Sports have always been a big part of my life, so it's natural for me to relate sports to Call of Duty. If there's one thing I realized, cuz this happened with my basketball shot, but the second you actually get proper form on things, life becomes so much easier, and if you're one of those people who, when you aim on controller, you feel like it's strangely difficult, and it doesn't feel easy; it doesn't feel intuitive; it feels painful.

Well, this might be one of the big reasons why, because if you are limiting your natural range of motion, how are you going to get super good at cracked aim? It doesn't matter if you put in a ton of work, but if you are physically limiting your ability to actually properly aim by holding your thumb at the wrong angle, it doesn't matter how many articles you watch in mine; it doesn't matter how many times how many hours you play or how many times you practice your aim.

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None of that matters because your raw biomechanics are going to be holding you back, and that is what I want to talk about in this whole article, and the other thing about Control Freaks and a raised joystick is that it just makes it easier. I would compare it to running on a grass field with cleats versus not having cleats.

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It doesn't matter if you're playing soccer, football, field hockey, lacrosse, or whatever; you need cleats. You can have all the amazing footwork you want; you can practice your footwork technique; you can do all of these things. But if you don't have that actual traction through spikes and the actual ability to grip into the ground, it doesn't matter; it just simply doesn't matter.

I know it's weird to look at Call of Duty and things like aiming from the perspective of improving a sports skill, but I promise if you embrace that type of mindset, it really does help you get better; it will lead to long-term progression and growth, and you'll actually understand some of the more basic fundamentals of the game anyway.

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Guys, I'm going to wrap this article up. I've been getting so many good comments recently, and I just can't say thank you enough. It's been Ryan. I hope you have a good day.Peace.

Hey guys, if you want to get better aim at Warzone and get better at the game overall, then one of the biggest things you could do is adjust and fix your hand and thumb position.
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