News - 17 Things Warzone 2 Could Desperately Use

Technical adjustments & fixes needed in modern warfare 3

Technical adjustments & fixes needed in modern warfare 3

They shouldn't have to be playing NFL NHL NBA caliber of players on a weekend pickup game with their kid or their friend that's just an Enthusiast of the game so there is a time and place for a skill-based matchmaking and stricter matchmaking, but Call of Duty public lobbies I think could absolutely see some loosening , of that strictness now as for other things fixes an adjustments across the board the game desperately needs weekly challenge tracking is something that absolutely needs to be something gets under control, right now as it stands I'm pretty sure that the week three Jack Beholder rifle kit for the tier still does not properly reward players for those that complete the five challenges, for week three which not only one doesn't give you that conversion kit but also counts against you for the coherence, weekly challenge overall completion reward, stuff like that and overall tracking absolutely needs to be a thing that's fixed out same with camo tracking overall.


I see it less in multiplayer at this point, but I also still see it a lot in zombies. I think by bioluminescent, in the Modern Warfare 2 weapon grind. I've seen a lot of people have issues with that, so those absolutely need to be taken care of big things that the game desperately needs personally.

Beyond those things that I'd like to see. I think that it'd be awesome to see a favorite camo feature just like the attachments, having some things that are at the top of your selection, next to the all camos, the special camos, just your favorites category that you can save maybe 10 there that you can quickly select from instead of having to scroll through a ton of different subcategories, or total camos overall, some UI adjustments.

I think that we need to see some vertical grouping for things like charms. If you guys jump in and try to select a charm on your weapon, well, there are hundreds of charms available for selection, and you have to individually look at every single one of them horizontally. It takes forever to scroll from start to finish, and if you don't have any idea where that is previously located,.

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