News - 10 Ways To Quickly Improve At Warzone 2. 0

call of duty modern warfare 2

You can't seem to make it to late game, and you can't seem to win many gunfights against other enemies. Well, I've got you covered in this article. We're about to go over 10 ways to improve quickly in Warzone 2.0. I do have to be completely transparent with you guys: I did not play Warzone 1 at all and, I hope, am right into War Zone 2.

I've been playing for a couple weeks now, obviously, since the game released, and I'm loving it and learning along the way, so these tips actually helped me get my first couple of wins. Tip number one is going to be: don't focus so much on winning at the very beginning; start working on how to approach fights and win them before anything else now.

Your initial instinct when starting up a game of war zone is, of course, going to be to survive until the end at all costs, and while of course that is the end goal in these lobbies, playing it safe and sitting in buildings the entire time will not help you improve that much. You should be using this time to take fights, focusing as much as you can on learning how to push players without exposing yourself.

how to get better at warzone

You spend too much time in open areas and so forth, which leads directly into my next tip number two: go for bounty hunting instead of safe cracking and Intel contracts. What this will do is force you to not only take fights but also get rewarded for them when you win them. When you pick up a bounty contract on the map, it will show you the general vicinity of where the enemy player is located now; it kind of acts like a mini UAV if you really think about it.

Forced fights like this will ultimately improve your positioning so that you end up getting the kill and then securing the cash. Tip number three that I have for you guys is going to be changing up your settings to your liking. Now, first off, the first setting I would recommend changing is sensitivity.

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Now the default sensitivity, I believe, on the controller is 4–4. The next setting that I would change is the ADS sensitivity multiplier. The reason that I like lowering this a bit from 1.0, which is what it's defaulted to, to maybe around 0.8 or 0.85 is that it gives you a little bit more accuracy in your shots when you're down sight on enemies.

how to get better at warzone 2

It makes your shot a little bit more accurate in that regard. The next setting that I would recommend changing is automatic. Sprint You're going to scroll down to that, and once you click on that, there should be an option for an automatic, tactical sprint. This is going to make you run that much faster than the normal sprint.

If you can see it right here in a side-by-side comparison, the tactical sprint is way faster and can help you get an edge on your enemies that much better, especially if you're running in open fields and trying to get away from bullets. Sprint is so much better, so the normal FOV is defaulted, and at 80, you're going to want to have this all the way up to around 110 or 120.

120 is my preference because, as you can just see on the right, it shows a lot more of your screen and a lot more of your surroundings. Tip number four for you guys is to grab a gas mask every single game out of the buy stations, preferably a durable one, because in the beginning of my gaming sessions I was really not focused enough on grabbing durable gas masks early in the late game because I felt like it wasn't extremely important or necessary.

how to improve fast in warzone

I was very wrong. I have to tell you that gas masks can be great for catching enemies off guard that might be rotating early because you can stay in zone that much longer than them or you can give yourself a few extra seconds to heal in the gas without taking any damage. Tip number five that I have for you guys is to explore a whole bunch of different weapons.

I myself am a little bit guilty of doing this with the AK-74U. But it is very good to diversify, just in case you get into a situation where you have a ground weapon and need to use that. They each come in handy in certain scenarios. Tip number six is going to be your approach method. I don't know whether you guys want to play on the outside of the zone or preferably in the middle of the zone.

how to improve quickly in warzone

What I found to work over the course of my play time is that the middle of Zone positioning, especially towards the end game, which we'll talk about in a second, works the best because if you can get on a rooftop ultimate, height preferably, then you can just shoot at the enemies on the edge of Zone.

So tip number seven here is to rotate sooner rather than later in the late game, like I just said, which is what a lot of people, including myself, try to do in the very beginning. Play the very edge of the zone toward the later portions of the game. Now, while this is a great method for clearing out your back, you could be handing enemies free kills by not rotating onto The High Ground early in the final few zones instead.

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What I recommend doing is, when it gets down to the final circles, start clearing out your corners and buildings before the gas starts moving. In this way, you're going to have a lot of time to heal if you take any damage from enemies you may see along the way, and you could secure yourself some free kills on players rotating late in the edge zone.

how to win gunfights in warzone

Zone tip number eight is to always be aware of your surroundings and always expect an enemy once you enter buildings. Now, a lot of the newer players that I've seen will casually stroll into buildings with absolutely no care in the world. That is not the right way to do it. You have to be thinking to yourself, especially.

At the beginning of the game, I thought that there could always be a player sitting in a corner or waiting for a door to open to get the easy kill on you; this has happened half the time. So many times in my solo games. I can't even count how many times it's happened, but a good way to counter this is instead of just sprinting through the door and busting it down, simply open the door and not push in immediately.

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This will cause the enemy, if there is one in the building, to start shooting too early and reveal their location to you now. Another good way to avoid this is to peek through the windows before entering certain areas and make a habit of always checking your corners. no matter what tip number nine is, and something that really helped me out a lot was buying a UAV to go for more kills.

how to win in warzone

This is great because it helps you locate the enemy players and take them out a lot easier than if you didn't have one on the opposite side of the spectrum. Let's say you're rotating into Zone late and you need somewhere safe to go. A UAV is a great tool for identifying where players aren't, so that you're rotating into the late-game zone.

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