News - 10 Reasons Why Mw3 Is Better Than Warzone 2. Modern Warfare 3 Beta Cod Gameplay

modern warfare 3 gameplay

I mean, we have a war zone. It came after the release, and I think it's also coming after the release now. Multiplayer we got stuff like that we got campaign, that's almost it that's pretty much it actually now we're getting zombies we're getting ground war we're getting an open world campaign the first time M the first time campaign is getting an open world which is pretty cool you guys can kind of set your own destination we're getting 6v6 10 V10 12v 12 those are coming in the future war zone 2 Resurgence, apparently rebirth is coming back that's what people are saying I don't know how true that is but there's just a lot coming into this game at launch that I think is amazing it's going to keep people going for a long time when a game releases without too much at launch it just it's let's be honest it's kind of boring.

modern warfare 3 meta

Who do you want to do you want to play 6v6 all day no if you like difference if you like change well this one's good for you now I will say the zombies in my personal opinion, doesn't look good I'm going to be honest with you guys it doesn't look good all right but for people who do like it it's there you could play it you can do what you want to do with it now let's move on to number four cuz I could talk about game modes for weeks and months and stuff let's just move on to number four, and that is the time to kill this one is going to split you guys up okay there's a going to be some people who agree with me and there's going to be some people who disagree with me but in Modern Warfare 2.

All you do is shoot the guy's dead. You go ding dead, Two Shots Dead. It's not fun, all right? It doesn't take skill; there's no skill, and I know we're playing skill-based matchmaking and stuff, but if you got to do camping in a window he's just going to, you're. Love 150, health okay I'm one of those people I like aiming and sticking on Target and actually using skill to get kills not just sitting behind a wall and shooting someone twice or a head glitch or whatever I'm not crazy about that now let's move on to number three.

modern warfare 3 movement

Three slaps all right for number three. I think that was four, but whatever we're going to go to number three, and that is the mini map, and we're going to tie in another one here in a second for number three as kind of like a bonus one, but the mini map is a must in Call of Duty games when they take out in Modern Warfare 2019 and not the mini map.

Well, they did. They actually did take out the mini map for a while, but then they brought it back in, but when they take out red dots from unsuppressed weapons, it just makes suppressors useless. The mini-map is probably good for you. You probably don't know what red dots do to the mini map, but if you started playing many years ago, like I started on Black Ops 1, that mini map—you look at that thing every 5 to 10 seconds.

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You're always looking at that mini-map. I'm looking at it every two seconds, probably, and you want to read it. The way to read the mini map is to see red dots, and that tells you where the enemies are. If they're using a suppressor, then their red dot doesn't show up, so they make suppressors, which are actually useful in the game right now.

modern warfare 3 review

In Modern Warfare 2, suppressors are absolutely useless. But right now, the way they are and the way this game is going to be, you want to run a suppressor; you want to be hidden from that map. I think that's great; I think it's amazing, and it's just something that we really need a back-in-clod for, so I'm proud, and I'm happy for that going on to number two.

We're going to say guns. Actually, wait, before we get into the guns, let's go into the bonus one. As I said, map voting is back. Lobbies are back to the way they should be, with the players all listed on the right side. Everything's just back. It's great it's going to feel good. We're going to get camo challenges for all the new guns, maybe new camo challenges for the old guns from Modern Warfare 2, but I'm just happy that every gun is going to be in the game.


I just hope it doesn't go the way it did when Cold War was shown in the war zone, and then Vanguard was brought into the war zone as well. The guns were really weird; all over the place, the metal is different, making the old game guns useless. I just hope it doesn't go that way, but it could. Now let's go on to number one.

This one's a big one: the colors. Okay, the color scheme of the maps and the grayness of the maps—I'm not saying this is better than Modern Warfare 2. Okay i'm not saying this at all; I'm actually saying the opposite, and it's the one thing on this 10 list that I'm going to mention that Modern Warfare 2 did better, and the reason I want to mention this is because Modern Warfare 3.

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