News - Zlaner Caught Warzone 2 Again. Zlefter Strikes Again

bad boy beaman

I've recently done a article showing you how Zelena slipped up on his words and how he ended up pretty much exposing some of his old walls in one gameplay. Now we're going to be taking a look at more recent gameplay from the new release agent map of Zelena, and this is more focused on how he's constantly looking to his left again.

I have put out a article recently showing a small moment of this happening whilst he's playing in the large al-mazra map, so let's take a look at this article today, but first, before we get started. I am proud to announce that we are officially sponsored by Supreme CBD. Supreme CBD offers a wide range of CBD products, including oils, edibles, vaping, bombs, skincare, and much more.

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badboy beaman

So this article was actually from the z-liners YouTube channel, so any edits and cuts within this will be from his editor; it's called the Ashika Demon, so he's already very, very full of himself throughout. It looks like he's playing with randoms in this game, so let's take a look at how we get some.

They remind me that this is a article that people have sent to me stating that there are such moments within it, so we're going to be paying attention apparently, as he's constantly looking up to his left. Fluctuation in that there is no fluctuation in the same there as well, and I bear in mind this is what Zelena stated about the aim of the chi set when Dr.

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Disrespect, him, the Tapman, and Cottage JD came up against him in ranked play; there was no fluctuation in the aim okay, so just keep that in mind when you watch all of Zelena's go and fight throughout this, but we are trying to pay attention to his looking left. Bear in mind that when you actually kill somebody on this, it pings up all of their teammates on the mini map okay, and it did happen there, and you can sort of see the direction now here whereas Elena is looking, that would be him looking towards his mini map work.


So far, I would later say that there have not been many moments where Zelane has looked off to his left. Okay, even in the moments where there are enemies pinging on this mini map, you can see a slight eye adjustment. Through his glasses, it does make it harder to see due to the fact that he's wearing glasses, but you can still see that eye adjustment when he's looking at the mini map on his left.

There's no fluctuation in his own head either, like this guy making goat noises, which is quite funny, to be fair. No fluctuations she just looked over to his left end very slightly, like he was looking at the mini map again. Now, you have to keep in mind that there's a UAV active now, and it's only his eyes moving.

Yeah, you Canadian mother, you're putting mayonnaise on French fries. First and foremost, I'd like to say mayonnaise on fries isn't bad; that's a UK thing as well. I thought that was like a worldwide thing. About the whole game so far, he's on 15 kills right, and there have been two really memorable moments, including this one where his head is turned like this and his eyes are moving.

optic zlaner

So, now it counts as a UAV being active as well, so we have to take that into consideration when he's looking to his left. If he looks to his left and then pushes anyone there who's a UAV, he shouldn't know anyone's there. There again so what would he be looking at there, guys? He's standing anyway in this moment, so it doesn't really make much of a difference, but what is he looking at?

You can see the reflection on his glasses, which are slightly shaped like a monitor, but his eyes aren't looking in that direction. Okay, so wherever this camera is, his face is pretty much pointing directly at it, and then his eyes are looking favorably to the left. I don't know how many times you've got to point that out but it's painfully obvious, so there were multiple moments in that gameplay right there where we could see Zelena looking completely to a different monitor, so his eyes were on the mouse whilst he was in engagements, and to the enemies pinging on the mini-map, his eyes moved.

optic zlaner cheating

That's it, but in other instances, it was his head whipping to the left and his eyes moving to the left as well, indicating that he's looking at something else. There is absolutely no reason anybody in their right mind who plays this game on a professional level or as a streamer would need a monitor that big.

You would have to move your head and your eyes to see the Minima. I'm wrong Is Lena playing on the 70- or 80-inch TV, or is he playing on maybe a 24-inch monitor? because my answer to that would be the monitor. In fact, you could probably find that information online, so Zelena is clearly looking off to the left at something else during and after those engagements with enemies.


There are so many times I can point that out. There are so many moments across all of his articles from Warzone 1 to Warzone 2 where he is completely looking off the monitor his game is running on, which means that he's got something running on a separate monitor that is feeding him information to allow him to push enemies or have an understanding of where enemies are to rotate away from them.

Because this is something that's been going on for a very long time, I could probably hit you in a article of about 500 moments. Battering, off his monitor like that, I'm not going to do that because it would probably give him whiplash. On that article, though, I might do it. And one last thing before we go, I am proud to announce that we are officially sponsored by Supreme CBD.

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Supreme CBD offers a wide range of CBD products, including oils, edibles, vaping, apparel, skincare, and much more. These products are amazing for joints and muscle aches and pains, as well as helping many people with anxiety and stress. I have personally chosen to use the edibles and oils to help with muscle recovery, ticks, and to help with anxiety and stress.

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