News - Phree Gaming Banned Warzone 2 Again


But as far back as I can remember, free gaming has been up to no good, especially when it comes to Call of Duty Warzone. He got permanently banned in Warzone 1, and he ended up with multiple Shadow Bands as well in Warzone 1, which led him down the path of actually having monitor cams show something.

I don't need to tell you guys, but I will for those who are a little bit simple. Having the monitor camp cannot show aimbot. If you are accused of wall hacks, having a monitor cam is a great way to prove you are not walling, but if you are accused of aimbot, then having a monitor cam proves absolutely nothing; aimbot is not invisible; it's a program controlling.

Your aim is off, so there is no information on the screen unless you have ESP settings turned on. PSP is a wall hack, as is the aim bar field of view slider, but this is an option you can turn off, so if somebody was accused of aim boston and got imminently banned, and then they chose to show their monitors with a monitor cam, that proves nothing, and that's exactly what free gaming was accused of.

bad boy beaman

It's exactly what he was paying the band for, and having a monitor camera proves nothing. That's exactly what he was paying Band for, and having a monitor proves nothing. That's exactly what he was paying the band for. That's what he was paying the band for, guys. Do I click this right here? because it's showing right, I have to press that right.

Why I'm just trying to bring my supporters together, you know what it is you guys know what it is , you guys know what it is; it's because I dropped 45 kills the other day, that's why I probably got sacked; I get sacked every day, probably. I just got the Shadow Man look; it shows it right here under review, not eligible, under review.

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A lot of streamers have been getting Shadow banned lately, yeah, it's crazy, so that was the moment free gaming got Shadow banned in war zone 2, and yes, he does have a monitor camera, but if you remember rightly, whilst he had this monitor come up in war zone 1, we actually caught him having cheats shared into his own Discord server.

badboy beaman

Cynical cheats: somebody in his Discord saved had shared that link, and he showed them live on stream without realizing it, but the thing that I found most fascinating about this was the fact that it was posted days before the live stream was occurring, which means he had multiple days to tell our patient to remove it or remove it himself, and he chose not to, but it also shows the people he surrounds himself with.

Take a look at this now at 216, brother, How am I shadow-banned before the new map? The player is accusing the haters in his chat; how would the hater in his chat be able to report him in the game if they're in his chat? Free Gaming, but after being banned from Camp Warzone season five. Free Gaming paid him about 100 000 artificial aiming bandwaves that were again from season five.

These were both three months ago, and since that pre-gaming, it actually showed something in its Discord saver, which was somebody in that saver sharing cynical cheats, and he didn't remove it; they actually invited more people after that and then had further conversation after that, and Free Gaming didn't delete it, and it was actually at a time he was using a monitor cam to prove he wasn't using a cheat.


bit awkward, and this was actually captured after we'd already put two articles out of free gaming, one showing that he'd been banned in a bandwagon and the other showing and demonstrating how Aimbot was actually being used whilst he was live streaming trying to prove himself, but he managed to absolutely mess up and cockle by pulling up his Discord server live on stream, as you can see here on the image.

The Discord server is a free gaming server in the top left corner, and then it was here on the 8th of the 25th of the 8th, 2021, and Woods and Carl actually shared cynical cheats into it right; this live stream was dated based on the time at the bottom here; you can't see it right there; there, this was posted on the 30th of the 8th, okay, that's off his desktop.

call of duty cheating

While he was live streaming on the 30th, so five days prior to this live stream, somebody decided to share cynical cheats into his Discord saver, and he didn't think to remove them whatsoever, but instead he went live with a monitor to prove his innocence. It shows that, and this is perfect as well because it shows that it wasn't edited in any way, although anybody who's any good with Photoshop or even has basic Photoshop knowledge will know based on this that it isn't edited.

You can tell completely. And the only reason I feel I need to point that out is because another Facebook streamer called "gaming" decided to try and say that an image had been photoshopped when it clearly hadn't. You can actually see on his monitor -- let's zoom in on that bit while he's got his monitor cam there -- his face in front of it with Discord open here, and you can see the cheat menu in there as well as the link to the cheat site.


This was all on one of his live streams of free gaming, ladies and gentlemen. Somehow, he is managing to continue to be successful in the gaming industry while being connected in so many ways. There are two cynical cheats here. He was on the artificial aim and cheat bandwagon, which I believe at the time was actually linked to a hardware ID spoofer, which would in some way mean for him to need to spoof his eye, they could lead to him having a prior back, so he's had one payment of Bannon now his shadow ban, and in between both of them we've seen this Discord server on one of his own live streams showing cynical cheats.

Still a bit unsure about that, but he's been allowed to continue to grow on that platform, and we all know from very early on that Facebook gaming has had a big issue with cheaters on their platform, and the report options were never really there to get somebody removed from that platform is near impossible, you can take the monetization away, but they need to have cheats on show multiple times over and over and over again with proof that it's then using this, but even then you have to have a complete back and forth with Facebook gaming until you finally get to speak to a real person.

coldwar aimbot

Then only then can they make the decision of whether or not the person is cheating and needs to be taken down or lost. He knows he can continue to cheat and get away with it, and that's exactly what he's going to keep doing.

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