News - Yes. You. Stop Making These Mistakes. Pros Don't Know These. Warzone Advanced Tips & Tricks

If you guys have learned something new and appreciate this value-based content, because I'm not just posting a gun article, I put a lot of effort into this and a lot of thought into this. I'm trying to find the things that will most impact your gameplay, and I really think there's some badass stuff in this article and future ones to come.

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Make sure to subscribe. I'm trying to hit 600,000. Subscribers, before my little boy gets here I got a baby boy doing about, who knows he's due January 7th but he could come any day now so if you want to support me support the family and support this content creation dream make sure to drop a subscription and drop a like while you're at it but without further Ado let's get on to fatal mistake number five you are constantly giving away your position and you don't even realize it there's a rapid fire list of examples here and let me show you okay you guys should know by now red dots are back on the mini map so if you fire a weapon unsuppressed, you will show up on the mini map also if you fire an air strike you will also show up on the mini map even though you didn't even shoot a bullet.

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Also you must be moving in order for ghost to be active so if you have a stealth vest or ghost equipped if you are not moving as I mentioned in my 20 secret, mechanics article make sure you watch that if you haven't already you will show up on Radars even though you have ghost or a stealth vest even all of that aside let's say you're moving you're quiet you you're stealth vested you're shooting unsuppressed, well a lot of people don't realize how freaking loud they are the loudest sounds in the game right now outside of shooting guns are running on top of metal, sliding anywhere it's crazy you can hear people slide from like a mile away but you can't hear them sprinting right next to you so when you slide you make a bunch of noise one of the loudest sounds in the game.

Right there, it doesn't sound loud on your end, but dear God, everyone in that city block just heard me break that window. Busting open doors means you don't necessarily have to open a door, but legitimately, the difference between opening a door and blasting it open is a significant difference in audio detection.

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Let's talk about some more things that are giving you away. If you have a laser, practice good laser discipline. If you're trying to hold these stairs, obviously we don't want to hold a main angle; we want to hold an off angle, which we'll talk about in a future article. Smoke, which announces to the entire theater that you are in that location because no one throws a smoke where they're not trying to hide themselves right, so giving a smoke often time gives away your position, and then the final one, and I have so many I can't tell you how many times as I've been going through this article I'm writing down additional tips and tricks that may not apply directly to this but are so valuable for future articles so I've got so much to tell you so much for you to learn, but the final one that I'm going to mention today, is make sure you stop burning your team through live coms.

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I'll have people who will be like I'm pushing him. I'm behind him, and I'm flanking him; they'll be talking through proc chat, and I'll be like he's behind me, and I'll literally turn around and gun him when I otherwise have no information. I don't know how to get out of here. He says he's in. Gas, he's in gas up.Here.

Nobody jumps still there; there's somebody down here.

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