News - Yes. You. Stop Making These Mistakes. Pros Don't Know These. Warzone Advanced Tips & Tricks

icemanisaac warzone academy

I say I'm going to create some space. I cook, and I throw a nail-free knock. I see I have another nade. This guy's pushing toward me. I throw another nade, another free kill. I then start to play it up, get my bearing on the situation, and another guy pushes towards me. What do I do? I use my utility, and some of the lethals, especially right now because they're probably going to get nerfed in the future, do over 200 damage.

So if you go into a building that you know is contested and you haven't used all of your lethals to provide pick damage, take out proximity mines, claymores, or at the very least get a hit marker for information. You are throwing there's no reason for you to go into those buildings and a pure gunfight in a game that frankly has very unforgiving tick rate, very unstable servers, metas that are so erratic a lot of these gunfights don't feel fair and more often than not the hit registration just doesn't feel good so get it in your favor by using utility keep those Munitions boxes on you and as we've mentioned in a previous article if you have lethals in your backpack they will automatically go onto your person so if you throw two frags, two more will auto equip if you have two in your backpack use the lethals well let's say Isaac.

modern warfare 3

I don't have the utility. How am I going to break into this building? Don't break it unless it's a building like Circle 6 or Circle 7, and you have to take out that building to win the game. Don't do it; rotate ahead of them, take another power position, and then guess what campers Galore they're going to have to rotate out into you, and then you could hold them.


You need to stop forcing yourself into these stupid fights with no information and no utility, and I'm getting heated here because I see it so much. Stop using gun skills to replace them. Game sense a lot of this game doesn't feel like it has a skill Gap but with war zone and ukhan the skill Gap is coming back but that doesn't mean it's all based off of movement and gunny you got to use your brain as well the fourth fatal mistake is improper, use of cover and this is probably the most important fatal mistake that we're going to cover today okay let's say we're trying to get over to that building and obviously the quickest way between two points is a straight line right well obviously we don't want to do that as we move through we're going to be stuck in what we call No Man's Land which is basically, where we don't have any hard cover yeah we might be able to hide behind some of these rocks for a little bit but let me talk about, proper use of cover and how I think when I'm rotating.

So one thing, a little bonus tip for you: when I'm over on top of rooftops or on top of bridges, or I know there's an area where I can fall safely to either side and there is a hard piece of cover between me. I almost always stand on top of it because if I get high alert on my right, I can just drop down boom onto the left instantly, or if I'm running along and I get one shot sniped.


From a sniper on my left, well, now I can drop down here and self-revive before I die, but a lot of people like running inside of cover, and guess what? If I get shot at on my left, now I'm screwed; there's no cover. I can't mantle, and now I have to jump here, jump here, jump here, and I'm dead right, so I often like to use this as cover, but that's not the main point of fatal mistake number four.

The real point of fatal mistake number four is that you need to always be thinking about every moment, not subconsciously, of your entire career. Where is your next piece of cover in the event you get shot? This is a fundamental part of playing a battle royale. Okay, so what we're not going to do is we're not going to rotate through here and then run, and then when we get shot at right here, complain that I died so fast, man.

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No, because even if we have a UAV, even if we have portal radars, we don't want to run in a straight line. Even if we're almost positive, no one is always moving next to a piece of cover, okay? So as I'm trying to get to that building, I might rotate through here. Some of you might say go to the truck, but then once you get there, go.


I could prone here and pre a little bit, a lot of it's going to come with map knowledge, but I go from cover to cover having as minimal gap between cover as I possibly can obviously if you're trying to play aggressive trying to break your kill record you might make some changes, but then boom weave your way inside of cover now we go down here I'll do a quick check we jump in see if anyone's camping inside of there I don't want to clear it out because I want to get to that building okay I might do a quick bump check to make sure no one runs in behind me now I've got to realize I'm kind of putting myself in a no man's land so I got to be ready to quickly mantle over if someone shoots me in my back, or quickly boom get inside of cover as well now here's where things get a little bit tricky ene the.

warzone 3

AO, nice using the cover on mine, Got. Okay, so unexpected learning moment there, but you saw. I saw someone drop in, and then I also saw his teammate here on the left, so I actually shouldered a little bit to where I could still shoot the player that was dropping here; he couldn't shoot me, and as soon as I finished that drop.

I CH out, he dropped down, and then I ended up getting the kill. Nice thing to know: always think about where your next piece of cover is. Guy challenges here by shoulder, and I'm still able to get this kill, and then now we can think about rotations. Okay, well, if I were to rotate through here, I have all of this no man's land where I'm basically guaranteed to get killed, but sometimes it's going to happen.

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Let's say I'm out here, and I just got stuck with gas in my back. What's the option if there's someone holding me in this building? Well, ideally, no man's land; you got to save those smokes for those moments, so while that smoke is popping, you kind of want to do some movement. You don't want to run in a straight line because that's super easy to shoot and super easy to track through the smoke, but maybe if someone's just holding you down there instead of smoking here, smoking here, smoking here, smoke off them.

warzone academy

And now you can rotate for free all day, so sometimes it's better to use one smoke when you're pushing inside a building instead of one. I'm just going to smoke them off, and now in one smoke, I just cleared my entire cross. Well, let's say our teammate ends up getting down in no man's land. Ideally, they're down behind a piece of hard cover.

We hit the RES. Well, what if they're down right here? So what a lot of people have begun doing is run up, throw a smoke, throw a sky smoke, start the res., and then the next smoke starts. So that way they can finish the res play up and get out and still be Underneath, the Veil of Smoke, before we get on to fatal mistake number five.

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