News - Get Pro Aim Warzone: 3 Accuracy Tips You'll Wish You Knew Sooner

aim guide

When they're playing War Zone, it feels like a hot iron knife cutting through butter. Their tracking and recoil control just seem to slide in a smooth and coherent way, but yet when you try to aim, it feels kind of like a paper fork trying to pick up a hot steak. It's just not going to work, but there's no need to feel any sense of shame about this because, take it from me.

I used to have a 2kd when I first dropped into for Dan, and today we're going to go over transformative tips that will take your aim from wherever it is to wherever you want to see it. Go and visit Vondo Park and Rebirth Island. Fortune Keep and ersan, being the maps that we have in War Zone 3 now is the perfect time to improve your aim and take that priority, and it's not going to take nearly as much time as you think it is now as we get into three tips that are going to transform your aim.

aim guide cod

I want to show you the best way to warm up and actually practice this, which is to go into Modern Warfare 2 and create a private match with a setup of 70 points for free-for-all and change the player's health to 300. Because this is going to help us really perfect our aim and work on following its target for a long period of time, unlike the default Modern Warfare 2 time to kill of 100, which is really not going to help you improve your aim because you don't need to track an opponent for a long period of time.

Another thing that you can do to really help yourself is to turn off an assist here, but we're actually going to go through settings later in the article, so hit the time stamps if you want to look at that. But for now, let's get into the three tips. The number one thing on which we're going to focus here is tracking, which is our ability to follow the opponent.

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As they actually move and go forward, tracking is going to be the tip that really transforms your aim the most, so that's why we're starting with it, because if you could do this effectively, your aim is going to look a lot more improved and impressive, but it's also going to feel a lot better. So to practice tracking, all that we're going to do is practice following opponents as they run and actually leading ahead of them.

aim guide cod warzone

Now, it's best to practice tracking at long range, so you want to try to find a bot when they are furthest away from you and try to follow them perfectly. As they move in multiplayer, your tracking is going to be confined to a smaller space, but in Modern Warfare 3, slide canceling completely changes the game for tracking.

As I push up onto this roof area, I see a player sitting pretty stationary up there. As I hit the slide cancel, I use the cover behind me to conceal my movement a little bit and then use my centering to drag across the screen, meeting my crosshair. With my opponent, a lot of people think that tracking is more of a reactionary activity, something where, as you hold your controller, you're just trying to follow their movement, but really, you want to be aggressive and actually use your strafing as your tracking mechanism.

aim guide fps

But if you want to truly be great at aiming, you have to predict where your opponent's going to be and not where they were. I'm in Von Del in a 1v3, when I pick up a Razer back and shoot ahead of my opponent. Now, a lot of you might not really notice what I did here. I use tracking to predict that my opponent is going to be trying to run to cover on the bridge, and I simply shoot ahead of them and follow his movement.

If I don't get that knock and miss that down, I'm not going to be able to do what I do in the rest of this clip, I think. They're stacking they're stacking i'm going to sh*t him. I'm going to die. No bullet, bull bullet, bullet. Now the next thing that we need to perfect is actually predicting recoil control and trying to help our recoil control, so in order to do this, we're going to practice a very simple rule as I shoot.

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I'm going to start shooting and let the recoil go up as I control it. Ideally, we want to be hitting the upper torso or head shot at all times. I see a lot of people think that recoil control is simply about pulling down the right stick, and they're not wrong, but there's a lot more to it, especially if you want to take your aim to the next level.

aim guide warzone

Watch this situation as my team is trying to survive in the end game, and we quickly get a kill on a guy that's hanging outside the door. Now I'm able to get a kill and get out of there because my centering is around the Torso area. Anytime you're trying to start a gunfight, try to center your aim directly on the Torso to head area, and if you are aiming at the Torso and your aim bounces up to the head, that's the optimal situation.

If you start by aiming at the foot or a part of the body, your centering is off, and you're not going to be able to get the kill. Instead of challenging, this is as much aim, but instead reposition, reload, get to cover, and then shut the door to fake out my enemy as I slam through the door and once again use centering to finish off the clip.

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You're better now. I'm not going to lie; I haven't earned your subscription yet, or at least a like on the article. I'm going to try it in the next clip. In this clip, I'm playing in customs with my subscribers and getting communication. I once again focus on Crosshair being in the center of the screen near the Torso to head area as my opponent swings around.

aim tip warzone

I'm able to finish the clip and get the down relatively easily, and that's one thing that all of you need to keep in mind as you're trying to improve that aim is that it's not always about making high Lev plays as much as it is making it easy on yourself a great analogy to think about here is a basketball play.

If a basketball player like Steph Curry or Kevin Durant takes difficult shots, the whole game shots from Beyond the Arc that are say 30% likely to go in, they're going to give themselves a harder game whereas if they try to make shots that are say 80%. It is likely for them to make they can heat up, get their shots going, and get their game going with momentum, and Call of Duty is the same way.

centering warzone

Remember that it's all about heating up, warming up, and then just continuing to go on. Now tip number three is going to be all about the correct controller settings that we put on that's going to help our aim and really increase your sensitivity and overall movement a little more fluid, so I'm going to show you mine today, starting with 55 sensitivity and 7 sensitivity multiplayer.

And a lot of people are probably wondering why I have this so low. When you see some pro players, it feels like they're moving a lot faster than, say, 2020. Instead of 55, the reason that we're going with 55 is that we want to be able to hit our shots at long range and just adapt to using that movement at a faster rate.

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