News - Win More Warzone 2. End Game Tips & Strategies To Secure The Win

We're immediately going to push up and try to get to this spot on the TCAP paint still. Thinking about the fact that there are people up here right now. T-Cap was sniping at people up here; we didn't get those kills yet, so we're going to go ahead and try to take out this guy now that I'm in a much better range compared to where I was before, so he mortars us.

tips for late game warzone 2

I smoke there, and then I kind of take this little angle, which gets a little bit tougher, but we're once again going to smoke here and rotate. I get shot, he loses track of me, and there's nothing that guy can do. I'm going to be able to push in now when we talk about the circle, and I know I'm throwing a lot at you guys.

You'll learn a lot from experience, and, like I said after this, we're going to do one of these live where it's going to be a little bit slower. Five teams, and we've got six other people still alive; that's something you want to keep track of, but notice that we're kind of in the center of the zone right here, so we can get killed by teams over here.

tips to win more warzone

Keeping track of who's left, we've got two teams and three other people left, so there are two of us, and we know we're in a 2v2v1 situation. Right here, we're going to tag that guy just a little bit. We get the live ping but can't quite get the knocks, so we're going to start to put the pressure on once again in the circle because we got a new circle right here in the circle with cover and powering position, so we're going to shift a little bit now when you get down to like this 2v2v1, or 2v3 V1, or whatever it may be, you're starting to think about that a little bit less and starting to think about keeping pressure on them so.

T-Cap gets it down and thirsty right there. Now we know we're in a 2v2 2v1v1. I see him right here, and this is where the decision happens. The moment he drops down the hill. I decide to revive T-CAP because he doesn't have a self, so if I go to kill that guy and then get killed by the last guy, we lose, but that guy, even if he sells, is going to be in a bad place.

tips to win more warzone 2

I know that he's by himself, so we can kind of keep that pressure on, but you could have gone either way here. I could have gone either way, so I'm going to quickly revive him so that he can plate, and now I'm going to go ahead and push up. So now we're in a 1D 1v1 scenario; look at TCAP right. TCAP is now; I can't see it; let me see if he's fully plated; T-caps are fully plated right here, so as soon as I get shot by this guy, he's broken, so I get killed T-caps, right here, to get the down and thirst on that guy right now.

This is on TCAP in a 1v1 scenario still, and I'm kind of thinking a little bit about where he might be. It's a little bit unusual for him to be on this side of the map. He's starting to think about you. By the way, there's where I picked up four kills, and there's where she picked up a bunch. This one's going to be something I've never done before, but I'm going to give you insight into what other teams should be doing with TCAPs.

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Watch these guys; when he gets shot, he moves first to cover. He's moving the first plate. Second, you can't slide cancel out plating, you can't move well while playing, and you can't sprint while plating, so we move first now. That guy gave away his location. In a really good spot here, he gets caught with the signal quick switch and hits shots with the chimera.

warzone 2 end circle

The moment you break the line of sight and go down, you play up. Now you kind of have the advantage, especially with this circle pull, right, because he has to push to you. That's one thing you always want to keep in mind, and knowing who has the advantage with the circle pull will help you determine a little bit more whether you need to rotate earlier or later.

So there's the end game right here; we're able to clutch that dub; he was going for the execution, but he gave up. Let's go ahead and jump into the live commentary here.

Live breakdown

Live breakdown

So like I said, we are picking up spectating. This is the fourth circle. I kind of told you that this is where I start thinking about the end game. This is still a little bit early. I mean, look how big this circle is. It could pull toward an airport.

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Pulling this way, we're not 100 percent sure yet, but this is where we start to think about it, and this is where we want to get into the mindset of slowing down, just a little bit, and starting to think about how we can clutch the ball now that unfortunately right now they are down a player and we are in trios here.

Jimmy, two times, has four kills; we've got rent-free here; with five kills, they just grab Loadout; they actually just wiped a team, and now you've got to focus a little bit on getting your teammate back. You've got the buy station here you got the buy station here so they're going to go ahead and keep driving, which I don't mind.

warzone 2 end circle tips

Here, you've got loadouts that are still up, so they're not in a bad spot. Like I said, this is a little bit early to really focus on the end game, but we want to start getting; they just rounded the car now they're in a really bad spot here, but we talk about Yep, they're dead. They're Gonna Die Here Goes One; he does not have a self-revive; let's see if we can flip to the second, who's on the bridge; this is where he's underneath the water, so we actually might be he.

Actually might get out of this here, Rent Free might get out of this, but it's still going to be a brutal clutch. Rent Free goes down, they're getting clustered. Jimmy's going to push them away, so they're really just surviving at this point barely; they do not have enough for the RES, so Rent Free is still alive somehow; he's swimming underneath; how do they just get out of this now?

warzone 2 end game strategy

So when we talk about the circle, let's see what they do real quick, and then we'll talk about where exactly I would rotate to. Yeah, they are probably not going to survive this right here. I don't know why that flipped that cam they, Are this going to be really tough to survive? Look how far they have to turn right! When we talk about in the center circle, any of these buildings would be okay for now any of these buildings but when we talk about where we probably want to be, like this building right here in the center circle, it's probably going to pull there now.

That's a little bit of a tough circle to get right because there's probably already a team there. Keep in mind that if you think about where teams are most likely to be, there's most likely a team that's been there for a while. So if you push this building, you've got to be prepared for a team to be there; they are just barely surviving right now.

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Back underneath, he's going; let's turn to Jimmy Two Times here, who's above the water, rotating into Zone. This is if they clutch this; I mean, this is just an absolutely insane clutch right here, and we got to witness a good one. I think the likelihood at this point is pretty slim. Rent-free is about dead.

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