News - Which Kastov Is Best Warzone 2. Kastov 762 / 74u / 545 Stat Comparison (warzone 2)


So in today's article, we're finally going to break down which class is the best to use in Modern Warfare 2. We're going to be using this website called SimdotGG. It just makes my job a lot easier to relay this information to you. And the 74u, so we're going to break it down here by category because on this website you can actually differentiate between the head, torso, and the limbs as well, so we're going to start from top to bottom, so when you're going for head shots, the obvious winner is going to be the cast-off 74u.

Now we're just speaking statistically, okay? So statistically, the cast-off 74u is going to give you a ttk of about 92 milliseconds, versus the 762 at a hundred, so one can easily say that, you know, this is barely that much of a difference. Eight milliseconds isn't really that much of a difference, but if you're a standard and you really like to get down to the nitty-gritty, then the cast-off 74u, on paper, is going to be the fastest killing when you're shooting to the head.

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Now, this fits well because the 74u is best used up close and personal regardless, which is also why the TTK only goes up to 21 meters for the 74u. So that's another thing about this website that you can learn from, which is that when you take a look at these stats, if you're a visual learner, you kind of get an idea of why certain guns perform the way that they do.


The 545 is definitely the weakest link; you know it has a 184 millisecond time to kill, and it actually does carry this consistently out to a 55-meter range, which is very, very unrealistic when you think about it to get a headshot up at that range, so you know if I'm going to go for headshots. I might as well use the cast-off 74u or go with the 762, which actually would be my choice.

You know, if I'm strictly looking at these stats. I would say, "Okay, there's only an eight millisecond discrepancy here between the 74u and the 762, and with the 762 we get to keep that consistent out to 45 meters, regardless if it's realistic or not." You know, let's say I wanted to shoot somebody and I got a headshot up to this 30-meter range.


I'm still going to get a faster TT versus the 74U, which drops off after this 22-meter range, so I would definitely give the edge to the 762, but you know, for the sake of number crunching, the winner is the 74U, up to these 21 meters. Now moving along here to the neck, it paints a little bit of a different story here when you're talking about the neck, and I do want to add that even when you click on the upper torso, it actually still has the same exact stats when you click on the neck as well as the upper torso, so I just want to clarify that, so the probability of you hitting an opponent in this general area is actually going to be fairly high.

high compared to the rest of the body because it simply has a larger surface area. You know, we're just basing it on probabilities here now, with that said. The fastest time to kill in this torso area is going to be 545, and once again, the 74u, so let's take a look at the tzks here. The 74u's got 184 milliseconds, and then the cast-off 545 has 184 as well, except that the 545 has a very slight advantage over the 74u up to that 24 meter range.

best kastov 762 class

One can really say this is barely that much of a difference in meters, I mean 21. To 24, that's only a three-meter difference between the two, and if we're talking purely of convenience with what we've seen thus far, the cast-off 74u has a faster time to kill than the 545, and even when you go to the torso, you know you're looking at this range right here that you have a high probability of hitting right, so I mean, at this point.

Now, one thing I do want to say here is that statistically, the 762 has the slowest time to kill out of the three weapons here at 200 milliseconds. So, but the one thing that is great about the 762 is that it keeps this consistency all the way out to 45 meters while the other two weapons tend to drop off here, so I think this tells a huge story once again.

best kastov 762 class mw2

Now let's take a look at the headshots one more time. Okay, so the 762 is consistent, ttk for the headshots, and, like we talked about, the difference between the 74u and the 762 is not even that big of a deal for headshots; it's only eight milliseconds. Then you're going to point out the difference here: it's going to be about 16 milliseconds, but you know it's a lot more flexible; you can take this to small maps, you can take this to medium and large maps, and you're still going to be fairly consistent in winning those gunfights versus the 545 and the 762.

So that's just my take on that, but, you know, if we're talking strictly on paper, the 545 obviously has the upper hand here for the upper torso. Now let's take a look at the lower torso. The story is changing here, so I just want to clarify that the lower torso as well as the extremities like the hands and the shoulders and the legs—you know, nothing changes here—so when you talk about the lower torso, there is no competition.

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The 762, at 200 milliseconds, is going to once again be the winner for the fastest killing assault rifle out of the cast-off family. The only time that the cast of the 762 does lose for this lower torso area is going to be up to this 40-meter range versus the 545, and the discrepancy between the time the kills is really not that much all right, so let's do a little recap from top to bottom.

best kastov 762 class setup

So for the head, I had the edge going to the 762 mainly because of this range, man. This range is huge. This is absolutely ridiculous. How clear the 762 has the most consistent time to kill out of these three weapons? Then we're going to move down to the upper torso. 762 once again holds that TTK consistently throughout all these ranges right here, while the other two tend to drop off and then lower the torso again.

The 762 is the winner, so there are no biases here; this is literally what the charts are telling us and what we should be looking for in how to use this gun and how reliable these guns are, on the logical side of things. The torso, the upper torso, and the head area—this is the largest part of the body that we will probably hit when we're in regular gun fights—are all about probabilities; we're not talking about opinions; this is just about probabilities.

best kastov 762 class setup mw2

So yeah, I would if I were going to pick these three. Of course, by now you should know the 762 is going to be my main choice. Because of that consistency throughout the whole entire body, it is just super consistent with the 762 time to kill no matter where you're shooting at, so I would say the reliability definitely goes to the 762.

We are comparing the stats between the Kastov 762, Kastov 74u, Kastov 545 and finding out which is the better Kastov in MW2. We will take a look at the TTK Time to Kill as well as a multitude of other stats that will help us reach a conclusion on which Kastov is actually the best in Modern Warfare 2. Sym.
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