News - Weapons With "new" Crazy Tracers Just Got Added Into Warzone 2 (klaus Operator Tracer Pack Bundle)

Tracer pack klaus operator bundle in mw2

Tracer pack klaus operator bundle in mw2

They still Yes, they just added the first set of weapons with dismemberment effects here in Modern Warfare 2, and in this article, we're going to fully test them out. This comes in the Tracer Pack Klaus Operator bundle, and this bundle is pretty sick; there's a lot going on with it. So the first thing you get is the Klaus operator; this is the first opportunity you've had to get them, and as you can see, it does come with a Christmas hat; he's got a bunch of red stuff on them.

interesting holiday-themed, skin But where this gets really interesting is once we move over to the blueprint, the first one here being for the m13b. So if you haven't got this yet in the DMZ, this is going to be a way to get it, but on top of that, if you look over to the left, it comes with orange Tracer, rounds, and cold dismemberment.

Klaus mw2 bundle review (mw2)

bundle review

I'm not exactly sure what this movement is, but I'm definitely excited to try it out. Then we've got the nice blueprint for the Victus XMR, the new DLC sniper, and this comes with snow tracer rounds and confetti, once again. I really don't know what confetti or snow tracer rounds are, but we're going to try that out, and then we've got the Super Deluxe Finishing Move, which will try out all the different versions.

The prone hand is standing up, we've got the Slay vehicle skin, which is a really cool vehicle skin that you definitely want to be rocking on, and we've got the Klaus charm, which I love these little, you know, action figure charms. We've got the Merry Christmas sticker, we've got the Ho sticker, and I'm assuming one of these is a weapon vinyl, so we'll have to test that out.

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This would be kind of cool in vinyl, and then we've got the naughty emblem with that, so let's go ahead and purchase this.

Klaus operator skin review (mw2)

So first, let's take a real quick look at the Klaus operator skin, and yes, he's going to be part of the core attack team, and this is what it looks like: In the menu here, the Klauskin in third person, you can definitely tell it's a DLC skin because you have the Santa hat, but besides that, from the back, it really doesn't look any special; you couldn't even probably tell this was Klaus besides the Santa hat.

The dismemberment effects are sick, but let's test those out a little bit later. Here's what other people are going to see when you're using this skin. There are some little details on it that are kind of cool. The headset says "ba" and then "humbug" on the other side, but yeah, not too much is going on with.

Suplex deluxe mw2 finishing move in mw2 (mw2 klaus bundle)

Now let's test out the suplex Deluxe finishing move.

The sleight vehicle skin review (mw2 klaus bundle)

The utv skin lights up (mw2 klaus bundle)

The utv skin lights up (mw2 klaus bundle)

I want to go in a darker area; I want to see how noticeable these lights are okay here; we are driving it into a darker area, and you know it might give your position away just a little bit because it is, yeah, a little bit bright. You're not going to hide this car anywhere; it's going to give it away.

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It's even got candy canes for the rims. This is definitely my favorite UTV skin. It's not going to be stealthy, but it looks sick moving.

Blueprints in-game (mw2 klaus bundle)

On to the weapon blueprints: they look kind of basic; there's not a whole lot going on. They've just got this red and white theme to them, kind of like a Santa hat.

Klaus coal tracers in mw2

The real interesting parts are going to be the different tracers and different depth effects, so here's the trade spacer; you can see it's supposed to be this coal-like tracer, and you can even see little bits of coal on the ground. I like these tracers a lot on this, and then we have the sniper, which once again just has that red and white theme.

Klaus snow tracers in mw2

There's not a whole lot going on with this , but the interesting thing is going to be the tracers and dismember effect, which are different. I like how both of these weapons have different ones, so there we go—that is the snow tracer. This map's already got a lot of snow on it, but you can see it well if we shoot this.

Look at how noticeable that is, and then it's almost like confetti or candy that comes out of it when you shoot. Here's a closer look at what the cold one looks like when you shoot. Yeah, that is fire. They don't have to wait till we're in a real lobby to test out the death effects because we've got to shoot enemies for that.

It comes with a weapon vinal (mw2 klaus bundle)

It comes with a weapon vinal (mw2 klaus bundle)

All the little extras look like we've got the weapon vinyl on the side and it says Merry Christmas, but it's not, you know, the coolest one ever. We've got the sticker down there on the magazine, and then we've got the charm that is the Klaus charm on the side, and it looked okay before, We use these in games.

M13b naughty blueprint attachments (mw2 klaus bundle)

Let's quickly look at the attachments and cacos on the M13B. The naughty blueprint is meant to be a phantom, which is sound suppression, aim, sight, speed, and precision sight. These are the different attachments they have on them. Let's see what happens if we start removing these attachments. Some blueprints in this game look really good even after you take off all the attachments, but some don't, and actually, this thing looks perfectly fine.

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You can take all the attachments off of this and it's still going to look great. Now let's test out the XMR. Nice blueprint; this is tuned to be stealthy, which is sound.

Victus xmr nice blueprint attachments (mw2 klaus bundle)

Suppression, aim, walking steadiness, and 13 times magnification These are the different attachments it has on it; let's go ahead and start to remove them, and if we go ahead and take off all the different attachments on this, ooh, yeah.

This one, if you like the way it looks, you might want to keep the attachments on because it does not look that great once they're off.

Naught / nice mastery camos in mw2

Naught / nice mastery camos in mw2

Now for the , camo testing, we're not going to load these in game because it'd just be a waste of time, so for the m13b, all you get to see is the red mag and the little name here. Yeah, once again, the only thing that's really going to stay with the mastery camos is the little name here, but with the other camos, you do get to see the red, so you could probably make some pretty cool combinations with the solid collars, but yeah, it's.

Mw2 coal weapon effects in-game (mw2 klaus bundle)

Okay, let's see how good the pro tuning is for these blueprints, but more importantly, I want to see these dismemberment effects. So it looks like he completely turned to charcoal. Hold on, let's find another person. If we took someone down who wasn't us, I took him down all. Right there we go, the man just completely turns into coal and obliterates into coal.

This is the Tracer Pack Klaus Operator Bundle in MW2 DMZ and Warzone 2. This comes with weapons with insane Tracers. Snow and Coal Tracers showcased in MW2. Kalus Suplex Deluxe finishing move in all forms in MW2 and Warzone 2.
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