News - Warzone's Big Update Was A Monumental Failure

Take the zip lines and work our way over that way. That was such a bummer. That's a redeploy pack, and I'm going to want that because I don't know if I'm going to be able to play this game mode again. You guys might just see one game of solos, and that's it. Now, where did this person go? They were running back over here.


orange crate, mortar streak I think these might break the game as well, but I don't. You know, it's a big mess on my end, guys. That's on me. We're going to reposition and try to do this all over again. The public loadout drop is going to go down here in a couple seconds, and this is where we see if it bricks the game or not.

I've played way too much Call of Duty today. I need to just see if I can get it. Here goes nothing, guys; my loadout's enough by itself; it's breaking the game. I'm going to drown to death. I don't i don't know how this ends. I think you just know. Let's see how long this goes on. I can't open anything.

I don't this is unbelievable. I have not missed a daily upload since March, and this is how I feel. I would like to drown, my god. It worked; it didn't again. It wasn't just kidding. I'm going to drown. Yeah, I can't surface for air. I'm going to go to Google, so we're going to see how this goes, but yeah.

warzone 2

I'm going to land at this station. I hope no one's here; someone is absolutely right there, so I got to. Leave no, don't you dare. Don't you dare. He's going to take the book right after me or the balloon right after me and try to kill me. That's the other thing. I think right now there are just some very sweaty lobbies in this game.

There's a portable buy on the roof kind of want to well I want to get it I want to get my stuff I worked really hard to unlock these things also I want to see what they did to my poor cat no not that kind of cat like my cat AMR load out weapons cat AMR, do I have enough to get my other one I do I don't know if this is an assault rifle or not so I bought a ramp no I want my Ram back Ram cat, okay.

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I got to buy plates all right, so now we have our guns. There was an enemy UAV that just went in, and someone is over here. I don't know exactly where, and the new SMG that I worked so hard to get is now not a thing. They nerf the bullet velocity on this disabled vehicle. You're going to have to get out eventually.

warzone 3

Last bullet, it's a lot slower. I really dislike that. Why did they do that? He went into this building. I think that's another reason why, as I look for this person, this has got to be one of the worst updates ever. They had a sniper, right? They had this cat, AMR. They had this bad boy, this honking monstrosity, but it could actually operate as a sniper rifle.

Counter UAV just went out; I didn't see it; I wanted it gone, and now it is not on my watch, guys. Gas is inbound. We saw this guy just land right here. I'm pretty sure it's beneath me. He just stayed right there. Also, they added night vision. Goog The good news is that Sidewinder is now not on Google.

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The bad news is that there's a conversion kit that makes a Sidewinder really good. The bad news for you all is that if I lose this game, there's likely a 0% chance that I will do another game, PK. Fire where did my aim go? What the hell? I saw a lot of money. I would like to get it. That person definitely has my guns.


I don't have enough money to actually get it from the buying station. However, I could hit a cash drop, so I think that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to land up here and survey the scene. What other gun do I have? I have an MTZ. 556 sure, I hear a lot of crates beneath me. I don't know if it's good crates, bad crates, or I don't know.

I don't know what I'm saying, guys. It's been a long day. I mean, I got to assume someone's like, Yeah, I hear him firing and fighting up.

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