News - I Built The Kar98 Warzone 3

cod mw3

It's been a year since we've had an effective close-range, one-shot sniper in this game. Call of Duty has shown zero desire to put a new one in the game, so I went ahead and created one of my own. It is the FJX Imperium with maximum aim-down sight and killing potential, and I'm going to tell you all about it.

When we think about the Kar98, there are actually two versions of the gun we have to talk about. I'm not talking about Modern Warfare 2 or the Vanguard one. There were actually two different iterations of the same gun in the game for the longest time. The Car 98 was essentially a maximum-range quick-scope Marksman rifle.

There wasn't a whole lot of bullet drop; maybe if I was all the way on top of that hill, would you stop it now? I could lie to you and tell you that this build has just the same amount of range that the Kar98 did, and technically, I guess it does. It's just going to be a whole lot harder to hit those shots because I had to put explosive rounds on this loadout in order to get one shot of kill potential.

katt amr

Now let's take a look at the circle and see where I landed. I'll tell you about the second thing. I will land in the seaport district for absolutely no reason. The second thing is that after a while, the game developers were like, maybe this Kar98 stuff isn't fair. By the way, speaking of not fair, there's no gun on the roof.

See, somebody just went in there. I just wanted to assert my dominance. That's all now. Let's go looting. By and so, in order to address some of the concerns about the car 98 being a bit too good, they nerfed it with one shot kill range, which I feel like was actually an okay thing that they did because it was.

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It was pretty busted, but by the way, we have an FJX Imperium explosive in our hands right now; anybody in there still doesn't see them. Let me just let me just put my finger on this enemy squad that's so unlucky. So is that because someone else just got into my building? We got two Bogies over here, one person in here somewhere that I don't know, and then one person all the way over here who I think I'm going to go get first this Kar98, build fjx Imperium build that I actually use is trying to get closer to.

modern warfare 3

In the second one. It's Unlucky. I lagged, and I heard a footstep over here as well. I suppose he just died, and now I hear someone sliding beneath me. I'm, Batman i can't see in there. I can't see anything. Do they not have indoor lights on this map? Is everyone's home illuminated by candlelight?

Now let's go get an electric cockland. Coan I don't know how to say their name. Maybe you do. Are you back here? I'll PK Fire, then shock stick, and then go here to see if they are AFK. They were absolutely awful. Now let me give some money so I can get this load out quick, stop talking, and start shooting.

I don't know if I finished that thought before I died to the literal Batman, but the loadout we're trying Today is based on the second version of the K98. Speaking of loadouts, mine's going down really soon. I should probably try not to say hello there to die, but alas, there's someone right there, so I'm going to try to pull my load out a little bit away from them because I want to get this in my hands before I start.


I don't know, playing like an idiot. Someone down there thinks they see me; they really can't drive; they absolutely see me, and now my loadout's going up the hill; that's where they're going as well; 100% they're going to get their load out. Right, not anymore. I killed you. You had perks, were lovely, and were a swarm.

Did you already have your guns? All right, we have it in our hands. I got my swarm, and I got my K98. So I just want to set expectations with you guys. I don't want to lead you along like I don't know some YouTubers would definitely do. This is not a super-long-range sniper rifle. It's meant to be that what it's meant to do is pop heads from really close, give you a whole bunch of aim-down sight speed while keeping one shot kill potential.


Now let me go dance on some barb wire and shout out realism. I said the other day I was going to make sniping; please excuse me for just one, Moment. I wanted to snipe him; I knew he, yeah, then why didn't you do something about it? I said the other day I was going to make sniping fun if it was the last thing I did, and that's what we're going to try to do today.

Hey, look at that. I have some people watching me. Someone just lit up right there, so I'm going to. I guess I just go that way. Yeah, I don't know. I don't know where else to go. If you would like to follow along on that journey with me, ah, they're right there. I got to get a little closer.

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I mean, I could always try to take a shot from all the way over here, but I feel like that would be unwise if you're going to come up around this side of the rock. On the other side, oo, that's not good. Me, is it this, guy? Where are you coming from? This is like a perfect range. It's what I'm 90% Sure, I just saw somebody over there, or I snapped on.

sally is a dog

No, I didn't. That's the thing; the range is not great. I saw him. I saw him right there on the rock. I'm trying to put it on plates, and it's not letting go. Me didn't let me put on plates, and I got sh, yeah, so I changed the load on, put on a suppressor, and I didn't have to sacrifice any aim downside speed; it should give me a lot more bullet velocity.

Good Lord, that game was frustrating, plus it won't sound like an actual cannon every single time I shoot my gun. Let's go to this car dealer's gas station right here, which is closest to a buy, closest to a bounty, and closest to very tall buildings in downtown, which could present a problem, but also closest to this.

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Guy Who I just killed, whose name was Bot I Pro? Okay, I guess I'm in a bot lobby daily challenge. Let's go, GG. Berg is my man. Burger in this game, that would be a bummer because he's very good at this article game. Let's throw that out and see if anyone's around me. Nobody okay, that means we're going to do the looting.

Scoot Boogie I hear footsteps. Where are you? Aha, hiding across the street; you guys see him great. I'm going to loot up here and get as much money as I possibly can. I might as well just get another portable radar. I have found three or four of them so far. This game ranks up on my Striker because I apparently didn't have it.


Max leveled, and this guy really isn't moving, so how should we approach this? Are you all the way on the roof? I imagine they are right. Let's see if they're just in this one first. These are hit scans. I always have to remind myself of that. Yeah, definitely on the roof; that's fine. I'll throw down another portable.

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