News - Warzone's Big Update Was A Monumental Failure

cod mw3

Enjoy! We just got the first big update of War Zone 3, and we are going to go through all the changes off-rip. There is a boy collaboration. With a special playlist, we're going to get back to that in one second because there are two new guns that I want to go over. There's an LMG that we're going to do in tomorrow's article.

Subscribe if you want to see that this is for a new SMG, and it is HRM 9. The unlock challenges seem fairly quick, so I have to get 10 kills while playing downsides with an SMG to also get an aftermarket part for the Jack Thunder LMG kit. I don't exactly know what it does. The next challenge is to get 10 hit-and-fire kills with SMGs, and you get the Jack BFB.

The aftermarket part got to get 10 headshot kills with SMGs to get this tack stance kills for this, and then you can finally unlock the HRM 9; technically. I could buy it, but you know. I just don't really have any spare Cod points. First things first, I got to unlock this SMG. It will take me much longer than it will take you.

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Basically, I'm just going to edit out all the ridiculous stuff, give you guys the high details, and go over a couple of changes. While we play some multiplayer, we might as well start with the gun that I just inspected and did a cool little transition for, and it is the striker 9. It just got a big buff.

katt amr

Should I go back to the same exact spot and try it again? Yeah, I might as well. What was that hit-marker sign? I sure would like some, please. This is my chance. What did I get? more 10v My, I'm so fast. Also, instead of kill streaks over here, you get soup streaks. Hey, look at me. I played zombies a lot.

I got a cool one. I'm kidding i like it. I wish I had the time to do it. I don't give me your temperature. I'll also take your temperature. Thank you there's someone else out here. Should I retail? Why not it's Santa Claus. Give me your tempy, my game, just. Laed didn't get buff that much.

I guess there were also a couple of other changes that they made, but surprisingly, the Swarm and the Interceptor didn't get nerfed. They said they were going to touch those in a, like, a following. I mean, you can't kill someone, M. They didn't touch the swarmer Interceptor; they said they were going to do that in an upcoming weapon patch.

modern warfare 3

I don't know why they didn't just do it now; their guns are still really good. There's also a tiny change—maybe not a tiny change—and we're going to test that out in the war zone with the cat AMR. I saw a shadow up there. I don't particularly care, because now I have a full temperature of V.

I don't even know what this is, but I'm so fast and super strong that I don't know what that entails or what that means, but I'll take it. Can I keep it going? That's a little lackluster; don't waste your time. The good news is that this speed stuff doesn't wear off. You just stay really quick—too quick to do a door transition.

I was actually going to go to the shipment because it's definitely the quickest way to do it, but they took out the shipment, so we're not going to be doing that. It's also unclear if these challenges are tracking. If they don't like this game, don't worry; I'll just go in and buy it because I want to get this done as quickly as possible.


Some of the other changes that they made to the war zone included increased lighting, like making rooms bigger. Yeah, it wasn't tracking, so I just went ahead and bought the thing we're going to go into here. Try to level it up one or two levels. You're not going to really have to watch any of that.

I just wanted to show you the new map. Rio, not the movie about the parrot, the actual Call of Duty map, Rio de Janeira, the Rio 247 playlist, and I have no idea if this gun's any good kind of like this map. So far, I'm sure I'm going to find someone camping in a corner and say that I hate it, but right now it's fine; Hit Fire is.

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Nice yeah, I'm getting the hang of it. It seems to be a little bit better now. Let me just close this and this so that I can do that. It didn't work it up at least one. The other question I have about this gun is if I can put on attachments even if I have it on, like a still lock. It's obviously not long-range.


SMG I lied. There's actually one more question that I have, and it is that this thing has an aftermarket. Part of it is the blueprint that I purchased. I don't know what the aftermarket is. There are two complicating factors in ranking this up: Number one, I don't know this map at all; I've literally never played it before.

The second is that after updates, they always just crank skill-based matchmaking up to 11, but hey, it's level three now, and I'm really just pushing all the gunfights I possibly can like an idiot because I want to level this thing up. That's it that's all it was the name of a snowboarding movie. I was obsessed with it back in college as well.

I'm developing an irrational hatred towards this dun skin for no other reason than that I'm getting absolutely body-slammed by people wearing it. Just kidding, to the body slamming that time level five, I'm not going to take it all the way, not at least not this article. I kind of want to get in here and actually play the game.

sally is a dog

Okay, just say the word, and we're here. If you guys want to know, Just to show how long this took, I recorded the first part of that article. There's a PK Fire. I recorded the first part of that article, so let's see what time it was like 4 hours ago. You look at that as a weekly challenge completed.

Since then, Call of Duty has been, I think, broken, which is the correct word to use, and with that, there's going to be a couple things that we're going to have to deal with in this game. I've spent the better part of—I don't even know—a very long time trying to get this SMG unlocked, and it's unclear if I'm going to be able to use it.

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Yeah, there are reports that load-out drops crash your game, so what I'm going to try to do is get enough money and then go buy it. I never knew that was there. I'm going to buy it because I don't want my game to crash. This is just a long way of saying that this is easy, and I don't think I'm being hyperbolic here.


This is easily the worst update in Call of Duty War Zone history. As I lag as I lag around the entire map, man, this gun got nerfed. I should be able to get my cat. I don't know if I can get this SMG class, and by the way, yes. I unlocked it; yes, it's fully leveled, but here's the kicker: there are still some attachments that don't work, including the 50-round mag.

That's all to say. I have no idea how this game is going to play out. What I do know is that I need to find a buying station, so we're going to go. I don't even know if I can make it there in time; probably not. There's a bunch of people fighting right there, so we're going to go try to just see what they're doing.

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