News - Warzone Update Review (criticism)


Google visibility is terrible on an otherwise bright and aesthetically pleasing map. The goog is a dark spot, and a lot of people are wearing dark skins. It's quite difficult to see your enemies in there, and it gets even worse that the game likes to give me The Sidewinder and a great number of really heavy weapons that have a lot of gas ejection and smoke, which means that when I'm shooting it, my target or my enemy is likely to be invisible, and I'm literally just chasing hit markers around the screen in the darkness.


Now console players don't have that problem; the aim assist will probably carry them in one direction or another. I kind of have to figure it out, and I feel like if the goo is going to be this dark, why don't we just have night vision mode in the goo? In the goog, you put on your night vision goggles, and you fight with the little laser sights and stuff.

You might as well do that with how dark it is. The lighting is overall way better in this map in almost every place, but there's still a few dark ones, and the goog is oddly dark, piggy backing off the goog. Let's talk about the map itself. It does have some flaws, but I don't mind it being smaller; that's actually better, and the faster ring timers mean that you're going to be doing combat a lot more, which is good.

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It looks like I'm being joined by a cat. this, this—she's a terrorist, and I just do not control her behavior. I'm just trying to record here who's a good girl. Who's my good girl? I can't say that p word here; I'll get demonetized. All right, so the map is smaller, but it's littered with hundreds of medium- to large-sized Siiz buildings, all of which have complex and sometimes unique insides.

cod mw3

And they all have a lot of unique entrances and exits, windows, zip lines, and things to do, which, as you know in the good section I talked about, means that there's a lot to do on the map, a lot to interact with, and a lot of variety. But that also means that anywhere you go, there's nothing particular.

It's important to hold one building, even a tall one, even one that you like, much different or much better than holding a different building; right next to it is probably going to be in a row. There are lots of rows of apartments here, and all of the buildings are particularly. Porous they've got a lot of windows in and out, a lot of doors, a lot of zip lines, and a lot of parkour routes.

You know, you can run and jump on one building and then catch the window air conditioning unit and then jump over to a balcony, and then from that balcony you can jump and quick deploy the parachute and grab something and climb, and now you're on my roof, and they're so porous that what that means to me is that they're extremely difficult to hold.


And the variety has been kind of ruined while you have a lot of options; even if they look different functionally gameplay-wise, they're all the same because no matter what building you hold, there's eight different ways into it, and you can never actually properly hold that down, which is frustrating to me, almost as frustrating as when I'm trying to do commentary and this cat demands attention.

If I don't pet her, she'll bite me, and if I run into a similar kind of problem with the weapons, perks, equipment, and gear in the game, it's good that we have a massive amount of weapons; it's good that we have variety; it's good that there are a lot of them; and most of them are quite usable. But the downside is that everything being usable and having such insane variety means that a lot of the weapons are losing their personalities and their unique interactions.


Just hundreds of mediocre weapons, and this is the point where we are starting to run out of gameplay loop opinions and getting into me being a boomer. I don't know if this is a lack of experience; maybe I'm very sick and my hands are worse than I thought; maybe I'm getting too old; maybe I've literally become a boomer; I've been bit by a wear boomer; and I just turned into a boomer on weekends.

I don't know. But I feel that equipment streaks, vests, and the bag system are completely overwhelming and largely unnecessary. I'm really not happy with them. I didn't like them in War Zone 2. I don't like them in War Zone 2. Modern Warfare 3 season 1: I will admit that I didn't play a lot of War Zone 2, so I didn't really get used to this system, and that a lot has changed since the last time I played.


I accept that, but I'm in a situation where I actually have to take time to read what I'm picking up and figure out if I need it or not. I can't manage my inventory very reflexively, and my experience has been that there's just way too much stuff sitting around now. This is where it's actual game criticism, and not me being a boomer, is that there's tons of different types of grenades, tons of pieces of equipment, tons of different kinds of streaks, you can store them in the bag, you can put ammo, you can just juggle all this stuff, there's a bunch of different kinds of vests, and the problem is that, like the guns and the buildings.


There's not much of it, actually. Need I'm happy enough picking up some grenades picking up some plates and being on my way most of the time my bag just ends up being filled with plates and very little of anything else, and when I'm trying to read what I'm picking up what gun it is what perk what streak what thing, it just isn't super distinct again maybe Boomer ey is not used to it but for me it's distracting and it's just what it's distracting me from is running around and killing people which is the point of this game there's probably an experience curve that I could hit here and be happier with it that it would work better for me but it is just generally, kind of annoying I feel like it's spend way too much time in my bag and not enough time shooting people I feel the same way about the UI and the Ping system too in a lot of ways the UI is objectively, welld designed, it's not particularly obtrusive it doesn't block my vision.

You know plenty of colors and brightness, which indicates to me what's going on, but at the same time, there's just too much going on with the map; there's too many buying stations, too many strongholds, too many contracts, too many vehicles, and too many points of interest. Hopefully we're not getting bad audio here because my cat's tail is actually slamming the microphone and making it jiggle, so I hope to God it's not chista.

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I am going to throw you in the river if you knock this microphone over, okay? But the point is that at any given moment, I feel like there's so much going on that the map isn't useful to me. I should be able to just glance at the map and get all the information I need, but there's so much happening.

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