News - Warzone: Top 5 Most Broken Loadout Meta Loadouts After Update. Warzone Meta


With this velocity nothing else really is achieving these numbers so we're going all in on that initially, couple of standard attachments 2.5 times Eagle ey optic works great for long range so I'm going to be pinpoint accurate at any distance so I can easily tap and immediately hit the shots UH 60 round drum as well this one's been a bit glitchy as of late where you put on a 60 round drum on your MCW 6.8, then you load in and sometimes it's there and sometimes it's not hopefully by the time this article is up that'll be sorted I'm not sure though since obviously this article is going up in the future because time anyways outside of that I also go for the Spire Point rounds these are the crazy like broken elements of this giving you a 49%, increase to Velocity I can't imagine they fully intend this to be the case like this has to be broken literally like so fully living up to the name here this bumps us up 49% then we go ahead and we stack the crown 30 Barrel on there that bumps us up another 21%.


Then we stack the Spirit fire suppressor on there, which gives us another 8%, so we're up over 1,800. Velocity there is not a fight you can take in this game where you press the trigger and the bullet doesn't feel like it instantly hits them with this gun and then on top of that just the MCW 6.8 has a crazy ttk when you're hitting shots to begin with as is especially over range so if you're accurate with this thing very few options are going to be able to outgun you I mean you could even see there is literally zero delay that's only you know not an extreme distance for the third dummy but there is zero delay in this bullet going all the way out there it's a bummer in the firing range we can't see out to extreme distances otherwise it'd be much easier to actually you know replicate and show just how crazy the velocity is but we covered this in a full article a few days back so feel free to go check that out if you're interested now the SVA specifically in one way here is another weapon that I would consider to be busted in a way that I probably would imagine is going to get fixed over time especially because as of lately there's been a lot more conversation.

Warzone 3 no recoil sva 545 meta loadout

Warzone 3 no recoil sva 545 meta loadout

About it and more things, sort of highlighting the fact that it probably shouldn't function like it does. That's the SVA 545. In hyperburst SL semi-auto mode, the standard SVA is a very competitive rifle. It's really good in a lot of ways; it's just really reliable and easy to use, but it's nothing that crazy, like there are better rifles and there are worse rifles.


In hyper-burst mode, though, and in semi-auto mode, this thing is still super competitive. Just zero recoil whatsoever so the setup here is going to be very standard we got the 2.5 times Eagle eye optic we've got the 60 round extendag, even though we're using this in semi-auto mode I am still using the brewing and heavy support just because this is going to help out with the aiming idle Sway and the firing aame stability meaning that it's going to be extremely accurate throughout on top of the fact that it has basically zero recoil as mentioned the Precision Barrel extending that range and velocity sum the control benefits here don't really matter all that much then again with the spirit fire suppressor, extending that range and velocity sum the control benefits don't really matter all that much but we go through and like I said standard SVA it's not bad like this thing in fully auto mode it's decent it's easy to use you can use this at really any range and it's going to be consistent but you throw this in the semi-auto mode and you start spamming it and you can see.

As fast as I'm clicking it here, there is basically no recoil; all those shots are hitting the same spot, so if you can spam a trigger fast, you're going to be able to use this thing, and as long as your sights are again on a target, it's going to absolutely decimate them because there's no recoil you have to make up for.

Warzone best holger 556 conversion meta loadout

Warzone best holger 556 conversion meta loadout

Little bit of something for everyone, and if you do want to pick up a pair, throw code Immortal at checkout, and it'll get you a nice little discount. And then, lastly, here we have what is by far the goofiest class setup yet, but it's actually extremely, extremely effective. Just in the close range, like the very close range, it's the Hogre 556 conversion kit that dropped not too long ago that makes it shoot two bullets at once, but basically what's happening with the bullets here is as you shoot them and you get out to further distances.

warzone 3

It's like a Flying V formation; it's shooting two bullets side by side, so it shoots two, but it starts to spread out more as you get to further distances, so by the time you're at 15/20 M, it's not going to be as accurate as you could be missing. One shoulder and hitting the other, and then you get further and further out, it's only going to be hitting one bullet at a time, which is just not as effective, but in the close range, where the targets are much bigger, the bullet spread doesn't impact that, and you're actually just hitting two shots to the chest or two shots to the upper Taurus or whatever the case may be, so obviously, first up here we've got the Jack Backs saww kit; two bullets per shot gives us better magazine.

Capacity, better sprint of fire, and whatnot. I go for the intruder grip; it helps out with the strike speed, and the ad speed just makes it a little bit more aggressive, as you'll see. Putting on this conversion kit makes it so that you can't use a barrel, you can't use a muzzle, you can't use an underbarrel, and you can't use a magazine, so you don't get many options here.

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I go for the assault stock, which just adds in some recoil control and doesn't hurt the ad speed all that much. I also go for the glassless optic, again very clean for the close range, and then the Verdant Hook Box laser, which helps out the sprint of fire, the hip fire, and the tack stance a little bit.

warzone 3 best loadout

You could also go for something like the razor Hawk, which is going to help out with ads, and Sprint of Fire, which'd be a viable OP option depending on what you're wanting out of your laser site itself, but you can see that when we start to shoot here, we'll go against the wall, and you can kind of see the spread a little bit better.

I'll go through, and I'll actually zoom in on the article so you guys can see it's one bullet to the left, one bullet to the right, and so that means close range. I'm going to be just fine, but then overrange. The accuracy gets a little bit more iffy, as you can see from my dots on that, you know, dummy in the back, and we'll wait for it to pop back up again, but I'm not necessarily hitting.

warzone 3 best loadouts

On both shots, you can see it was dead there, but it went to each side of it again, and that one hit one shot of it, so it's really awkward at ranges but close range. This thing's actually incredibly, incredibly good and will kill very quickly. You just have to really limit yourself to the fights you're getting into with it; otherwise, you're just going to blatantly miss shots, but that being said, those are five of the most overpowered.

SL is broken in some way, shape, or form by the by the weapons that we've got in the war zone right now. That's going to wrap things up.

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