News - Warzone: Surprise Meta Update. New Gunsmith Update, Gameplay Changes & More. Warzone Weapon Update

The big event problem in warzone & modern warfare 3

As acknowledged. Hey, where is my event? Unfortunately, this is bugged for a lot of players; it's been bugged for like a week plus because the Dune event obviously started last week, and that's when players started to notice. Hey, wait a minute. I don't actually have an event tab. What's going on here is that there is currently a glitch where your event tab will not show up.

This happens across all platforms. However. I do want to make it important to note that they are aware that the event tab is not showing up for players, so they are investigating that, as I've heard, but when it comes to the actual challenges, like, for instance. Santa's SL ground, you can still track all of these challenges even though your event tab does not show up, so obviously there's a bunch of different challenges for multiplayer.

modern warfare 3

For zombies in War Zone as well. I would highly recommend, you know, just simply Googling a list of all the challenges, or if you want to check out yesterday's article, when we went over the update itself. I went over all of them in that article in specific, but I just get yourself a list of all the different challenges that there are so you can track them personally and manually.

Rather than having to rely on the in-game tab since obviously that doesn't exist, if you're trying to go for the ugliest sweater blueprint, which I won't lie is not a universal camo, is all right, but it's just a blueprint, not a universal camo, so that's a bit of a bummer, but if you're trying to go for this and complete this event because I don't see it, you can still work towards it, so that is something to take note of.

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I see a lot of people saying, Hey, I can't even do the event because I don't see it, but you can still track progress. It's just super annoying that you can't actually see it in the game.

New aftermarket weapon update in warzone & mw3

New aftermarket weapon update in warzone & mw3

And then lastly, for today's weapon update, we did see a new aftermarket update go out with the new weekly challenges, and this week it's for the Jack Beholder rifle kit, which basically turns the mag number into the tier. Into the Outlaw from Black Ops 4.

I'm really curious to see if this is going to be like a busted sort of like Marksman Sniper meta or if it's not going to be like a one shot in any noticeable range it could potentially. You have the chance to be really, really good, though, and so for this, you have to complete any five challenges from week three, obviously between multiplayer, zombies, and battle royale, so you can mix and match these as much as you want for multiplayer.

modern warfare 3 update

It's going to be pretty straightforward. Get 25 operator assists with a recommended weapon, so you just can't get the kill; that one's a little bit more tedious. Get 15 operator kills with a recommended weapon after having recently acquired SWA weapons; get 30 operator kills with a silenced recommended SMG; that's super easy.

I'm bumping all the wrong buttons here. Get five operator-long shot kills with the Rival 9; you'll want to be in hardcore for that one. I get 25 headshot kills with a recommended SMG, so you can do a lot of these at the same time. If you use a rival 9, you could get silenced kills, headshot kills, and your long shots all done at once.

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30 operator kills with the Rival 9 again; you could do that one as well, and then get 25 operator kills while aiming down sights with a recommended SMG; you could do five of these in one go with one gun. Basically, if you were super efficient there, you definitely know to take note of that if you're trying to optimize things for zombies.


Complete 10 contracts. You could do that in one game and get three disciple kills with a recommended weapon. 300 kills with a silenced, recommended SMG. 300. Pack-a-Punch, kills with the Rival 9 300 critical kills with an SMG get 300 kills with the Rival 9 while aiming down sights with an SMG, so if you brought the Rival 9 in as your ured gun again, you could do all of this in one game if you really wanted to.

Then for Battle Royale, these ones are a little bit more, you know, ambiguous; they're pretty straightforward, but at the same time though but just because they're so broad that it's not too difficult, so get 10 operator kills in the northwest. Region: get 10 operator kills in the southern region, complete 15 contracts, and open 50 caches.

Get 10 operator kills in the central region and 10 operator kills in the eastern region, so it's basically just straightforward: kill ones.

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