News - Warzone Mobile Worst Update. Removed From Playstore. Flickering Issue. Locked Graphic Presets

What kind of update we got?

What kind of update we got?

The latest update for Waron Mobile has actually made the game worse than before. Android users had to download a hefty 1.5 GB update, while iOS users got away with just 13 megabytes. I was optimistic, hoping that this update would fix the game's issues. After some time, a small update was live on Mobile 5 MB on the Play Store.

In the game, some Android users are reporting a better frame rate after updating, but let's take a closer look at the changes they said they made with the major update.

Graphic presets removed and people are mad!

The first thing they claim they have resolved is that you are preventing certain devices from accessing full-fidelity graphics.

It's quite interesting. It seems like they have limited access to certain graphic settings on some devices. Users are reporting on X that they had better graphic settings before, but now those options are gone. Additionally, they have removed other graphic presets from the drop-down menu, leaving users with only what their devices can handle.

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This is causing frustration because some people had higher graphic settings before but are now limited to medium or even low graphics. It's unclear why activation made this decision; perhaps they were trying to prevent devices from overheating, but it resulted in decreased graphic quality for many players.

This move is not going over well, and some players are expressing their disappointment.

Claims texture problems solved but they are still there!

Claims texture problems solved but they are still there!

In that , next, they claim they have addressed various graphical corruptions and crashes identified by the community. This situation is intriguing because numerous players are still facing these issues, and some who were unaffected before are now experiencing them. After the update, there are some clips showing players encountering flickering problems in the game.

When you take a look at these clips, you can understand the severity of this problem. A game as big as this should not have graphics problems like this. Additionally, on iOS devices, there is an issue with textures not loading properly, resulting in artifacts appearing in the environment. I experienced this first, and while I was in the goolag, what do you guys think about these clips?


What should Poon Mobile do to fix this? Although they claim they have fixed it, it still doesn't seem like they have fixed anything. In that one, if you're like me and have been playing shooter games for ages, it might be time to try something new. Check out this incredible game that's been around for 5 years; it's got the best graphics, An intense boss fights a strategic game with over 800 Champions to choose from, and guess what?

They're celebrating their anniversary this month, which means tons of giveaways for new players. You can score yourself some free champions by downloading the game via my link. You get bonuses worth $100, including a P Champion lady ATA, 500k silver, and many more right from the start, plus after reaching level 25, you'll get an additional 500k.

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Silver epic skill Toms potions and so on, and after downloading V, use the festive promo code Festival Fire to get another epic champion, Terell, 500k silver, and an endless amount of other rewards. I wish I had gotten this when I started playing. You might have played this game years ago, but let me tell you, it's a whole new game now.

First off, we have a live arena where you can showcase your tactical skills by battling other players in real time. You'll even get to pick and ban champions before diving into intense 4v4 fights to the death. Then we have a new race of champions called mythical champions. These bad boys are insanely powerful and can use metamora skills to transpose between two forms.

Let's not forget about Cur City, one of Raid's biggest features since the Doom Tower, with 100 stages to conquer, including epic battles against two bosses. At the same time, this mode is an absolute blast. They're celebrating big time in the Festival of Creation with the fusion event for the brand new legendary champion, Armman the Magnificent.

He's like the MC of the whole festival. This guy is as powerful as he is mysterious, and trust me, you will definitely want him in your Champion collection. The event is on until March 22nd, so make sure you don't miss out. Once you're in the game, look me up under the name cap, join my clan, and let's become legends together.

A huge shout out to R. Shadow Legends for.

Removed pre registered devices from playstore

Removed pre registered devices from playstore

Sponsoring today's article The next patch honestly doesn't seem like a fix, but they say they have prevented unsupported devices from downloading the game to avoid any confusion. What they have done is rectify the mistake they made before they allowed people to pre-register for the game, boasting about the high number of pre-registrations.

To hype up the excitement, but now those same people can't even download the game. Earlier, they were able to download the game, but they got the error Unsupported GPU. Now it is not even available to download anymore, causing frustration among the e-community. I don't understand how this is considered a fix, as it has only angered many more people.

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I never expected such a cheap move from a big company like this, and it is very disheartening. It's important for W on Mobile to take responsibility for their actions and apologize for those who are affected by this content. The content creators who promoted this game should also apologize to people for misleading them into pre-registering.

When they can't even download the game now, it's baffling. Got your ass K in that one, all right here we go to.

Some devices? which devices?

The final fix They claim that they sped up the time it takes to stream assets to certain devices, so they will look better and load faster. Their claim of speeding up asset loading time on certain devices is rather weak, as they haven't specified which devices they are referring to.

This statement seems very fake, as no one has reported experiencing an improvement. It feels like they added this point just to have a fix without any real evidence to back it out. You got your ass kicked in that one now. Here's a good thing they have.

Report device specific errors

Report device specific errors

Done to address the device-specific errors. Bon Mobile has provided a platform for users to report their problems. What you have to do is simply visit the Reddit page shown on the screen and follow these steps. First, you have to locate the appropriate threat related to your issue, then respond to the thread with the following information: You have to state the device type, your player ID, which region you are from, a screenshot of the article of the issue showing evidence that you encountered this issue, and then the description of the problem.

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